

字词 资产阶级自由化


bourgeois liberalization


Deng Xiaoping. Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3) [C]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1994: 129.






1. 中国在粉碎“四人帮”以后出现一种思潮,叫资产阶级自由化,崇拜西方资本主义国家的“民主”、“自由”,否定社会主义。这不行。中国要搞现代化,绝不能搞自由化,绝不能走西方资本主义道路。对搞资产阶级自由化并且触犯了刑律的人,不严肃处理是不行的。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:123

1. Since the downfall of the Gang of Four an ideological trend has appeared that we call bourgeois liberalization. Its exponents worship the “democracy” and “freedom” of the Western capitalist countries and reject socialism. This cannot be allowed. China must modernize; it must absolutely not liberalize or take the capitalist road, as countries of the West have done. Those exponents of bourgeois liberalization who have violated state law must be dealt with severely. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1994: 129.

2. 思想文化教育卫生部门,都要以社会效益为一切活动的唯一准则,它们所属的企业也要以社会效益为最高准则。思想文化界要多出好的精神产品,要坚决制止坏产品的生产、进口和流传。资产阶级自由化的宣传,也就是走资本主义道路的宣传,一定要坚决反对。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:145

2. Ideological, cultural, educational and public health departments should make social benefit the sole criterion for their activities, and so should the enterprises affiliated with them. People engaged in ideological and cultural work should create more fine intellectual products, and the production, importation and circulation of undesirable ones should be resolutely banned. We must firmly oppose propaganda in favour of bourgeois liberalization, that is, in favour of the capitalist road. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1994: 148.

3. 学生闹事,大事出不了,但从问题的性质来看,是一个很重大的事件。凡是冲天安门的,要采取坚决措施。北京市既然公布了游行示威的规定,就是法律性质的,必须坚决执行,不能让步。我们对学生闹事,前一段主要采取疏导的方法,是必要的。疏导,也包括运用法律的手段。如果破坏社会秩序,触犯了刑律,就必须坚决处理。凡是闹得起来的地方,都是因为那里的领导旗帜不鲜明,态度不坚决。这也不是一个两个地方的问题,也不是一年两年的问题,是几年来反对资产阶级自由化思潮旗帜不鲜明、态度不坚决的结果。要旗帜鲜明地坚持四项基本原则,否则就是放任了资产阶级自由化,问题就出在这里。这件事发生了,也是好事,提醒了我们。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1994:145

3. The recent student unrest is not going to lead to any major disturbances. But because of its nature it must be taken very seriously. Firm measures must be taken against any student who creates trouble at Tiananmen Square. The rules and regulations on marches and demonstrations promulgated by the Municipal People’s Government of Beijing have the force of law; they should be resolutely enforced and no concessions should be made. In the beginning, we mainly used persuasion, which is as it should be in dealing with student demonstrators. But persuasion includes application of the law. If any of them disrupt public order or violate the law, they must be dealt with unhesitatingly. When a disturbance breaks out in a place, it’s because the leaders there didn’t take a firm, clear-cut stand. This is not a problem that has arisen in just one or two places or in just the last couple of years; it is the result of failure over the past several years to take a firm, clear-cut stand against bourgeois liberalization. It is essential to adhere firmly to the Four Cardinal Principles; otherwise bourgeois liberalization will spread unchecked and that has been the root cause of the problem. But this student unrest is also a good thing, insofar as it is a reminder to us. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1994: 194.


例句 1:
His summary about the contradiction between the bourgeois liberalization and four cardinal principles reveals the essence of such conflict as one on the kind of route that China should take.

例句 2:
This paper adopted the frequency of “bourgeois liberalization” and “hostile forces” in People’s Daily by year as a measure of political instability, and Per Capita GDP and GDP growth rate of each province as a measure of economic development.

例句 3:
The essence of bourgeois liberalization is to carry out the Western strategy of peaceful evlolution.





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