

字词 人类主体


human subject; subjective humanity


[1]Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 140.
[2]Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 87.


实践主体的最高形式,即以历史发展着的人类整体作为实践或认识活动的担当者,作为活动的主体。“人类主体形态是主体社会形态的最高表现,是主体作为类的存在形态。人类主体形态的具体涵义,就是指地球上不同国家、地区和民族作为认识和改造自然的主体的内在统一性”(高清海,1987:168-169)。自觉的人类主体的形成需要一定的条件。第一,人类之所以能够成为主体,是以其对象性的客体,即属人的或人化的自然界的存在为条件的(郭湛,2001:38)。在人类文明的早期阶段,人处在依赖性的社会关系之中,大自然像人一样是有灵性的,人作为主体的地位没有得到充分的展现。随着科学技术的发展,人类改造自然的能力增强,转变了人类对自然的隶属关系,自然界则被视为客体世界,是人类实践和科学认识的对象。当人类以自然界为客体时,人类自身事实上也就成为类主体或人类主体。其次,自觉的人类主体的形成还需要一定的社会阶级条件。马克思在分析了资本主义条件下,人类主体在异化状态下的表现。“劳动对工人来说是外在的东西……他在自己的劳动中不是肯定自己,而是否定自己,不是感到幸福,而是感到不幸,不是自由地发挥自己的体力和智力,而是使自己的肉体受折磨、精神遭摧残”(马克思等,2012:53)。“因此,他的劳动不是自愿的劳动,而是被迫的强制劳动”,“这种劳动不是他自己的,而是别人的”(马克思等,2012:54)。 当前国际范围内还存在着阶级对立,因此自觉的人类主体还没有完全形成。只有在生产高度发展的基础上建立了共产主义社会,自由自觉的人类主体才能真正形成,正如马克思所说,“代替那存在着阶级和阶级对立的资产阶级旧社会的,将是这样一个联合体,在那里,每个人的自由发展是一切人的自由发展的条件”(马克思等,2012:422)。




1. 人类主体通过劳动自己创造自己,这是对简单的外在神创论的直接否定。同时,在人的劳动发生之前就已经异化的自然物质,随着劳动的运作,在劳动成果的形式上被提高到精神自觉创化物的层面。而且,面对“太阳下面没有新东西”的一般的自然观照的知性科学,开始向主体性有意识的实践认识转化。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:69

1. The assertion that through labor, subjective humanity creates itself is a direct rejection of the simple, externalized Creation theory. At the same time, through the effect of labor, the natural material that was already alienated before the emergence of human labor, was, in terms of the form of labor, elevated to the level of the products of conscious spiritual creative evolution. This also marked a conscious shift away from the noetic science of general interest in nature embodied by the biblical phrase, “nothing is new under the sun,” and towards subjective, conscious, practical knowledge. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 40.

2. 在私有制的前提下,劳动变成一种“被迫的活动”,对人来说是一种痛苦,在主体自己的活动中,人的个性反而同人疏远了。这就近似于这样一种观点,劳动是人类主体的本质,通过扬弃劳动的异化复归于人的真实本质就是人类解放的根本。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:189

2. Under the rule of private property, labor becomes a “forced activity,” a hardship for man, and in the activity of the subject itself, the individuality of man becomes distanced from him. This is similar to the view that labor is the essence of the human subject, that through transcendence of the alienation of labor, it reverts to the true essence of man, the root of human liberation. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 87.

3. 世外的批判不是现实的即生活在现代社会之中并同这个社会共甘苦的人类主体所特有的活动。现实的个人只是偶性,只是批判的批判借以表现自己为永恒实体的人间的容器。主体不是人类中的个人所实现的批判,而是批判的非人类的个人。并非批判是人的表现,而是人是批判的异化,因此批判家完全生活在社会之外。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:204

3. Extramundane Criticism is not an essential activity of the human subject who is real and therefore lives and suffers in present-day society, sharing in its pains and pleasures. The real individual is only an accidental feature, an earthly vessel of Critical Criticism, which reveals itself in it as eternal Substance. The subject is not thehuman individual's criticism, but the non-human individual of Criticism. Criticism is not a manifestation of man, but man is an alienation of Criticism, and that is why the Critic lives completely outside society. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 140.


例句 1:
In his theory, he regards “family”, “society”, and “community” as his theoretical frames, “recognition” as his main thread, “struggle” as his driving force, and connects the human subject of self-realization with successful social relations, clarifies the successful living structure of the human subject and promotes man’s self-realization.

例句 2:
Throughout the evolution and development history of all animals living in biosphere, this change of the human subject behavior is unique; it is not animal instince, but a great creation of human being.

例句 3:
The subject of human is the substance, which has led to the alienation of the relationship between human and nature.





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