字词 | 信誉 |
释义 | 信誉【英】credibility; credence译文来源[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2001: 60. 定义信誉,是反映行为主体的社会交往品德的概念,是一个具有普遍意义的道德范畴。通常指个人或集体在社会活动尤其在经济活动中因忠实遵守诺言和履行约定而得到另一方的信任和称誉。信指行为主体的诚实、不欺;誉指名誉、声誉,指行为主体的品德在客观上所获得的赞赏。信誉产生于人们在生产活动、社会交往中得以正常进行的需要,是人们长期诚实、公平、忠实履行诺言,从而广泛得到他人或社会的肯定性评价的结果。信誉的求得是一个过程,是长期坚持高尚道德行为赢得的,不仅要靠主观去争取,更靠主观去维护。讲究信誉是某些职业道德的基本规范,“信誉一旦建立,对密切相互之间的联系,办好约定之事,获得对方的支持和帮助,起着积极、持久的作用。”(金炳华,2003:674)。同时信誉也是衡量与评价一个人的道德品质的一个重要尺度。 定义来源金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003. 例句1. 不幸的是,众所周知,后一种趋势支配了马克思主义历史的进程。始终出现的问题是一个人在批评马克思主义思想体系时能够走多远并仍然自称是马克思主义者。在这一方面,诸如普兰查斯这样的内部批评者打开了潘多拉的盒子:批评的习惯变得难破除,并且理论由此失去了它的总体信誉。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:94 1. Unfortunately, as we know, the latter tendency has predominated over the course of Marxist history. The question that always arises is how far one can go in identifying holes in the Marxist system of thought and still call oneself a Marxist. Internal critics such as Poulantzas open up a Pandora’s box in this respect: the habit of criticism can become hard to break, and the theory’s overall credibility suffers accordingly. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 60. 2. 黑格尔看起来就像是附着在马克思主义肉身中的一个恶灵,总是能够颠覆最虔诚的信仰者的工作:一个马克思主义理论家们决不可能摆脱的幽灵,一个阻止哲学过渡到科学——马克思主义理论的政治信誉恰恰依赖这一过渡——的幽灵。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:249-250 2. Hegel comes to seem like an evil spirit within the Marxist corpus, always capable of subverting the work of even the most devout believer: a doppelganger that the Marxist theorist can never quite shake off, and who prevents the transition from philosophy to science on which the theory’s political credibility depends. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 159. 3. 既然这种新的‘个人所有制’在马克思先生那里同时也称为‘公有制’,那末这里正表现出黑格尔的更高的统一,在这种统一中,矛盾被扬弃,根据这种文字游戏,就是既被克服又被保存…… 这样,剥夺剥夺者,是历史现实在其外部物质条件中的仿佛自动的产物…… 未必有一个深思熟虑的人,会凭着否定的否定这一类黑格尔遁辞的信誉来确信土地和资本公有的必然性……——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,1973:142 3. Herr Marx calls this new ‘individual property’ also ‘social property’, and in this there appears the Hegelian higher unity, in which the contradiction is supposed to be sublated, that is to say, in the Hegelian verbal jugglery, both overcome and preserved... According to this, the expropriation of the expropriators is, as it were, the automatic result of historical reality in its materially external relations... It would be difficult to convince a sensible man of the necessity of the common ownership of land and capital, on the basis of credence in Hegelian word-juggling such as the negation of the negation [D. K. G. 502-03] ... -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 120. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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