

字词 劳动协议(又作劳资协议、集体合同)


labour agreement




 集体合同实际上是一种特殊的劳动合同,又称为团体协议、集体协议、劳资协议(劳资协议.via:http://baike.baidu.com/view/1136311.htm)。集体谈判是签订集体合同的前提,集体合同是集体协商的目的;签订集体合同必须要进行集体协商。集体合同具有以下几个方面的特征:(1)集体合同是一项劳动法律制度;(2)集体合同适用于各类不同所有制企业;(3)集体合同的订立,主要通过劳动关系双方的代表或双方的代表组织自行交涉解决;(4)集体合同制度的运作十分灵活,没有固定模式,并且经法定程序订立的集体合同,对劳动关系双方具有约束力;(5)集体合同制度必须遵循的一项重要原则,就是劳动关系双方在平等自愿的基础上相互理解和相互信任(集体合同.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E9%9B%86%E4%BD%93%E5%90%88%E5%90%8C)。


[1] 刘伟.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994.
[2] 劳资协议.via: http://baike.baidu.com/view/1136311.htm.
[3] 集体合同.via:


1. 简单平均劳动虽然在不同的国家和不同的文化时代具有不同的性质,但在一定的社会里是一定的。比较复杂的劳动只是自乘的或不如说多倍的简单劳动,因此,少量的复杂劳动等于多量的简单劳动。经验证明,这种简化是经常进行的。一个商品可能是最复杂的劳动的产品,但是它的价值使它与简单劳动的产品相等,因而本身只表示一定量的简单劳动。各种劳动化为当作它们的计量单位的简单劳动的不同比例,是在生产者背后由社会过程决定的,因而在他们看来,似乎是由习惯确定的。为了简便起见,我们以后把各种劳动力直接当作简单劳动力,这样就省去了简化的麻烦。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:58

1. Simple average labour, it is true, varies in character in different countries and at different times, but in a particular society it is given. Skilled labour counts only as simple labour intensified, or rather, as multiplied simple labour, a given quantity of skilled being considered equal to a greater quantity of simple labour. Experience shows that this reduction is constantly being made. A commodity may be the product of the most skilled labour, but its value, by equating it to the product of simple unskilled labour, represents a definite quantity of the latter labour alone. The different proportions in which different sorts of labour are reduced to unskilled labour as their standard, are established by a social process that goes on behind the backs of the producers, and, consequently, appear to be fixed by custom. For simplicity's sake we shall henceforth account every kind of labour to be unskilled, simple labour; by this we do no more than save ourselves the trouble of making the reduction. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 54-55.

2. 在访问德国等欧洲5国期间,他出席了5场经贸协议签字仪式,参加了6场经贸论坛,推动与各国签订了93项各种合作协议,总金额达74亿美元。文化是人类共同创造的精神财富,习近平重视通过加强世界文化交流来推动建设和谐世界。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:442-443

2. During his visit to Germany and four other European countries, Xi attended five signing ceremonies for economic and trade agreements and six economic and trade forums, and signed 93 cooperation agreements involving a total of US$7.4 billion. Xi has also emphasized the role of cultural exchanges in the building of a harmonious world. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 492.


例句 1:
Apart from this, and based on the particularity of college student identity,the article suggested that the applicable laws of social insurance be appropriately adjusted, demonstrative text for employment agreement of college students be drafted and applied, and a specialized college part-time management section be set up,so as to protect their labor rights and interests.

例句 2:
The legal essence of employment agreement of physician multi-site practice should be classified as labor agreements, which should contain necessary mandatory terms and advocating arbitrary provisions.

例句 3:
From the origin of collective agreement and its historical development in western countires, we can see the importance of its status in socia lives and the reasons why it has developed into a basic system in the western world.





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