

字词 劳动力


labour; labour-force


[1] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 311.
[2] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 169.


劳动力人的劳动能力,蕴藏在人体中的脑力和体力的总和。物质资料生产过程是劳动力作用于生产资料的过程。离开劳动力,生产资料本身是不可能创造任何东西的;但是,在物质资料生产过程中,劳动力发挥作用,除了必须具备一定的生产经验和劳动技能或文化科学知识外,还必须具备一定量的生产资料,否则,物质资料生产过程也是不能进行的(劳动力.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=Iz7nst15gmiHJ8bPA57vAnCeFmMqnUdYK7EhEhFYm5E5OTdF1e9Vf7Y22JupTXJ5PfMhaAOnBSSfO2FGcrAowK)。马克思主义政治经济学认为劳动力是一种特殊的商品,它的价值和使用价值具有不同于普通商品的特点。马克思在《资本论》中论述劳动力商品的价值时指出:“要改变一般的人的本性,使它获得一定劳动部门的技能和技巧,成为发达的和专门的劳动力,就要有一定的教育和训练,而这得花费或多或少的商品等价物。劳动力的教育费随着劳动力性质的发展程度而不同。因此,这种教育费——对于普通劳动力来说是微乎其微的——包括在生产劳动力所耗费的价值总和中”(杨敬宇,徐创凤,2004:76)。马克思在这里明确指出了劳动力形成的重要途径:教育和训练,并认为教育费用应该包含在劳动力价值中,由资本家来支付。在马克思看来,由于劳动力的教育和训练是为适应剩余价值的生产、由资本家发起和完成的,所以这一过程也是从属于资本家的、被动的,即便是客观上存在劳动者自发接受教育和训练的事实,也是出于资本主义生产所造成的资本有机构成提高和相对过剩人口的生存压力。


[1] 劳动力.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=Iz7nst15gmiHJ8bPA57vAnCeFmMqnUdYK7EhEhFYm5E5OTdF1e9Vf7Y22JupTXJ5PfMhaAOnBSSfO2FGcrAowK.
[2] 杨敬宇,徐创凤.马克思劳动力与人力资本概念之比较[J].科学•经济•社会,2004(2).


1. 四,帝国主义列强还在中国经营了许多轻工业和重工业的企业,以便直接利用中国的原料和廉价的劳动力,并以此对中国的民族工业进行直接的经济压迫,直接地阻碍中国生产力的发展。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:631

1. (4) The imperialist powers operate many enterprises in both light and heavy industry in China in order to utilize her raw materials and cheap labour on the spot, and they thereby directly exert economic pressure on China’s national industry and obstruct the development of her productive forces. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 311.

2. 在这时的马克思眼里,资产阶级社会运动使人不正常地畸变为“工人”,即在商业竞争中与资本同在的异化了的商品人。“作为资本,工人的价值按照需求和供给而增长,而且,从肉体上说来,他的存在、他的生命也同其他任何商品一样,过去和现在都被看成是商品的供给。”马克思这时还不可能正确地认识到,劳动者从农民到工人的转变是一种历史的进步,并且,在资产阶级社会经济交换关系中的工人并不是商品,因为与资本交换的只是劳动力商品,工资不过是劳动力的价值。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:225

2. In Marx’s view at this time, bourgeois society has unnaturally caused men to mutate into “workers,” or in other words, an alienated commodity-person who is with capital in the competition of trade. “The value of the worker as capital rises according to demand and supply, and physically too his existence, his life, was and is looked upon as a supply of a commodity like any other.” It was not yet possible for Marx to correctly understand that the transition of workers from farmer to worker is a historical advance; neither could he understand that workers in relations of exchange in the economy of bourgeois society are not commodities, because it is only the commodity of labor force that is exchange with capital, and wages are simply the value of labor-force. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 169.

3. (4)为了更好地保障工人成为自己劳动的支配者的权利,为了避免劳动市场劳动力过剩,委员会还建议你们投资开设作为群众运动财产的合作社工厂、作坊、货栈。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十卷)》,1961:138

3. d. That independence of self-employment and relief of the labor market from its surplus be still more secure, your Committee recommend a further application of the available funds for the establishment of cooperative factories, workshops and stores, such to be the property of the Mass Movement. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1980: 64.


例句 1:
This paper quantitatively explore the size of rural labor force transfer and the specified flow non-agricultural industries, and the corresponding contribution of the increase of the labor force utilization and productivity to economic growth from 1991 to 2011.

例句 2:
This paper aims to examine the labor allocation distortions, as well as different levels of labor twisted configuration on social outcomes in the three major industries in China.

例句 3:
Workers dispatching has existed for many years overseas, and the law is across-the-aboard.





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