字词 | 谢林 |
释义 | 谢林【英】Friedrich William von Schelling译文来源Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 38. 定义谢林(1775~1854),德国古典哲学家。1775年1月27日出生在符腾堡莱昂贝格的一个新教家中。1790年开始进入图宾根神学院学习,与黑格尔、赫尔德林同学。毕业后,他担任过家庭教师、耶拿大学编外教授,在耶拿大学讲授自然哲学和先验哲学,后在许多大学任教。1806年在慕尼黑受到巴伐利亚政府的器重,成为慕尼黑艺术科学院院士,后来担任了科学院的秘书长。1827年被慕尼黑科学院推举为院长。1846年结束了在大学的任教工作。“1854年8月20日,在赴瑞士旅行的途中死于巴德拉卡茨”(舒远招,2005:146)谢林的思想是复杂多变的,通常认为谢林早期的思想是进步的,体现了当时流行的启蒙思想,而晚年的思想则趋于保守落后,鼓吹专制制度和天启哲学。马克思在给费尔巴哈的一封信中肯定了谢林的长处,“谢林的真诚的青春思想——我们也应该承认我们对手的一切长处”(马克思等,1972:445),同时也指出“不过他要实现这一思想,已经除了想象以外没有任何能力,除了虚荣以外没有任何器官了——谢林的这种真诚的青春思想,在他那里只落得一场青春幻梦”(马克思等,1972:445),也指出谢林晚期的哲学是“在哲学幌子下的普鲁士政治”。谢林的哲学是从费希特哲学出发并且超过了费希特的哲学,他将费希特的主观唯心主义发展为了客观唯心主义。正如黑格尔在《哲学史讲演录》中谈到过:“那最有意义的、或者从哲学看来唯一有意义的超出费希特哲学的工作,最后由谢林完成了。谢林的哲学是与费希特的哲学相联系的较高的纯正的形式”(黑格尔,1978:340)。 定义来源[1] 舒远招.德国古典哲学——及在后世的影响和传播[M].湖南师范大学出版社,2005. 例句1. 1799年初,也就是在黑格尔对经济学研究的初始阶段,他首先认真分析的是斯图亚特的《政治经济学原理研究》。依据英国学者普兰特的观点,黑格尔从斯图亚特的这本书中起码捕获到以下三种看法:一是以历史主义为基础的历史哲学构架;二是在历史的视域中肯定现代“交换经济”(市民社会)现实地促进了人的自由和自我的发展;三是在近代商业社会这样一个新角度上确立国家对现实生活的自觉作用。可以肯定的是,黑格尔对经济学的研究从来就不是一种简单的理论获得,而更倾向于是对逻辑建构的现实历史的确证。实际上,历史主义和社会发展的目的论都是德国理性主义(赫尔德到谢林)的应有之义,这些对于黑格尔来说绝不是外在的新东西。—— 《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:66-67 1. In early 1799, in the early stages of Hegel’s economics research, the first work that he studied in-depth was Steuart’s Inquiry into the Principles of Political Economy. According to the British scholar Raymond Plant, Hegel was able to develop at least three new viewpoints from Steuart’s book: first, a historical philosophical framework based on historicism; second, an affirmation of the emergence of freedom and self-development caused by modern “economies of exchange” (civil society) from a historical perspective; third, from the new perspective of modern commercial society, a confirmation of the state in having a conscious effect on actual life. We can be certain that Hegel’s studies of economics never were simple theoretical acquisitions, but rather tended to be confirmations of the actual history of logical structures. In fact, historicism and teleology are both what one would expect to find in German rationalism (from Johann Herder to Friedrich William von Schelling), and as such, these were not unfamiliar, alien concepts to Hegel. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 38. 2. 他认为,黑格尔为了缝合康德和超越费希特、谢林,的确将主体与客体的两极性直接纳入到他的观念逻辑总体中,他的做法是将主体与客体的辩证法(理念本身的反思关系)本身变成了绝对主体,直接指认这种关系辩证法就是“存在的结构”(海德格尔亦然,他也是由此生出非二元非沉沦的内省存在的意向性关系本体论)。看起来,这个非二元的关系是一个二元分立之外的新的第三者,一个拯救者。可是,阿多诺坚持认为,“这个第三者同样是骗人的”。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:22 2. Hegel absorbs the subject-object polarity into his logic of concept in order to bridge the gap in Kant and surpass Fichte and Schelling. By doing so, he turns the dialectics of subject and object (the reflective relations of idea itself) into an absolute subject. He direct1y identifies this kind of dialectics as “the structure of Being” (Heidegger also formulates the similar ontology relations which is non-dualistic, non-falling and self-reflective). It seems that, the non-dual relations piece a third out of the opposition between the two, a rescuer. However, Adorno insists, “the third would be no less deceptive”. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 42. 3. 所有的德国报纸,从《柏林政治周刊》、《汉堡记者》直到穷乡僻壤的小报和《科隆日报》,又都对黑格尔和谢林、费尔巴哈和鲍威尔、《德国年鉴》等等大肆喧嚷。最后,公众都渴望看一看利维坦本身,尤其是因为有些半官方的文章威胁说,要由官署出面给哲学规定一个合法的模式,公众就更是急不可耐了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)上》,1960:221 3. All German newspapers, from the Berliner politisches Wochenblatt and the Hamburger Correspondent down to the obscure local newspapers, down to the Kölnische Zeitung, reverberated with the names of Hegel and Schelling, Feuerbach and Bauer, the Deutsche Jahrbücher, etc. Finally, the public became eager to see the Leviathan itself, the more so because semi-official articles threatened to have a legal syllabus officially prescribed for philosophy, and it was precisely then that philosophy made its appearance in the newspapers. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 196. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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