字词 | 历史环境 |
释义 | 历史环境【英】historical circumstances; historical situation译文来源[1] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 273. 定义历史环境是对人们生活于其中,并进行实践活动的各种历史条件的总称。它既是历史的,也是现实的;既是一国的,又是世界的;既是稳定的,又是变化的。历史环境一般包括国际环境、地理环境、民族特色、文化传统等。历史环境中,生产力的发展水平具有基础性的决定意义。历史环境具有客观性,制约着人们的社会历史活动(金炳华,2003:278)。唯物史观主张社会存在决定社会意识,强调充分重视历史环境的意义。马克思主义经典作家根据现实社会历史条件的变化发展,不断推进理论创新。1872年马克思和恩格斯在《共产党宣言》德文版序言中指出:“这些原理的实际运用,正如《宣言》中所说的,随时随地都要以当时的历史条件为转移”(中共中央编译局,2012:248)。1877年马克思在给俄国《祖国纪事》杂志编辑部的信中,强烈反对把他把关于西欧资本主义起源的历史概述变成一般发展道路的历史哲学理论”,指出极为相似的事情,但在不同的历史环境中出现,就会引起完全不同的结果。1885年恩格斯在给查苏里奇的信中谈及俄国革命的发展时强调:“马克思的历史理论是任何坚定不移和始终如一的革命策略的基本条件;为了找到这种策略,需要的只是把这一理论应用于本国的经济条件和政治条件”(中共中央编译局,2012:669)。 定义来源[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003. 例句1. 在某种历史环境能够参加反对帝国主义和反对封建制度的中国资产阶级,由于它在经济上政治上的软弱性,在另一种历史环境就要动摇变节,这一规律,在中国历史上已经证明了。因此,中国反帝反封建的资产阶级民主革命的任务,历史已判定不能经过资产阶级的领导,而必须经过无产阶级的领导,才能够完成。并且只有充分发扬无产阶级在民主革命中的坚持性和彻底性,才能克服资产阶级的那种先天的动摇性和不彻底性,而使革命不至于流产。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:261 1. It is a law confirmed by Chinese history that the Chinese bourgeoisie, which may participate in fighting imperialism and feudalism in certain historical circumstances, vacillates and turns traitor in others, because of its economic and political flabbiness. Thus it is history’s verdict that China’s bourgeois-democratic revolution against imperialism and feudalism is a task that can be completed, not under the leadership of the bourgeoisie, but only under that of the proletariat. What is more, it is possible to overcome the bourgeoisie’s inherent vacillation and lack of thoroughness and to prevent the miscarriage of the revolution only by bringing the perseverance and thoroughness of the proletariat in the democratic revolution into full Play. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 273. 2. 列宁以及俄国共产主义的其他代表者关于民族问题的以后的一些著作,我就不用讲了。现在,当我们由于新的历史环境而进入于一个新的时代——无产阶级革命的时代,舍米契在这一切以后却引证斯大林在俄国资产阶级民主革命时期所写的那本小册子中的一个地方,这能有什么意义呢?它只能有这样一个意义,就是舍米契是离开时间和空间,不顾到活的历史环境来引证的,因而违反了辩证法的最基本的要求,没有考虑到在某一个历史环境下是正确的东西在另一个历史环境下就可以成为。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:342 2. I do not even mention subsequent works on the national question by Lenin and by other representatives of Russian communism. After all this, what significance can Semich’s reference to the passage in Stalin’s pamphlet, written in the period of the bourgeois-democratic revolution in Russia, have at the present time, when, as a consequence of the new historical situation, we have entered a new epoch, the epoch of proletarian revolution? It can only signify that Semich quotes outside of space and time, without reference to the living historical situation, and thereby violates the most elementary requirements of dialectics, and ignores the fact that what is right for one historical situation may prove to be wrong in another historical situation. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 346. 3. 在社会现象领域,没有哪种方法比胡乱抽出一些个别事实和玩弄实例更普遍、更站不住脚的了。挑选任何例子是毫不费劲的,但这没有任何意义,或者有纯粹消极的意义,因为问题完全在于,每一个别情况都有其具体的历史环境。如果从事实的整体上、从它们的联系中去掌握事实,那么,事实不仅是“顽强的东西”,而且是绝对确凿的证据。如果不是从整体上、不是从联系中去掌握事实,如果事实是零碎的和随意挑出来的,那么它们就只能是一种儿戏,或者连儿戏也不如。——《列宁全集(第二十八卷)》,1991:364 3. The most widely used, and most fallacious, method in the realm of social phenomena is to tear out individual minor facts and juggle with examples. Selecting chance examples presents no difficulty at all, but is of no value, or of purely negative value, for in each individual case everything hinges on the historically concrete situation. Facts, if we take them in their entirety, in their interconnection, are not only stubborn things, but undoubtedly proof-bearing things. Minor facts, if taken out of their entirety, out of their interconnection, if they are arbitrarily selected and torn out of context, are merely things for juggling, or even worse. -Quoted from Collected Works of Lenin (Vol. 33), 1973: 272. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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