

字词 社会经济制度


the social economic institution; the economic system of society; the system of social economy; the social economic system


[2]Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 110.
[3]Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 97. 
[4]Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 110.






1. 同时不能不指出,轰动一时的“市场问题”的(流行的)提法本 身就含有许多荒谬见解。通常的说法根本就是建立在一些极其不可思议的假设上面的,仿佛社会经济制度可以按照某一群人物(“知识分子”或“政府”)的意志而建立或消灭(因为否则 就不会提出资本主义是否“能够”发展、俄国是否“应当”经历资本主义、村社是否“应该”保存等等问题仿佛资本主义排斥人民的贫穷化、仿佛市场是一种与资本主义无关而独自存在的东西,是资本主义发展的某种特殊条件。——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:88

1. One cannot help noting, also, that the very (current) presentation of the notorious “market question” harbours a number of absurdities. The usual formula is based on the most incredible assumptions-that the economic system of society can be built or destroyed at the will of some group of persons—“intellectuals” or the “government” (otherwise the question could not be raised—“can” capitalism develop?, “must” Russia pass through capitalism?, “should” the village community be preserved? and so forth)—that capitalism precludes the impoverishment of the people, that the market is something separate from and independent of capitalism, some special condition for its development. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 110.

2. 考茨基在阐明资本主义在农业中发展的基本特征以后,便开始论证这种社会经济制度的历史短暂性。资本主义愈向前发展,经营商业性(商品性)农业的困难也就愈大。土地所有权的垄断(地租)、继承权、长子继承制妨碍着农业的合理化。城市愈来愈重地剥削农村,从农村的业主那里夺走了最好的劳动力,愈来愈多地榨取农村居民生产出来的财富,使他们不能恢复地力。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:82

2. After elucidating the basic features of the development of capitalism in agriculture, Kautsky proceeds to demonstrate the historically transitory character of this system of social economy. The more capitalism develops, the greater the difficulties that commercial (commodity) farming encounters. The monopoly in land ownership (ground rent), the right of inheritance, and entailed estates hamper the rationalisation of farming. The towns exploit the countryside to an ever greater extent, taking the best labour forces away from the farmers and absorbing an ever greater portion of the wealth produced by the rural population, whereby the rural population is no longer able to return to the soil that which is taken from it. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 97.

3. 在这本重要的论著中,我们可以得知舒耳茨是以一种社会管理的逻辑来批判资产阶级社会经济制度的。他描述了资产阶级社会经济制度下工人的贫困状况,即迫使工人“用损害身体、摧残人的精神和智力的紧张工作”来获得低下的工资。而这种贫富差距的加大,必然使无产阶级与资产阶级的对立日益加剧,最终将导致社会革命。”­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:153

3. In this critically important work, we see that Schulz criticizes the economic system of bourgeois society using the logic of management. In describing the poverty of workers under the bourgeois economic system, he writes that they were forced to obtain pitiable wages “through anxious labor that damages the body and destroys the human spirit and mental faculties. As the gulf between rich and poor grows ever larger, Schulz predicts that it will inevitably aggravate the tension between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, ultimately culminating in social revolution.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 110.


例句 1:
In recent years, the academic circles have deployed the thorough research on the possibility, necessity and basic contents to the economic Institutional Basis research of socialist harmonious society; Total to say, the economic Institutional Basis research of socialist harmonious society included such concrete contents as the market economy system, society guarantees system, income allotment system, labor employment system, public public finance system, economic law system, economic ethics system even financial system and tax system etc.

例句 2:
Stalin's practical annotation on the economic system foundation of harmonious society cannot get away from a series of social historical terms, Total to say, Stalin answered such important practical problems as What's the economic system foundation of harmonious society and How to construct economic system foundation of harmonious society; On the whole, Stalin realized the scientific prac





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