

字词 社会问题


social problem


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 222.




[1] 费孝通.社会学概论[M].天津人民出版社,1984.
[2] 廖盖隆,孙连成,陈有进等.马克思主义百科要览[Z].人民日报出版社,1993.


1. 亘古至今,贫困的内容和本质是极不相同的,基督教的经济学所面对的是中世纪的贫困,而今天人们所面对的是资产阶级社会中的贫困。这也就是说,一定的时代会有一定的社会规定性。第二也是更为重要的是,对待贫困的不同态度,即从不同的理论立场出发,会对同一个社会问题产生完全不同的判断,如萨伊是从资产阶级立场出发,西斯蒙第站在小生产者的立场,而毕莱则站在无产阶级的立场,他们的位置大相径庭,他们的理论态度也是根本不同的。这种现象立即促使马克思萌发了一个新的研究意向,即完整地了解政治经济学的历史和不同的政治经济学体系,这就是第三册笔记的内容。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:292

1. From ancient to modern times, the content and nature of poverty was extremely different. The poverty with which Christian political economy dealt was medieval poverty, while the poverty that afflicted modern man was the poverty that existed in bourgeois society. This means that each particular age had particular social determinations. Second and more importantly, Marx realized that different attitudes towards poverty, i.e., approaching the problem from different theoretical standpoints, would lead to completely different conclusions towards social problems. For instance, Say approached the issue from the standpoint of political economy, Sismondi from the standpoint of small producers, and Buret from the standpoint of the proletariat; the differences in their approaches caused their theoretical attitudes to be fundamentally different. This phenomenon caused Marx to develop a new orientation in his research: to completely understand the history and different schools of political economic thought.This formed the content of the third notebook. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 222.

2. 要了解情况,唯一的方法是向社会作调查,调查社会各阶级的生动情况。对于担负指导工作的人来说,有计划地抓住几个城市、几个乡村,用马克思主义的基本观点,即阶级分析的方法,作几次周密的调查,乃是了解情况的最基本的方法。只有这样,才能使我们具有对中国社会问题的最基础的知识。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:789

2. The only way to know conditions is to make social investigations, to investigate the conditions of each social class in real life. For those charged with directing work, the basic method for knowing conditions is to concentrate on a few cities and villages according to a plan, use the fundamental viewpoint of Marxism, i.e,the method of class analysis, and make a number of thorough investigations. Only thus can we acquire even the most rudimentary knowledge of China’s social problems. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 11.

3. 从这个角度看,辩证方法同“批判”方法(或庸俗唯物主义、马赫主义等的方法)之间的冲突本身是一个社会问题。自然科学的认识理想被运用于自然时,它只是促进科学的进步。但是当它被运用于社会时,它就会成为资产阶级的思想武器。对资产阶级来说,按永远有效的范畴来理解它自己的生产制度是生死存亡问题:它必须一方面把资本主义看成是由自然界和理性的永恒规律注定永远存在的东西,另一方面必须把无法忽视的矛盾看做与这种生产方式的本质无关而只是纯粹表面的现象。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:59

3. From this angle we see that the conflict between the dialectical method and that of ‘criticism’ (or vulgar materialism, Machism, etc.) is a social problem. When the ideal of scientific knowledge is applied to nature it simply furthers the progress of science. But when it is applied to society it turns out to be an ideological weapon of the bourgeoisie. For the latter it is a matter of life and death to understand its own system of production in terms of eternally valid categories: it must think of capitalism as being predestined to eternal survival by the eternal laws of nature and reason. Conversely, contradictions that cannot be ignored must be shown to be purely surface phenomena, unrelated to this mode of production. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 11.


例句 1:
Thus to strengthen the social problems facing the new generation of migrant workers and the countermeasures research, has a very important theoretical and practical significance.

例句 2:
Nowadays our country is being from the traditional society to the modern society, problems each kind of social problem is complex, the new situation, the new emerge one after another incessantly. The reality of changeable, complex social problems proposes new tasks to us.

例句 3:
In fact, the forty years from 1960s to 1990s is an important period in the Korean modern history. On the one hand, it developed into a economically advanced country from a small and weak nation; on the other hand, it remained many social problems in the Process of developing.





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