

字词 社会经济结构


socio-economic structure


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 26.






1. 马克思把这一法则应用到资本主义社会经济结构的研究的时候,他看出这一社会的基本矛盾在于生产的社会性和占有制的私人性之间的矛盾。这个矛盾表现于在各别企业中的生产的有组织性和在全社会中的生产的无组织性之间的矛盾。这个矛盾的阶级表现则是资产阶级和无产阶级之间的矛盾。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:318

1. When Marx applied this law to the study of the economic structure of capitalist society, he discovered that the basic contradiction of this society is the contradiction between the social character of production and the private character of ownership. This contradiction manifests itself in the contradiction between the organized character of production in individual enterprises and the anarchic character of production in society as a whole. In terms of class relations, it manifests itself in the contradiction between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 328-329.

2. 卯、全区军队和地方无例外地违背了中央的工商业政策,没收地富的工商业部分,任意假借没收官僚资本反动分子的帽子,去没收那些本来不应当没收的工厂和商店,对生产资料的严重破坏,过重的而且是极其混乱的税收办法,社会秩序的不安定和无政府的混乱状态,已经严重地破坏和停滞了社会经济,市场凋敝和工商停业的现象极其普遍。这样轻率地打乱原有的社会经济结构的结果使很大数量依靠工商业、副业和市场生活的群众,丧失了固有的谋生的道路。这是一个有关广大人民生计的严重的社会问题,还是我们今后在补救上最感棘手的问题。——《邓小平文选(第一卷)》,1989:111-112

2. 4. The army units and local governments in the area, without exception, acted against the policy concerning industry and commerce formulated by the Central Committee. They confiscated the property of landlords and rich peasants in the industrial and commercial sectors, arbitrarily confiscated factories and shops that should not have been confiscated, under the guise of confiscating bureaucrat-capital and the property of reactionaries; they seriously damaged the manufacturing of the means of production; and they inordinately imposed taxes, which overburdened the people. Unstable social order and anarchy gravely undermined the economy, which then came to a stand still. Depression in the market and the closure of industrial and commercial enterprises were prevalent. As a result of the rash disruption of the original economic structure, large numbers of the people, who had been relying on industrial and commercial enterprises, sideline production and the market for a living, lost their means of livelihood. This is a serious social problem concerning the people’s livelihood and a most thorny problem for us to tackle in the days to come. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 1), 1989: 118

3. 我们可以明确指认,斯密的看不见的手,在哲学历史观的逻辑层面上,就是第一次在现代社会经济过程中确立的不以人的意志为转移的社会经济结构和客观规律。当然,这个立论同时也直接导引出资产阶级自然意识形态的两个最重要的方面:一是这种自由经济的自然性和公正性;二是由此引发出的资产阶级社会生产关系的天然性和永恒性。­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:53-54

3. Thus, we can finally conclude that in terms of the logic of philosophical historical perspective, Smith’s invisible hand was the first time that objective laws and socio-economic structures that were not based on man’s will, were established in the modern socio-economic process. The establishment of this theory led to the development of two important aspects in the bourgeois ideology of naturalness: the physical and just nature of the free economy and the natural and eternal character of bourgeois social production relations. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 26.


例句 1:
The relationship between land use structure and socio-economic structure are both reciprocal causation and influence each other. Changes in the population, economic development and the change of industrial structure, technological progress, goods circulation, the change in the income distribution impact on land use structure from the different level; The land use structure influence socio-economic structure from class quantity change and spatial change.

例句 2:
Higher educational structure refers to the relations and proportions of components in higher educational system. The most direct and intense factor that affects the structure and distribution of higher education is social and economic structure. 

例句 3:
Finally the fifth part proposes the correlative suggestion on the consummation of the policy in view of the influence on the rural socio-economic structures.





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