

字词 社会进步   

社会进步   【英】

social progress; societal progress


[2]Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 16.






1. “三个代表”重要思想,是在科学判断党的历史方位的基础上提出来的。我们党历经革命、建设和改革,已经从领导人民为夺取全国政权而奋斗的党,成为领导人民掌握全国政权并长期执政的党;已经从受到外部封锁和实行计划经济条件下领导国家建设的党,成为对外开放和发展社会主义市场经济条件下领导国家建设的党。我们必须从中国和世界的历史、现状和未来着眼,准确把握时代特点和党的任务,科学制定并正确执行党的路线方针政策,认真研究和解决推动中国社会进步和加强党的建设的问题,做到既不割断历史、又不迷失方向,既不落后于时代、又不超越阶段,使我们的事业不断从胜利走向胜利。——《江泽民在党的十六大上所作的报告》

1. The important thought of Three Represents has been put forward on the basis of a scientific judgment of the Party’s historical position. Having gone through the revolution, reconstruction and reform, our Party has evolved from a party that led the people in fighting for state power to a party that has led the people in exercising the power and has long remained in power. It has developed from a party that led national reconstruction under external blockade and a planned economy to a party that is leading national development while the country is opening to the outside world and developing a socialist market economy. Keeping in mind the past, present and future of China and other parts of the world, we must accurately comprehend the characteristics of the times and the Party’s tasks, scientifically formulate and correctly implement the Party’s line, principles and policies, and study and settle questions concerning the promotion of China’s social progress and the improvement of Party building. We should neither approach questions out of their historical context nor lose our bearings, and we should neither fall behind the times nor skip the stages, so as to ensure that our cause will advance from victory to victory. -Quoted from Jiang Zemin's report at 16th Party congress.

2. 于是,批判的蒲鲁东继续毫无根据地语无伦次地大发议论:“我们关于道德规则的知识不是一开始就很充分的,因此,在一定的时间内它可能足够社会进步之用,但是到后来它就会把我们引入歧途。”批判的蒲鲁东没有解释,关于道德规则的不充分的知识为什么可能足够社会进步之用(哪怕是只在一天之内)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:31

2. The Critical Proudhon therefore continues his reasoning in the most untenable and incoherent way. “Our knowledge of moral laws is not complete from the beginning; thus it can for some time suffice for social progress, but in the long run it will lead us on a false path.” The Critical Proudhon does not give any reason why incomplete knowledge of moral laws can suffice for social progress even for a single day. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4): The Holy Family, 1975: 26.

3. 麦克库洛赫还指出,政治经济学并不致力于农业、工业这些特殊的事务和专业的研究,而只是限于研究“如何使一般劳动获得最高生产的方法,并如何在一切行业部门中增加其生产能力。”同时,他甚至提出:“一代人的艺术、科学和资本成为下一代的世袭产业,并且在他们手上予以改善和增加,使其更有力量和更有效用。”麦克库洛赫还注意到机器的发明与历史性改进的关系,“船舶替代了独木舟,毛瑟枪替代了投石器,蒸汽机替代了棍棒,纺纱机替代了捏线杆”。“他几乎近似于提出科学技术是生产力这样一个观点:科学上的发明与创造是工业生产的重要因素,科学与教育是社会进步的重要基础。我发现,麦克库洛赫的这种表述在当时的资产阶级政治经济学家中并不多见。”­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:41

3. McCulloch further explains that political economy was not concerned with specialized research into fields such as agriculture or industry, but rather confines itself to studying, “the means by which labor in general may be rendered most productive, and how its powers may be increased in all departments of industry. He also points out that “the art, science, and capital of one generation become the heritage of the next. These are improved and increased by the rising generation, giving them additional power and efficacy.” McCulloch also remarks on the relationship between mechanical inventions and historical progress, writing that inventions “give us ships for canoes, muskets for slings, steam-engines for clubs, and cotton-mills for distaffs. He came close to suggesting that science and technology are forces of production, writing that “the inventions and creations of science are important elements of industrial production and that science and education form the foundation for societal progress. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 16.


例句 1:
For social development and promoting social progress, people's happiness is the fundamental value of the Communist Party of China.

例句 2:
Carefully read the entire system of Marx thought, it is not difficult to find in his assessment of the social progress of the scale of the shining light.

例句 3:
Therefore, evaluation of social progress from the philosophy angle is very significant in both theory and practice.





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