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Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 519.






1. 在后来的西方思想史上,康德的理性框架制约论主要是由赫尔巴特和冯特从哲学走出去的心理学道路。统觉论被进一步视为心理知觉过程的某一意识背景,它直接强调过去的经验和意识对当下知觉起到的统摄作用,并且又开始从一般地重视心理现象的统一性逐步过渡到透视心理背景制约的基础,这种努力的结果就是著名的格式塔(Gestalt)完形心理学的出现。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007: 49

1. In the later history of Western thought, Kant's theory of constraint of a theoretical framework has been applied by Herbart and Wundt to build a psychological road beyond philosophy. Apperception is further regarded as a kind of subjective context of the psychological cognitive process. It directly emphasizes the unifying effect of the past experiences and consciousness on the present intuition, and its attention gradually shifts from the unity of psychological phenomena to the constraints of psychological contexts, which eventually leads to the famous Gestalt Psychology. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 79.

2. 认识。蚂蚁具有和我们不同的眼睛,它们能看见化学(?)光线 (1882年6月8日《自然界》,拉伯克),但是,在对我们所看不到的这些光线的认识上,我们比蚂蚁走得更远得多。我们能够证明蚂蚁看得见我们所看不见的东西,而且这种证明只是以我们的眼睛所造成的知觉为基础的,这已经表明人的眼睛的特殊构造并不是人的认识的绝对界限。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973: 583

2. Cognition. Ants have eyes different from ours, they can see chemical (?) light-rays (Nature, June 8, 1882, Lubbock), but as regards knowledge of these rays that are invisible to us, we are considerably more advanced than the ants, and the very fact that we are able to demonstrate that ants can see things invisible to us, and that this proof is based solely on perceptions made with our eyes, shows that the special construction of the human eye sets no absolute barrier to human cognition. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 519.

3. 这一“极端布尔什维克”的立场使萨特与他从前的小伙伴梅洛·庞蒂分道扬镳,后者在萨特靠近马克思主义时,却脱离了马克思主义。然而,在其主要著作《现象学和知觉》中,梅洛-庞蒂强调人类的互动性和主客体的辩证统一,以此来反对作为忠实的笛卡儿主义者的萨特把主客体根本分开的做法。他写道:“甚至在最近期,继续把萨特同马克思主义区分开来的东西是萨特关于‘我思(cogito)’的哲学。”——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:299

3. This ‘ultra-Bolshevik’ position led to a split between Sartre and his former colleague Merleau-Ponty, who was moving away from Marxism just as Sartre was approaching it. In his major work, Phenomenology and Perception, Merleau-Ponty had emphasized human interaction and the dialectical unity of subject and object as opposed to their radical separation in Sartre, the faithful Cartesian. ‘What continues to distinguish Sartre from Marxism, even in recent times,’ he wrote ‘is his philosophy of the cogito.’ -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 313.


例句 1:
Bistable perception (or multistable perception) is one kind of subjective perception that spontaneously and unpredictably alternates between two or more perceptual interpretations of an ambiguous sensory input.

例句 2:
Space perception refers to the spatial perception of one object, such as distance, shape, size, orientation etc. It has great significance to childrenps writing ability and understanding of the concept of digital processing, as well as calculation and comparison with the complex problem of learning.

例句 3:
Time information processing not only occupies perceptual attention, it in a greater extent needs intrinsic attention. The ability of time perception or time estimation reflects the extent of consciousness and thoughts.





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