

字词 顶层设计


top-level design; planning at the top level


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 74, 99.


顶层设计原是工程学术语,其在工程学中的本义是统筹考虑项目各层次和各要素,追根溯源,统揽全局,在最高层次上寻求问题的解决之道(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=W778Ohe57rujrfTcPTa3UvSOS3M8XwmmD-5mR-OcWYTxJAwAnoy4YExo_y6Fg-UJNh2HBxhK2Lj8VCNJCOq4aq)。在中共中央关于“十二五”规划的建议中,“顶层设计”首次成为中国的政治名词。顶层设计具有顶层决定性、整体关联性和实际可操作性等特征。顶层设计就是要自上而下,但也要通过社会各个利益群体的互动,让地方、让社会及各个所谓的利益相关方都参与进来。顶层设计对我国经济发展与改革具有重大的指导意义,随着我国经济规模越来越大,影响经济发展的因素越来越复杂、积累的深层次矛盾问题也越来越多,因此,从源头上化解积弊,在重点领域取得突破,必须要有顶层设计,从全局的角度,从各方面、各层次,对各要素进行统筹规划,以集中有效资源,促进我国经济平稳健康发展。目前,顶层设计的理念还广泛应用于我国经济社会建设的诸多领域,如土地制改革问题、经济结构优化问题、财税制度改革问题、城镇化问题等等(via:http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E9%A1%B6%E5%B1%82%E8%AE%BE%E8%AE%A1)。


[1] via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=W778Ohe57rujrfTcPTa3UvSOS3M8XwmmD-5mR-OcWYTxJAwAnoy4YExo_y6Fg-UJNh2HBxhK2Lj8VCNJCOq4aq
[2] via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E9%A1%B6%E5%B1%82%E8%AE%BE%E8%AE%A1


1. 摸着石头过河就是摸规律,从实践中获得真知。摸着石头过河和加强顶层设计是辩证统一的,推进局部的阶段性改革开放要在加强顶层设计的前提下进行,加强顶层设计要在推进局部的阶段性改革开放的基础上来谋划。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:66

1. Wading across the river by feeling for the stones, we can identify the laws that apply, and acquire knowledge in practice. Wading across the fiver by feeling for the stones and top-level design are two component factors for our reform effort. Reform and opening up in a region at a certain stage should be subject to top-level design; top-level design should be strengthened on the basis of progressive reform and opening up in the region at a certain stage. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 74.

2. 全面深化改革需要加强顶层设计和整体谋划,加强各项改革的关联性、系统性、可行性研究。我们讲胆子要大、步子要稳,其中步子要稳就是要统筹考虑、全面论证、科学决策。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:88

2. To continue the reform comprehensively, we should strengthen planning at the top level and adopt a holistic approach in doing so. We should study more intensively the connectedness, consistency and feasibility of our reform measures. As we say, “We must push reform forward boldly and steadily. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 99.

3. 在学习理解上,要防止一知半解、断章取义、生搬硬套,要弄清楚整体政策安排与某一具体政策的关系、系统政策链条与某一政策环节的关系、政策顶层设计与政策分层对接的关系、政策统一性与政策差异性的关系、长期性政策与阶段性政策的关系,既不能以局部代替整体、又不能以整体代替局部,既不能以灵活性损害原则性、又不能以原则性束缚灵活性。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:106

3. While studying the document, we should not stop at the surface, quote it out of context, copy it mechanically or apply it blindly. We should straighten out the relationship between the general policy arrangement and a particular policy, between a policy chain and a link, between top-level policy design and policy interfaces at different levels, between policy consistency and diversity, and between long- and short-term policies. We cannot replace the whole with any part, nor can we compromise principles for the sake of flexibility, or vice versa. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 119.


例句 1:
Since the reform and opening up, especially since The Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC, the Communist Party of China, practically, adopts a series of important initiatives for deepening the reform comprehensively, which bears great fruit. In theory, the Party puts forward a series of lofty conclusions and pay high attentions to the problems of the methodology of reform, especially the issues of the top-level design of the reform.

例句 2:
The Fifth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party put forward that “more attention to top-level design and overall plan of reform”, thereafter, “top level design” has become a popular vocabulary in the academic and policy level.

例句 3:
International Comparison and China’s Strategies E-administration is a new practices in government. With the further development of e-administration, issues such as unsmooth management system and mechanism, insufficient overall p





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