

字词 风俗




Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 162.




[1] 王辉.中国古代民俗[M].中国商业出版社,2015.
[2] 高兆明.道德文化:从传统到现代[M].人民出版社,2015.
[3] 风俗.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A3%8E%E4%BF%97


1. 这种生产团体,一经成为习惯,不但生产量大增,各种创造都出来了,政治也会进步,文化也会提高,卫生也会讲究,流氓也会改造,风俗也会改变,不要很久,生产工具也会有所改良。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:918

1. Once such production groups become the usual practice, not only will output increase and all kinds of innovations emerge, but there will also be political progress, a higher educational level, progress in hygiene, a remoulding of loafers and a change in social customs, and it will not take long before the implements of production will be improved, too. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 242.

2. 蒙古人爬行于其上的世界,现在借助于“跳蚤的跳跃”变为“肯定的东西”,这种肯定的东西变为“法规”,而法规借助于第89页上的一段话变为“道德”。“道德的最初形式表现为习惯”,所以它以人的姿态出现;但它立刻又变为空间: “按照本国的风俗习惯行动,在这里(即在道德的领域内)就叫作有道德”。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:176

2. The world on which the Mongols crawl about is now transformed by means of a “flea jump” into the “positive”,this into the “precept”,and,with the help of a paragraph on page 89. the precept becomes “morality”, “Morality appears in its first form as custom”—hence it comes forward as a person, but in a trice it becomes transformed into a sphere: “To act in accordance with the morals and customs of one’s country means here” (i.e., in the sphere of morality) “to be moral”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 164-165.


例句 1:
Fengsu,i.e.custom, is a generalized conception of the cultural characteristics of traditional Chinese public life. In the traditional view, fengsu is a compound word out of feng (practices) and su (habits), the former of which emphasizes the influence of the natural geographical conditions upon human behaviors while the latter the accustomed social lives.

例句 2:
The application of folk custom s in civil mediation is necessary because it embodies the particularity of judicial situation of our country, cultural connotation of judicial system and legal requirements of harmonious society.

例句 3:
Customs in the region is a long-term process of social development in various inherited habits, customs combined. It reflects a different era, different ethnic groups, different levels of production and people’s different state of mind. Customs is the "living fossil" for studying of mankind history.





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