

字词 颜色革命


color revolution


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 464.


颜色革命,又称花朵革命,是指21世纪初期发生在独联体国家和中亚地区的以颜色命名、以和平和非暴力方式进行的政权变更运动。参与者们通常采用一种特别的颜色或者花朵来作为他们的标志,通过非暴力手段来抵制他们所认为的独裁政府,拥护民主、自由以及国家的独立。目前颜色革命已经在塞尔维亚、格鲁吉亚、乌克兰和吉尔吉斯斯坦这几个国家取得成功,推翻了原来的亲俄罗斯政府,建立了亲美国的民选政府。(via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B2%E9%9D%A9%E5%91%BD/519230?fr=aladdin)。“颜色革命”在一个国家发生不是偶然的,而是地缘、历史、政治、经济等因素共同作用的结果。总体来看,可分为国内和国外两方面原因。从国内环境来看,发生“颜色革命”的国家具有一些共同特征。名义上和法律上已经建立了民主制度,但实际上仍然处于某一党派或个人长期的权威主义政权统治之下。在经济发展缓慢、人民生活没有得到改善的同时,系统性腐败盛行,造成严重两极分化,使政权丧失民心。当权派长期执政,反对派往往指责选举不公,对“颜色革命”爆发起了至关重要的推动作用。此外,地区和族群对立也是不能忽视的历史和文化背景。从外部背景来看,主要是西方意识形态战略推广以及西方尤其是美国地缘战略争夺的结果。在前苏联和中东北非地区国家内部出现严重经济政治危机的关键时刻,美国及西方国家总是不失时机地大力推动“颜色革命”。在“颜色革命”准备和进行的过程中,西方国家非常注重政府支持和非政府组织积极参与的双管齐下,非政府组织发挥了特殊作用。


via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A2%9C%E8%89%B2%E9%9D%A9%E5%91%BD/519230?fr=aladdin


1. 我一直在想,如果哪天在我们眼前发生“颜色革命”那样的复杂局面,我们的干部是不是都能毅然决然站出来捍卫党的领导、捍卫社会主义制度?——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:415

1. I have long been wondering if we were confronted with a complex situation such as a “color revolution,” would all our officials act resolutely to safeguard the leadership of the Party and the socialist system? -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 1998: 464.


例句 1:
A series of "color revolution" occurred at the beginning of the 21st century have exerted a certain influence on the world politics which cannot be ignored. "Color revolution" has had a profound impact on political, economic and social life of the concerned nations. Sorne countries are still can't get rid of the shadow of it until now. The success of the "color revolution" has made the US-lead western countries ecstatic. They believed that interfering with other countries' internal affairs and supporting pro-American forces come into power successfully under the guise of democracy is a good way to save money and can yeid twice the result with half the effort. It strengthened their determination to continue to promote the "Democracy Output Strategy". "Color revolution" also played a warning role for the other CIS countries and countries which in the transformation phase. Meanwhile, it enabled people to recognize the hypocrisy of western democracy is a universal v





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