

字词 预付资本


the capital advanced; advanced capital


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1986: 487.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 36) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1997: 185.


预付资本又作“垫支资本”。它指资本家为榨取剩余价值而预先垫付的货币资本。它包括用于购买生产资料和劳动力的全部资本。马克思指出,资本家在垫付货币起,就蓄意要重新得到它。因此,货币只是被预支出去,假如购买商品不是为了再卖出去,而是为了个人消费,这样用去的钱最终是被花掉了。但预付资本却与此不同。资本家用预先垫付的货币资本,从事资本主义的经营,结果,他预先垫付的货币资本额不但没有少一分钱,还给他带来了新的增殖额。资本家正是看中了这一点,才把货币预付出去,以追逐比预付资本更多的货币,即剩余价值。单从一个孤立的生产过程来看,预付资本似乎是由资本家拿出去的,但这部分资本却绝不是资本家勤俭或劳动所得来的。资本家手中最初的资本,主要来自资本的原始积累,是小生产者横遭剥夺的结果。退而言之,姑且假定预付资本是资本家自己掏出来的,可是,把孤立的单个的生产过程联系起来,从再生产过程的角度来看,这笔预付资本还是来自工人所创造的剩余价值。假定资本家的预付资本为5万元,每年给他带来1万元剩余价值;又假定这1万元完全被资本家用于个人消费。这样,5年后他原来的资本就全部吃完了,可是,他手中仍然拥有5万元资本,这显然是过去5年中积累起来的剩余价值。所以,不管资本家手中的资本最初的来源如何,经过一定时期以后,都全部是由剩余价值构成的。在简单再生产的场合是这样,在扩大再生产的场合也是如此(预付资本.via: http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=%e9%a2%84%e4%bb%98%e8%b5%84%e6%9c%ac&korder=0&sel=1)。


预付资本.via: http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=%e9%a2%84%e4%bb%98%e8%b5%84%e6%9c%ac&korder=0&sel=1


1. 马尔萨斯在其《政治经济学原理》(1836年伦敦第2版)中模糊地感到,利润(换句话说,不是利润,而是实际的剩余价值)不应当按照[全部]预付资本来计算,而应当按照所预付的活劳动,即其价值客体地体现在工资上的活劳动来计算。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷下)》,1980:62

1. In his Principles of Political Economy, 2nd ed., [London,] 1836, Malthus has an inkling of the fact that profit, i.e. not profit but real surplus value, must be calculated not in relation to the capital advanced, but to the living labour advanced, whose value is objectively expressed in wages. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 487.

2. 我们的资本家楞住了。产品的价值等于预付资本的价值。预付的价值没有增殖,没有产生剩余价值,因此,货币没有转化为资本。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:216

2. Our capitalist stares in astonishment. The value of the product is exactly equal to the value of the capital advanced. The value so advanced has not expanded, no surplus value has been created, and consequently money has not been converted into capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 201.

3. 当然,不仅剩余价值同直接产生它并由它来表示其价值变化的那部分资本的比率具有重大的经济意义,而且剩余价值同全部预付资本的比率也具有重大的经济意义。因此我们将在第三卷中详细讨论后一比率。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:241

3. Of course the ratio of surplus value, not only to that portion of the capital from which it immediately springs, and whose change of value it represents, but also to the sum total of the capital advanced, is economically of very great importance. We shall, therefore, in the third book, treat of this ratio exhaustively. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 224.


例句 1:
Different from the dynamic analysis of urbanization binary conversion of workers and peasants which is based on technical relation,Marxist economics regards credit, which is the major component of prepaid capital market economy, as initial motivation for the development of new-type urbanization from the perspective of social relationships.

例句 2:
从基于迂回生产方式实现价值创造的本原出发,通过迂回生产方式中预付资本 (货币资本) 与资本品相统一的资本本质的分析,可以探寻出智力资本的形成与演化路径,及其价值创造的内在机理。——“基于迂回生产与智力资本的企业价值创造内在机理研究”,载于《当代财经》2014年第11期
This paper believes that starting from the principle of value creation realized by the means of roundabout production, through the analysis of the capital essence that the advanced capital (monetary capital) and capital goods are unified in the roundabout production means, the formation and evolution route of intellectual capital and the internal mechanism of value creation could be found.

例句 3:
In the reality of capitalist mode of production relations, the capitalists will surplus value as the product of all prepaid capital, and





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