字词 | 基列耶夫斯基 |
释义 | 基列耶夫斯基【英】Ivan Vasilyevich Kireyevsky译文来源[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001: 587. 定义伊万·基列耶夫斯基(1806—1856)是俄国著名的宗教哲学家、文艺批评家,早期斯拉夫派的杰出代表之一。基列耶夫斯基出生于莫斯科一个有高度教养的贵族之家,父亲是欧洲哲学的行家,但很早就去世了。他的母亲让他接受了良好的教育。1822年起就读于莫斯科大学,后来,基列耶夫斯基参加了“爱智社”这个秘密社团。这是一个具有浪漫主义和热烈的友情的内部封闭的圈子。19世纪30年代初期,他开始出版《欧洲人》杂志,他热衷于谢林和黑格尔,尤其是谢林哲学,他的理想就是把谢林哲学的原理运用于实践,使浪漫主义在社会生活中化为现实。1839年创作的《答霍米亚科夫》一文表明其立场已经转向了斯拉夫主义(丁海丽等,2009:33-34)。1845年任《莫斯科人》杂志编辑。其主要思想是“哲学上,认为认识可分为两种形式:为西欧世界所具有的抽象的、纯理性的认识形式和为斯拉夫世界所具有的、完全具体的认识形式,并把西方唯理论和东方教义学对立起来。认为欧洲文明的灭亡和唯理论的破灭是不可避免的,其根源是离开了宗教的原则和分裂了认识与道德力量。声称独特的俄国哲学是从东方教父学出发的,它的前提是个人的精神道德的整体性并在宗教信仰中表现出来”(金炳华,2001:587)。 定义来源[1] 丁海丽等.基列耶夫斯基思想演变历程及其宗教世界观形成原因初探[J].西伯利亚研究,2009(1). 例句1. 斯拉夫主义者是19世纪中叶在俄国农奴制度发生危机的条件下产生的一个社会思想派别,代表人物有阿·斯·霍米亚科夫,伊·瓦·和彼·瓦·基列耶夫斯基兄弟、伊·谢·和康·谢·阿克萨科夫兄弟、尤·费·萨马林等。斯拉夫主义者提出所谓俄国历史发展有其不同于西欧的特殊道路的理论,并说唯独斯拉夫人才具有的村社制度和正教是这一道路的基础。斯拉夫主义者还认为俄国的历史发展会排除革命变革的可能,因而他们不仅对俄国的革命运动,而且对西欧的革命运动都持激烈的否定态度。——《列宁全集(第七卷)》,1986:454 1. The Slavophils were a social trend in Russia in the middle of the nineteenth century, at a time when the serf-owning system was in the throes of a crisis. The Slavophils held the “theory” that Russia had her own and peculiar path of historical development, one that derived from the village commune system and Russian Orthodoxy, which, they claimed, were inherent in the Slavs. Since they held that Russia’s historical development excluded possibility of revolution, the Slavophils were strongly opposed to the revolutionary movement, not only in Russia, but in the West as well. They stood for preservation of the autocracy, but thought that the monarch should give due consideration to public opinion, and proposed the calling of a Zemsky Sobor (Duma) composed of representatives of all sections of society. They were, however, against a constitution or any limiting of the autocracy. In the peasant question the Slavophils stood for emancipation of the peasants as individuals, and for the village communes being allotted land through its redemption from landlords. Among leading Slavophils were A. Khomyakov, the Kireyevsky brothers, the Aksakov brothers, and Y. Samarin. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1977: 558. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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