

字词 社会福利


social well-being; social welfare; common good


[1]Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 641.
[2]Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1976: 381.
[3]Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 438.
[4]Common good. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_good


社会福利是由国家和地方人民政府以及社会组织举办的,旨在保证一定生活水平和尽可能提高生活质量,面向特定对象或全体社会成员的集体性消费设施和服务机构(王益英,1997:306)。广义的社会福利是指提高广大社会成员生活水平的各种政策和社会服务,旨在解决广大社会成员在各个方面的福利待遇问题。狭义的社会福利是指对生活能力较弱的儿童、老人、母子家庭、残疾人、慢性精神病人等的社会照顾和社会服务。社会福利是社会保障的重要组成部分,是一种服务政策和服务措施,其目的在于提高广大社会成员的物质和精神生活水平,使之得到更多的享受。同时,社会福利也是一种职责,是在社会保障的基础上保护和延续有机体生命力的一种社会功能(廖盖隆,孙连成,陈有进等,1993:1657)。“社会福利通常与社会保险、社会救助并列,是中国社会保障体系三大构成部分之一。实践中的社会福利主要包括老年人福利、儿童福利、残疾人福利与妇女福利等类别及其他一切以社会化方式提供给国民的现金津贴及相关服务,是一个项目众多、内容广泛的保障系统,也是满足老年人、儿童、残疾人、妇女等特定群体需要并实现其分享国家发展成果的重要途径,其功能不仅在于化解国民物质生活方面的后顾之忧,而且要特别考虑到精神慰藉与情感保障” (郑成功,2001:2)。社会福利有社会保障福利与社会援助福利两种。社会保障福利是指按社会保障计划支付社会缴款而取得的社会福利。社会援助福利是指没有列入任何社会保险计划而由政府单位或非营利机构对住户提供的社会福利。社会福利可以用现金支付,也可以用实物形式提供。第二次世界大战后,在各发达资本主义国家,由各级政府实施的社会福利大体上分为三类:(1)社会保险。即按规定缴纳有关社会保险金者享有的福利,其主要项目包括失业保险、医疗保险、退休保险等。(2)福利补贴。即无论是否参加社会保险,凡符合规定条件的公民都可获得的补贴。它一般分为两种,一种是带有普遍性的公共福利补贴,如西欧一些国家实行的公费医疗、对中小学生在校免费供应午餐等;另一种是只供给一部分贫困者和贫困家庭的,带有救济性质的补贴。(3)公共教育。它包括普通义务教育、专业教育、业余教育和职业技术教育等多种形式(萧浩辉,1995:343)。在中国社会福利是指由国家出资举办各种福利事业和发放各种福利性补贴的一种社会服务。既包括城市的社会福利院、儿童福利院、民政部门所属精神病院;农村集体兴办的敬老院,以及对革命烈属、病故革命军人家属、革命残废军人、革命残废工作人员、参战负伤致残的民兵、民工等人员的优待和抚恤。也包括由国家举办的以全体公民为对象的公益性事业,如教育、科学、文化、体育、卫生、环境保护等设施。此外,组织福利团体和为残疾人员举办福利工厂,组织他们进行生产等也属于社会福利的范围(刘诗白,邹广严,2000:80)。




1. 一方而是机器的改进,这种改进山于竞争而变成每个厂主必须遵守的强制性法令,同时就使工人遭到不断的解雇:产生了产业后备军。另一方而是生产的无限扩张,这也成了每个厂主必须遵守的强制性的竞争规律。这两方而造成了生产力的空前发展、供过于求、生产过剩、市场盈溢、十年一次的危机、恶性循环:这里是生产资料和产品过剩,那里是没有工作和没有生活资料的工人过剩;但是,生产和社会福利的这两个杠杆不能结合起来,因为生产力和产品要不先转变为资本,资本主义的生产形式就不允许生产力发挥作用和产品进行流通,而阻碍这种转变的正是生产力和产品的过剩。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:710

1. On the one hand, perfecting of machinery, made by competition compulsory for each individual manufacturer, and complemented by a constantly growing displacement of labourers. Industrial reserve-army. On the other hand, unlimited extension of production, also compulsory under competition, for every manufacturer. On both sides, unheard of development of productive forces, excess of supply over demand, over-production, glutting of the markets, crises every ten years, the vicious circle: excess here, of means of production and products--excess there, of labourers, without employment and without means of existence. But these two levers of production and of social well-being are unable to work together, because the capitalist form of production prevents the productive forces from working and the products from circulating, unless they are first turned into capital--which their very superabundance prevents. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 641.

2. 恰恰相反,这里的工人比过去任何时候都更加深深地感到必须进行革命,而且是远比第一次更为彻底、更为激烈的革命。然而他们从1830年的经验中懂得,单靠武装斗争是不够的;在击溃敌人以后还必须采取措施来巩固自己的胜利,这些措施不仅要摧毁资本的政治力量而且还要摧毁它的社会力量,不仅要保证工人的政治力量而且还要保证他们的社会福利。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:401

2. On the contrary, the necessity of a revolution, and a revolution more thoroughgoing, more radical by far than the first one, is deeper than ever felt by the working people here. But they know from the experience of 1830, that mere fighting will not do; that the enemy once beaten, they must establish measures that will guarantee the stability of their conquest; that will destroy not only the political, but the social power of capital, that will guarantee their social welfare, along with their political strength. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 381

3. 但有一点是肯定的,现在各大城市中有足够的住宅,只要合理使用,就可以立即帮助解决真正的住宅缺乏问题。当然,要实现这一点,就必须剥夺现在的房主,让没有房子住或现在住得很挤的工人搬到这些住宅里去。只要无产阶级取得了政权,这种为社会福利所要求的措施就会象现代国家剥夺其他东西和占据住宅那样容易实现了。——《列宁全集(第三十一卷)》,1985:54

3. But one thing is certain: there is already a sufficient quantity of houses in the big cities to remedy immediately all real ‘housing shortage’, provided they are used judiciously. This can naturally only occur through the expropriation of the present owners and by quartering in their houses homeless workers or workers overcrowded in their present homes. As soon as the proletariat has won political power, such a measure prompted by concern for the common good will be just as easy to carry out as are other expropriations and billetings by the present-day state. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1974: 438.


例句 1:
在经济与社会结构转型时期,我国社会福利体系正进行着一场声势浩大的变革,它的转型和发展方向将对我国社会各个领域产生深远的影响。——《论我国非营利组织在社会福利领域中的作用 ——以“供给主体”为中心的研究》,首都经贸大学硕士学位论文,2005
During the period the reform in economic and social structure, the social welfare system of our country is underging major reform, which devlopment and transition direction will have a far-reaching impact on each field of our society.

例句 2:
The history of the study for social welfare functions is about two hundred years. Welfare function is a so popular thesis in economics at all times that many famous economists are attracted to discuss this problem.

例句 3:
For a long time, Chinese famers have made a great contribution to the economic reform and social development. After the policy of reform and opening, the social welfare system in urban area has become more and more perfect since its continuous reform. High welfare benefit, comprehensive security project, steady and systematized welfare system can be available to most of the urban citizens.





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