字词 | 利己主义 |
释义 | 利己主义【英】egoism译文来源[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 77. 定义利己主义又作“自我主义”,是个体价值定向系统的一种,与“利他主义”相对。利己主义是一种将个人利益凌驾于他人利益或社会利益之上的价值定向系统,即在观念和行为上只考虑个人利益,不顾他人利益的倾向或人格特质。利己主义是个人主义极端发展的表现,在社会群体影响下形成。利己主义者甚至荒谬地认为,社会的进步与退化,完全以个人的幸福为依归,为了个人的幸福,就要损入利己。其思想核心是自私自利,最初表现为对他人、社会和国家利益漠不关心,进而把他人当作达到自己个人目的的对象和手段,最后形成个人自我中心主义,只顾自己,不管他人,造成主体异化。具有这种特质的个体称为利己主义者或自我主义者。这类个体的行为特点是自私,仅顾及自己的利益而不体会环境条件及他人的处境,很少为他人着想;孤僻、不善交往、难与他人和谐相处(夏征农等,2013:569)。利己主义用以构筑其体系的哲学世界观,是“人的本性是自私的”。利己主义把个人利益作为判断人的行为善恶的根本价值尺度。利己主义以个人利益的满足为出发点和归宿(罗国杰,2014:174)。 定义来源[1] 夏征农,陈至立.大辞海:心理学卷[M].上海辞书出版社,2013. 例句1. “圣书”的整个第二部分充满了反对这种“教阶制”的斗争。所以在我们谈到这第二部分时再详细地谈这种教阶制。但既然圣麦克斯正像在“怪想”那一章中一样,在这里预先享受他的思想,他在前面 重复后面的东西,而在后面又重复前面的东西,所以,我们在这里就不得不举几个有关他的教阶制的例子。他的著书立说的方法就是在他整本书中到处见到的唯一的“利己主义”。他的自我享乐与 读者所享受到的快乐恰恰成反比。因为市民们要求爱他们的王国,爱他们的制度,所以,在乡下佬雅各看来,他们想“在世上创立爱的王国”(第98页)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1956:195 1. The whole of the second part of “the book” is filled with struggle against this hierarchy. Therefore we shall deal with it in detail when we come to this second part. But since Saint Max, as in the section on “whimsy”, takes delight in anticipating his ideas here and repeats what comes later in the beginning, as he repeats the beginning in what comes later, we are compelled already at this point to note a few examples of his hierarchy. His method of writing a book is the unique “egoism” which we find in the whole book. His self-delight stands in inverse proportion to the delight experienced by the reader. Since the middle class demand love for their kingdom, their regime,they want, according to Jacques le bonhomme, to “establish the kingdom of love on earth” (p.98). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 179. 2. 那么,从现实的个人生存出发,又将如何来看待历史性的内在规定呢?马克思首先针对“德意志意识形态”的现状说,我们“可以根据意识、宗教或随便别的什么来区别人和动物”。因为,费尔巴哈、鲍威尔等人是以人的情感关系和异化了的宗教为基本点来区别人与动物,施蒂纳则是以在观念上摆脱了一切理性类总体性的利己主义来规定个人的。这都没有走出过去一切旧哲学从观念幻影层面唯心主义地对人进行诠释的传统。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》, 2009:429 2. Proceeding from the subsistence of individuals in reality, how are we to view the internal rules of history? Marx answers by referring to the current “German ideology:” “Men can be distinguished from animals by consciousness, by religion or anything else you like.” He writes this because Feuerbach and Bauer differentiated men from animals using human emotional relationships and alienated religion, while Stirner used egoism devoid of all rational species-totality to qualify individuals. None of these views were able to depart from the tradition of old philosophy that attempted to idealistically explain man from the level of ideas and illusions. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 333. 3. 赫斯是较早将费尔巴哈的宗教异化史观运用到社会现实中的人,并且,他也自觉地将蒲鲁东的立场向前大大推进了一步。以他之见,费尔巴哈在宗教领域所发现的这种人类异化也具有更广泛的社会意义。正是在资产阶级社会私有制的基础上,竞争与对利润的追求使人彼此分离和对立起来,这是一种利己主义 (Egoismus)生存中人的类本质的异化。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:112 3. Hess was one of the first to apply Feuerbach’s religious alienation conception of history to social reality. He also took Proudhon’s rejection of communism one step further, contending that the human alienation that Feuerbach had discovered in the realm of religion had broader social significance. On the basis of the private system in bourgeois society, competition and the pursuit of profit divides people and pits them against one another; this is an alienation of the species-essence caused in selfish (Egoismus) survival. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 77. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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