

字词 看不见的手


invisible hand


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 128.


看不见的手,是一个隐喻,出自亚当·斯密的国富论,指市场经济中价格机制的自发调节作用。在《国富论》中,斯密在说明为什么对进口或对使用自己的资本进行限制为不必要时,使用了“看不见的手”一词:“因此,当每一个人企图尽可能地使用他的资本去支持本国工业,从而引导那种工业使它的产品可能有最大的价值时,每一个人必然要为使社会的每年收入尽可能大而劳动。的确,他一般既无心要去促进公共利益,也不知道他对之正在促进多少。他宁愿支持本国工业而不支持外国工业,只是想要确保他自己的安全;他指导这种工业去使其产品能具有最大的价值,他这样做只是为了他自己的利益,也像在许多其他场合一样,他这样做只是被一只看不见的手引导着,去促进一个并不是出自他本心的目的”(亚当·斯密,2013:456)。完全竞争市场中的决策个体——无论是消费者,还是生产者,他们都是具有完全信息的理性经济人,他们都只关心自己的利益,即在市场上,消费者只关心自己所获得的效用,其结果是形成对产品的需求和对生产要素的供给;生产者只关心自己所获得的利润,其结果是形成对产品的供 给和对生产要素的需求。但是,由于价格的调节作用,市场上的供给和需求可以自动达到均衡,即自动达到消费者和生产者都满意的状态。价格的这种自动调节功能就是“看不见的手”,它被认为是完全竞争市场的最大优点,它能保证市场达到最有效率的状态,即帕累托最优状态。但是,“看不见的手”也有失灵的时候,比如,存在垄断、外在性或者不完全信息等等情况,或者经济运行的波动导致失业、通货膨胀等。此时,政府干预作为“看得见的手”就是必要的甚至是重要的了(胡代光,2000:112-113)。


[1] 亚当•斯密.国富论(第四卷)[M].中国华侨出版社,2013.
[2] 胡代光,高鸿业.西方经济学大辞典[Z].经济科学出版社,2000.


1. 面对这一博大精深的哲学构架,以往我们较多地从黑格尔表述他自己的体系的成熟论著中提炼出宏大的思辨逻辑体系,可是恰恰忽略了这一话语体系的历史形成过程,即青年黑格尔早期十分深厚的文化历史研究(图宾根到耶拿时期),特别是当时黑格尔所面对的欧洲历史与生活的现实确证——主要是法国大革命与英国工业革命。通俗地说,就是马背上的拿破仑与绝对精神、斯密的“看不见的手”与“理性的狡计”的内在关联。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:64

1. With regard to this incredibly broad and profound philosophical framework, in the past we tended to focus on the mature works of Hegel, those in which he clarifies his philosophical system, in order to forge a broad speculative logic system. However, in so doing we ignored the historical, formative process of this discourse system; namely, the profound cultural and historical research carried out by young Hegel (between the Tubingen and Jena periods), and especially his study of European history and life, centered on the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution in England. Simply put, he sought for the internal relation between Napoleon on horseback and the Absolute Spirit, as well as Smith’s “invisible hand” and “the cunning of Reason. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 35.

2. 在市场作用和政府作用的问题上,要讲辩证法、两点论,“看不见的手”和“看得见的手”都要用好,努力形成市场作用和政府作用有机统一、相互补充、相互协调、相互促进的格局,推动经济社会持续健康发展。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:116

2. We should make good use of the roles of both the market,the “invisible” hand,and the government, the “visible” hand. The market and the government should complement and coordinate with each other to promote sustained and sound social and economic development. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 128.

3. 新形势下,各级干部特别是领导干部要坚持在实践中深化学习、在学习中深化实践,不断研究新问题、总结新经验,学会正确运用“看不见的手”和“看得见的手”,成为善于驾驭政府和市场关系的行家里手。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:118

3. In the new situation today, officials at all levels, especially leading officials, should continue to learn through practice, and put what they have learned into practice, study new problems and draw on new experiences. They should learn to correctly use both the “invisible hand” and the “visible hand”, and become experts in balancing the relationship between the government and the market. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 130.


例句 1:
Third, “an invisible hand” is a bridge from self-interesting to whole society-interesting. In dissertation of egoism, Smith had emphasized on function of an invisible hand.

例句 2:
The original purpose of Adam Smith when speaking of the “invisible hand” is the function of “god” or “creator”. Meanwhile, he mentioned an analytical framework including three basic factors, and related it with the economic reality of capitalism.

例句 3:
Certainly, the inherent limitations of “ Invisible hand” theory do not affect its playing role during the development of the market economy and its ethical value. The analysis and the summary of the theory’s merits and demerits are aiming to provide a beneficial reference for the reality.





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