字词 | 全盘西化论 |
释义 | 全盘西化论 【英】Total Westernization译文来源[1]Deng Xiaoping: Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1995: 198. 定义“全盘西化论”是中国近代中西文化冲突中产生的一种思潮。主张不预设任何人为的限制,照搬西方的社会制度和文化意识作为民族自救的根本出路。五四新文化运动初期,即有人提出“欧化”概念,许多学者从中西文化冲突的角度考察古今之辩,引发了一股西化思潮(金炳华等,2001:1152)。西化思潮不是中国的“土特产”,而是伴随着西方列强的殖民扩张出现的一种具有世界意义的文化现象。一方面,西方列强为了按照自己的面貌改造世界,他们在殖民地、半殖民地国家和地区进行经济、政治和文化侵略的同时,强行推行他门那一套物质文化、制度文化和精神文化,企图使这些国家和地区西而化之,永远成为他们的隶属或附庸。因此在这个意义上,“西化”即“殖民地化”。另一方面,对于遭受西方列强侵略的国家和地区的人民来说,西方列强的物质文化、制度文化和精神文化的侵略,客观上为他们提供了一个反观本民族的文化的价值参考系统,他们中的一部分人意识到自己的落后并开始向侵略者学习(郑大华,2006:140)。毛子水、吴稚晖等人均认为中国文明远低于西方,因此要全盘接受西方的一切。胡适1929年在《中国今日的文化冲突》一文中正式提出“全盘西化”一词。1934年,陈序经发表《中国文化的出路》一书,回顾六七十年来中国人对西洋文化的态度的变更,指出复古派、折衷派“各有其不足”,断言:“我们唯一的办法,是全盘接受西化”,强调要“彻底的打破中国的传统思想的垄断”,“此为救治中国目前危亡的根本”。陈序经提出“全盘西化”主张,与30年代出现的尊孔复古思潮逆流的泛滥不无关系。除陈序经外,赞成全盘西化主张的还有郑昕、冯恩荣等人。以后,胡适又以“充分世界化”的说法,表示“完全赞同陈序经先生的全盘西化论”(金炳华等,2001:1152)。但是,全盘西化论虽然有“三五个人的同情和支持”,在当时并没有成为西化思潮的主流。西化思潮不是对近代以来中国文化出路的正确选择,因为它是建立在以下一些错误认识基础上的:一是传统文化不适应现代生活,这是西化派主张全盘西化的理论前提之一(郑大华,2006:159)。另一个理论前提则是“现代化等于西化”(郑大华,2006:163)。在全球化的今天,坚持百花齐放、兼收并蓄的文化态度是非常必要的。在学习新事物的过程中必须警惕全盘西化论的倾向,切忌全盘移植和生搬硬套,必须立足于中国社会的现实状况,因地制宜,使新事物“本土化”后而继续有所发展。 定义来源[1]金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001. 例句1. 我们要改变这种引导力的软弱状态,要用我们自己的历史来教育青年,也要揭露那些别有用心的人,因为他们这次的口号是反对共产党的领导,反对社会主义道路。有些人在搞煽动,使用的语言很恶毒。他们一方面反对共产党的领导,反对社会主义制度,另一方面主张全盘西化,要把西方资本主义制度全盘搬到中国来。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:198 1. We must change this situation and tell our young people about our past. At the same time we should expose those persons who have acted out of ulterior motives, because this time they have adopted slogans that call for opposition to leadership by the Communist Party and to the socialist road. Certain individuals have made exceedingly pernicious statements, trying to incite people to action. They oppose Communist Party leadership and the socialist system, they call for total Westernization of China and adoption of the whole capitalist system of the West. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 198. 2. 少数知识分子煽动学生闹事,他们的主张实际上是反对社会主义制度,搞资产阶级自由化。所谓资产阶级自由化,就是要中国全盘西化,走资本主义道路。中国根据自己的经验,不可能走资本主义道路。道理很简单,中国十亿人口,现在还处于落后状态,如果走资本主义道路,可能在某些局部地区少数人更快地富起来,形成一个新的资产阶级,产生一批百万富翁,但顶多也不会达到人口的百分之一,而大量的人仍然摆脱不了贫穷,甚至连温饱问题都不可能解决。只有社会主义制度才能从根本上解决摆脱贫穷的问题。所以我们不会容忍有的人反对社会主义。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:207-208 2. The few intellectuals who incited the students to action oppose the socialist system and advocate bourgeois liberalization. By that I mean they want China to be totally Westernized and to take the capitalist road. Our experience has shown, however, that we cannot take that road. The reason is very simple. Ours is an economically backward country with a population of one billion. If we took the capitalist road, a small number of people in certain areas would quickly grow rich, and a new bourgeoisie would emerge along with a number of millionaires- all of these people amounting to less than one per cent of the population- while the overwhelming majority of the people would remain in poverty, scarcely able to feed and clothe themselves. Only the socialist system can eradicate poverty. That is why we do not allow people to oppose socialism. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 207. 3. “一国两制”也要讲两个方面。一方面,社会主义国家里允许一些特殊地区搞资本主义,不是搞一段时间,而是搞几十年、成百年。另一方面,也要确定整个国家的主体是社会主义。否则怎么能说是“两制”呢?那就变成“一制”了。有资产阶级自由化思想的人希望中国大陆变成资本主义,叫做“全盘西化”。在这个问题上,思想不能片面。不讲两个方面,“一国两制”几十年不变就行不通了。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:219 3. There are also two aspects to the policy of “one country, two systems”. One is that the socialist country allows certain special regions to retain the capitalist system- not for just a short period of time, but for decades or even a century. The other is that the main part of the country continues under the socialist system. Otherwise, how could we say there were “two systems”? It would only be “one system”. People who advocate bourgeois liberalization hope that the mainland will become capitalist or “totally Westernized”. Our thinking on this question should not be one-sided. If we don't attach equal importance to both aspects, it will be impossible to keep the policy of “one country, two systems” unchanged for several decades. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 218. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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