

字词 数学的崇高


mathematical sublime


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:17.
[2] Sublime (philosophy). via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sublime_(philosophy)#Immanuel_Kant


亦译“数量的崇高”。德国康德用语。与“力学的崇高”相对。用以说明崇高的一种性质和特征(金炳华,2003:17)。崇高现象是伴随着人类的产生而产生的,“人类是不断进步的,始终伴随着超越活动,因此‘崇高’现象是一个普遍的现象,只是由于具体的文化形态和历史阶段的不同,而表现出不同的具体形态”(张法,2010:93)。数学的崇高一词在《判断力批判》一书中首次提出。其内涵有四个方面:(1)从对象来看,是体积上无限大的自然事物,“一切和它较量的东西都比它小”,它不能用数学的方式或逻辑的方式加以计算或推论,只能直接观照。因为它无限大,超越了一切感性尺度,感官无法完整地把握,因而又是无形式的。(2)从主观机能的活动方式上看,与力学的崇高是想像力和实践理性的共同活动不同,它是想像力与理论理性的共同活动。想像力与知性相结合,只能把握有限的美的事物,对无限大的崇高对象则不能适应,这种“不适应(Unangemessenheit)”唤醒了主体的“超感性能力(übersinnliche Vermogen)”,即纯粹理性(理论理性),它提供理性理念,去思考、统一、把握超感性的绝对整体和无限。在鉴赏数学的崇高对象时,理性要求掌握在空间上无限广大的事物,但想像力即使扩大自身(Erweit-erung der Einbildungskraft),也无法提供无限大的完整表象,两者处于矛盾对立之中。主体机能的这种对立和不适应性,就是数学的崇高感的根基。(3)从关系上看,是一种无目的的合目的性。在数学的崇高面前,由于想像力无法适应理性机能的无限性,不像在审美时想象力与知性处于自由游戏关系时的主观合目的性,所以在主观上是不合目的的;但想像力无法把握对象的无限性也正是适应和表现了理性机能的无限性,在此意义上“想象力机能的不合目的性对于理性诸观念”“仍表现为合目的性的”。(4)从本质上看,数学的崇高不在对象自身,而存在于主体心中,“真正的崇高只能在评判者心情里寻找,不是在自然对象里”。康德的数学的崇高与力学的崇高观念构成康德美学的一个重要方面,它首次从主体心理上揭示了崇高的根源,在美学史上达到了一个新的高度。(金炳华,2003:17)


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.
[2] 张法.中西美学与文化精神[M].中国人民大学出版社,2010.


1. 杜林先生以为,他可以不加入任何经验的成分,从那些“按照纯粹逻辑的观点既不可能也不需要论证” 的数学公理导出全部纯数学,然后再把它应用于世界,同样,他以为,他可以先从头脑中制造出存在的基本形式,一切知识的简单的成分,哲学的公理,再从它们导出全部哲学或世界模式论,然后以至尊无上的姿态把自己的这一宪法赐给自然界和人类世界。—— 《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:42

1. But just as Herr Dühring imagines that, out of the axioms of mathematics, “which also in accordance with pure logic neither require nor are capable of substantiation” he can deduce the whole of pure mathematics without any kind of empirical admixture, and then apply it to the world, so he likewise imagines that he can, in the first place, produce out of his head theaxioms of philosophy, deduce from these the whole of philosophy or world schematism, and then, by sovereign decree, impose this constitution of his on nature and humanity. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 37-38.

2. 所以,相对于布尔乔亚的权力意识形态霸权强制,一切试图通过彻底颠覆存在构架以复归人类解放的想法部将是意识形态的。只不过,空想社会主义是简单的意识形态革命想象。而历史唯物主义的革命理论则是更复杂一些的意识形态崇高渴望。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:344

2. Therefore, in comparison with the hegemonic coercion of the bourgeoisie ideology, any attempt to subvert the existing framework for the restoration of human liberation will be an ideology, only that utopian socialism is a simple revolutionary imagination of ideology while the revolution of historical materialism is a more complex sublime desire of ideology. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 447.


例句 1:
Kant's lofty aesthetic thoughts mainly from beauty and the sublime relationship started to discuss, after comparison, the division is overlaid the sublime into two types of the mathematical sublime and dynamical sublime, these two types is the main content of Kant's sublime aesthetic thought, also is this paper's main content.

例句 2:
Kant inherits but also develops Burke's theory. Unlike Burk, Kant focuses more on the reason of the sublime. He divides the sublime into the mathematically sublime and the dynamically sublime. He defines that if something is absolutely large, it can be called mathematically sublime. The dynamical sublime is an aesthetical judgment which we consider nature as a mite that has no dominance over us. But in his opinion, the sublime does not exist in nature, instead it is a concept that a reflective intellect forms in mind.

例句 3:
Sublime transfers gradually into pursuing mankind’s reas





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