

字词 唯意志论






唯意志论又叫“意志主义”,是一种主张意志高于理性,并且把意志当成宇宙的本体或本质的唯心主义和非理性主义哲学学说。 该理论最早是由德国哲学家叔本华提出的。叔本华认为意志是万物的本质和基础,一切事物都是意志的表现,思想也是意志的派生物。他在《作为意志和表象的世界》中认为,万物的表象与它们的意志都隔着遥远的距离,只有人的意志与他的身体表象显示出同一性,即他可以支配他的身体,身体是意志的客观化。人由此能够理解到其他事物其实也是意志的客观化.对世界的认识和科学知识并没有至高无上的地位,而只是“从意志自身产生的”一种“辅助工具”(邓晓芒等,2005:279)。他认为“我们生活存在于其中的世界,按其全部本质来说,彻头彻尾是意志,同时又彻头彻尾是表象”(叔本华,1997:233),但表象是相对的,是这个世界的假象,而意志才是真正的自在之物。叔本华唯意志论的提出,反映了当时德国上层社会的消沉情绪,具有显著的悲观主义色彩。尼采继承和发展了叔本华的唯意志论,他极力鼓吹“权力意志”,即追求权力,要求统治和奴役的意志,是决定一切的力量。尼采哲学带有强烈的政治性,是直接为十九世纪末叶向帝国主义过渡的德国反动政治服务的,并预示了二十世纪初叶德国法西斯主义的兴起(王克千等,1983:48)。唯意志论的唯心主义实质就在于,它根本否定客观物质世界及其规律的客观实在性,主张意志是第一性的,是世界的本体,是一切事物产生和变化的决定力量。唯意志论对现代主观唯心主义、直觉主义、生命哲学、实用主义以及存在主义等等产生了深刻的影响。


[1] 邓晓芒,赵林.西方哲学史[M].高等教育出版社,2005.
[2] 叔本华.作为意志和表象的世界[M].商务印书馆,1997.
[3] 王克千,欧力同.现代西方哲学流派[M].中国青年出版社,1983.


1. 的确,正如马克思拥护者中的所谓马赫主义者所表明的那样,这甚至会更加加强这样的观点,即现实及其在资产阶级直观唯物主义和与之有内在联系的古典经济学意义上的“规律性”是不可理解的、命定的和不可改变的。至于马赫主义也能产生出一种同样资产阶级的唯意志论来,与此丝毫不矛盾。《历史与阶级意识——关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:50-51

1. Indeed, as the so-called Machist among Marx’s supporters have demonstrated, it even reinforces the view that reality with its ‘obedience to laws’, in the sense used by bourgeois, contemplative materialism and the classical economics with which it is so closely bound up, is impenetrable, fatalistic and immutable. That Machism can also give birth to an equally bourgeois voluntarism does not contradict this. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 4.

2. 甚至正当列宁撰写这部著作时,德波林(Deborin) 便在孟什维克的报纸上写道:在所谓布尔什维主义的一切策略上都留下了主观主义与唯意志论的印记,其哲学表现就是马赫主义。我们的马赫主义式的马克思主义者们是自觉地把马赫主义诉诸实践和策略的布尔什维克;而布尔什维克的策略家们是只讲实用的、不自觉的马赫主义者和唯心主义者。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:105

2. Even as Lenin was composing his book, Deborin wrote in the Menshevik newspaper that the stamp of subjectivism and voluntarism lies in all tactics of so-called Bolshevism - the philosophical expression of which is Machism. Our Machist-shaped Marxists are conscious Bolsheviks who give meaning to the practice and tactics of the latter. And Bolshevik tacticians are practical people who are unwitting Machists and idealists. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 114.

3. 与此相适应,必然同时出现两种互为补充但同样错误的关于历史追程的观点:唯意志论地过高估计个人(领袖)的能动意义和宿命论地过低估计阶级(群众)的意义。党被划分为能动的部分和被动的部分,后者只是偶尔而且只是按照前者的命令起作用。所以,这种党的成员所拥有的“自由”,只不过是多少处于外围的而不是全身心参加的观察者对宿命论地展开的事件或个人的错误作出判断的由。这种组织永远不能占有其成员的全部身心,甚至不可能作出这种努力。这些组织象文明的所有社会形式一样,是建立在精确的、机械的分工、官僚比以及权利租义务的确切划分之上的。成员的只通过他们存在的抽象理解方面与组织发生联系,而这些抽象的联系则体现为相互分离的权利和义务。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:411-412

3. Corresponding to this is the necessary appearance simultaneously of two complementary but equally false views of the course of history: the voluntaristic overestimation of the active importance of the individual (the leader) and the fatalistic underestimation of the importance of the class (the masses). The party is divided into an active and a passive group in which the latter is only occasionally brought into play and then only at the behest of the former. The ‘freedom’ possessed by the members of such parties is therefore nothing more than the freedom of more or less peripheral and never fully engaged observers to pass judgement on the fatalistically accepted course of events or the errors of individuals. Such organisations never succeed in encompassing the total personality of their members, they cannot even attempt to do so. Like all the social forms of civilisation these organisations are based on the exact mechanised division of labour, on bureaucratisation, on the precise delineation and separation of rights and duties. The members are only connected with the organisations by virtue of abstractly grasped aspects of their existence and these abstract bonds are objectivised as rights and duties. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 318-319.


例句 1:
Voluntarism is one of the main streams of modern West ern philosophy, and it is the origination of modern Western irrational philosophy.

例句 2:
This tendency has thrown the following enlightenments for us: One is that we should carry out the scientific spirit of seeking truth from facts,the other is to correctly understand the relationship between exerting subjective initiatives and respecting objective laws.

例句 3:
Both evolutionism and voluntarism helped Lu Xun break away from the traditional culture of Confucianism and the constriction of collective will. At last, he established the unique “Fostering the Person” concept.





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