

字词 世界格局


the pattern of the world


The Pattern of this World. via: https://sojo.net/magazine/january-2009/pattern-world


所谓世界格局是指在国际舞台的主要政治力量从自身的利益出发,在一定历史时期内相互制约所形成的一种稳定的结构状态,一种力量对比态势,包括政治格局,经济格局,军事格局等。它是一种相对稳定的国际关系结构。而一种世界格局的形成,是世界上各种力量经过不断的消长变化和重新分化组合,从量变逐渐发展到质变,构成一种相对稳定的均势的结果。一种世界格局的解体,则是由于这种稳定的均势被打破,再也无法保持下去了。可见世界格局有以下特征:力量对比的变化决定着世界格局的变化;世界格局是建立在各国实力的基础上的;资本主义政治、经济发展的不平衡是世界格局崩溃的根源;世界格局是一种不稳定的、内部充满矛盾斗争的国际关系状态。世界格局的演变分为以下几个阶段:(1)维也纳体系的形成。拿破仑用战争向欧洲输出革命,欧洲的封建君主非常惧怕,他们联合对抗法国。虽然当时已处于蒸汽时代,工业资本主义已成为发展潮流。但是由于欧洲大陆封建势力的联合力量大大超过资本主义力量,拿破仑战败。在制裁法国的基础上,战胜的欧洲封建君主们召开了维也纳会议,确定了欧洲的封建统治秩序和国家体系,称之为维也纳体系。维也纳体系后,英国重新控制了欧洲,并且达成了欧洲势力均衡,世界国际关系的中心舞台仍然停留在欧洲,欧洲这种独领风骚的状态一直持续到第一次世界大战。(2)一战后形成的凡尔赛──华盛顿体系。凡尔赛──华盛顿体系是帝国主义分割世界的体系。其内部的矛盾随着资本主义政治、经济发展的不平衡性的加剧,这一体系逐渐瓦解。1931年,日本冲破华盛顿体系的限制,发动“九·一八事变”,侵占中国东北,并于1933年退出国联,为发动大战作准备。1935年,德国撕毁凡尔赛和约,扩充军队,1936年德军开进莱茵非军事区,进一步撕毁了凡尔赛和约,凡尔赛──华盛顿体系随之瓦解了。(3)两极格局的形成,即雅尔塔体系。二战后,美国经济、军事实力膨胀,苏联成为惟一能与美国抗衡的政治、军事大国,在美苏实力的基础上,根据雅尔塔等会议规定的原则,重新划分了世界版图和势力范围,确立了战后新的国际关系格局──雅尔塔体系(世界格局.via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E6%A0%BC%E5%B1%80/517192?fromtitle=%E5%9B%BD%E9%99%85%E6%A0%BC%E5%B1%80&fromid=5578460)。毛泽东指出:“美、英、法和苏联之间的这种妥协,只能是全世界一切民主力量向美、英、法反动力量作了坚决的和有效的斗争的结果”(毛泽东,1991:1185)。(4)一超多强与多极化。美国著名历史学家保罗·肯尼迪认为:“根据相对经济实力的多个传统评价标准——在世界制造和贸易、银行资产、投资流量中所占份额——已经存在一个‘多极’体系”(保罗·肯尼迪,2005:175)。随着东欧剧变(20世纪80年代)、苏联解体(1991年),美苏对立的两极格局结束,世界形成了“一超(指美国)多强(多指中国、欧盟、俄罗斯与日本)”的世界格局,但是这一世界格局并不稳定。随着中国改革开放、欧盟一体化建


[1] 毛泽东.毛泽东选集(第四卷)[C].人民出版社,1991.
[2] 保罗·肯尼迪.战争与和平的大战略[M].时殷弘、李庆四译.世界知识出版社,2005.
[3] 世界格局.via:


1. 美苏垄断一切的情况正在变化。世界格局将来是三极也好,四极也好,五极也好,苏联总还是多极中的一个,不管它怎么削弱,甚至有几个加盟共和国退去。所谓多极,中国算一极。中国不要贬低自己,怎么样也算一极。——《邓小平文选(第一卷)》,1989.

1. The situation in which the United States and the Soviet Union dominated all international affairs is changing. Nevertheless, in future when the world becomes three-polar, four-polar or five-polar, the Soviet Union, no matter how weakened it may be and even if some of its republics withdraw from it, will still be one pole. In the so-called multi-polar world, China too will be a pole. We should not belittle ourown importance: one way or another, China will be counted as a pole. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 262.

2. 同时必须充分地看到:第一,和平与发展已成为当今时代的主题,世界格局正在走向多极化,争取较长时期的国际和平环境是可能的。世界范围内科技革命突飞猛进,经济继续增长。这为我们提供了有利的外部条件。第二,建国后特别是近二十年来我国已经形成可观的综合国力,改革开放为现代化建设创造了良好的体制条件,开辟了广阔的市场需求和资金来源,亿万人民新的创造活力进一步发挥出来。第三,更重要的是,我们党确立起已被实践证明是正确的建设有中国特色社会主义的基本理论和基本路线。这些都是今天拥有而过去不曾或不完全具备的条件。——《十五大报告》,1997

2. In the meantime, we must be well aware of the following factors: First, peace and development have become the main themes of the present era. The pattern of the world is moving in the direction of multi-polarization. It is, therefore, possible to secure a peaceful international environment for a fairly long period of time. The worldwide scientific and technological revolution is forging ahead by leaps and bounds, and the economy has continued to grow. This has provided favorable external conditions for us. Second, considerable overall national strength has been built up in China since the founding of the People's Republic, especially over the past 20 years. The reform and opening up have brought about favorable structural conditions for the modernization drive, created broad market demands and sources of funds, and given fuller play to the new creativity of the people in their hundreds of millions. Third, what is more important is that our Party has established the basic theory and basic line of building socialism with Chinese characteristics which have proved to be correct in practice. These are conditions we enjoy today, but we totally or partially lacked in the past. -Quoted from Report Delivered at the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 1997.

3. 一九九二年邓小平南方谈话和党的十四大以来的五年,是很不寻常的五年。这是我们党领导全国各族人民,经受住八十年代末、九十年代初国际国内政治风波的严峻考验,继续沿着有中国特色社会主义道路阔步前进的五年;是进一步解放思想,开拓进取,改革开放和现代化建设事业进入新阶段的五年;是在建立社会主义市场经济体制的深刻变革进程中,妥善处理改革、发展、稳定的关系,在各个领域取得巨大成就的五年;也是在世界格局的剧烈变动中,我国国际地位显著提高的五年。——《十五大报告》,1997

3. The five years since Deng Xiaoping gave talks during his visit to the south and the Party held its 14th National Congress in 1992 have been no ordinary years. In the five years, our Party led the people of all nationalities in our country in standing up to the severe tests of political disturbances at home and abroad in the late 1980s and early 1990s and continuing to make big strides on the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics. In the five years, we have further emancipated our minds and made pioneering efforts, bringing the reform, opening up and the modernization drive to a new stage of development. In the five years, we have, in the course of profound changes in establishing a socialist market economy, properly handle the relations between reform, development and stability and scored great achievements in various fields. In the five years, China's international standing has risen notably in the midst of radical changes in the pattern of the world. -Quoted from Report Delivered at the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, 1997


例句 1:
After the Cold War,the transformation of the current world structure has begun. The views about the current world structure,as yet,which are widely divided in the international community. The peaceful transformation of the current world structure, several traits presented by the current world structure and people’ s subjective expectation are the main reasons for this situation. Today’s world structure,so to speak,which is kind of “one superpower and several great powers”. However, both its developmental trends and the tide of the world are multi - polarization.

例句 2:
After the ending of “Cold War”, facing the reconstruction of the world structure, India has adjusted its policy of diplomacy, changed the cognition of itself and formally brought up to the requirement of becoming the great power of world in the twenty-first century.

例句 3:
The international environment is an important factor for a co





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