字词 | 拜占庭哲学 |
释义 | 拜占庭哲学【英】Byzantine philosophy译文来源[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:48. 定义拜占庭哲学思想、理论的统称,其学术活动中心先在雅典,529年后移至君士坦丁堡,后转至亚历山大城,并在此成立哲学学院,主要研究基督教神学。拜占庭哲学代表任务有佛密司极·巴弗拉哥斯基(317—385)和李巴尼(314—394)。拜占庭哲学内容主要为:(1)关于基督教三位一体问题。(2)8—13世纪拜占庭地区下层农民、手工业者和城市平民以宗教教义的解释为旗帜开展政治的、思想的运动。他们继承古希腊哲学传统,有的倾向于柏拉图哲学,有的倾向于亚里士多德哲学,大多则信奉新柏拉图主义。他们主张哲学和神学相结合,利用哲学论证基督教教义。拜占庭哲学大概有三个特点:(1)其哲学有所谓“外来”与“内在”的哲学。外来的哲学指富有希腊色彩的希腊文化思想,内在的哲学指的是基督宗教的神学,希腊教父常称为基督宗教神学,是“真正的哲学”。(2)外来的哲学具有完全独立的理论。神学是在修道院中传授。当时的高等教育,是为训练高级官员设立,因此哲学教育并不普遍。欧洲学校中,哲学院与神学院的冲突,不存在与拜占庭的学术与文化背景;(3)其哲学倾向于修行,而不偏重理论性的形上学。哲学家是一位学贯东西的学者,能教授多种不同的知识。哲学作品包括修辞学、祭文描述叙事文等(金炳华,冯契,2001:48)。 定义来源金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001. 例句1. 工人骚动早在拜占庭皇帝吉农的统治时代就招来了特别法(Zeno, de nois operibus constitution(吉农的新劳动条例));工人骚动在14世纪爆发为扎克雷起义和瓦特·泰勒起义,1518年“爆发为”伦敦的evil May-day(五月黑道日),1549年“爆发为”制革匠凯特的大起义;后来工人骚动招来了在爱德华六世统治的第二年和第三年所颁布的第十五号法令以及一系列类似的议会法令;紧接着在1640年和1659年(这一年之中有八次起义),在巴黎发生了骚动,从14世纪起,根据当时的法律来判断,骚动在法国和英国一定是常有的现象;在英国从1770年起,在法国从革命时起,工人经常用暴力和计谋进行反对资产阶级的连绵不断的战争。对圣麦克斯来说,所有这一切骚动仅仅是“正如德国报纸所报道的”,“时而在这里时而在那里”,在西里西亚、波兹南、马格德堡和柏林发生的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷):德意志意识形态》,1960:222 1. Workers' disturbances, which even under the Byzantine Emperor Zeno led to the promulgation of a law (Zeno, de novis operibvs constitutio), which "flared up " in the fourteenth century in the form of the Jacquerie and Wat Tyler's rebellion, in 1518 on the Evil May Day in London, and in 1549 in the great uprising of the tanner Kett, and later gave rise to Act 15 of the second and third year of the reign of Edward VI, and a series of similar Acts of Parliament; the disturbances which soon afterwards, in 1640 and 1659 (eight uprisings in one year), took place in Paris and which already since the fourteenth century must have been frequent in France and England, judging by the legislation of the time; the constant war which since 1770 in England and since the revolution in France has been waged with might and cunning by the workers against the bourgeoisie—all this exists for Saint Max only "here and there", in Silesia, Poznan, Magdeburg and Berlin, "according to German newspaper reports". -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5): The German Ideology, 1975: 204. 2. 有的意志消沉、信念动摇,奉行及时行乐的人生哲学,“今朝有酒今朝醉”,“人生得意须尽欢有的追求物质享受,情趣低俗,玩物丧志,沉湎花天酒地,热衷灯红酒绿,纵情声色犬马。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:370 2. Some Party officials have become demoralized, and their faith has been shaken. Their philosophy of life is to indulge themselves in pleasure-seeking—“drinking your fill as long as you have wine to drink’’ and “seizing the moments of contentment in life and making the most of them”. Some have abandoned their ideals in favor of material comforts, vulgar amusements, revelry, drinking and a life of luxury. Some take on easy tasks and shirk hard work because they have no taste for hardship and effort. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 406. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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