

字词 切尔诺夫       

切尔诺夫       【英】

Víktor Mikháilovich Chernóv


[1]Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974: 90. 
[2]Viktor Chernov. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Chernov


切尔诺夫(Ви́ктор Миха́йлович Черно́в,1876-1952),俄国社会革命党首领。1902—1905年担任社会革命党中央机关报《革命的俄罗斯》编辑。曾撰文攻击马克思主义,认为马克思主义理论不适合农业,企图否认马克思主义是普遍真理。第一次世界大战期间,是社会沙文主义者。1917年5月,任资产阶级联合临时政府农业部长,对夺回土地的农民进行残酷镇压。七月事变后,辞去部长职务,任立宪会议主席,是镇压和屠杀革命工人和士兵的刽子手。十月革命后,成为反苏维埃政权的反革命叛乱的策划者之一,曾积极参加和组织捷克斯洛伐克军团叛乱和社会革命党人在伏尔加河的叛乱。1920年移居国外,继续进行反革命活动,以资产阶级改良主义的结构社会主义对抗科学社会主义。哲学上攻击唯物主义,否认“自在之物”的客观存在,歪曲恩格斯对康德和休谟的批判,把恩格斯和马克思对立起来,谴责恩格斯的学说是“素朴的独断的唯物主义”(金炳华,2003:736)。列宁称他“是阿芬那留斯的热诚的信徒和辩证唯物主义的敌人”(列宁,1995:61)。对于资本主义,切尔诺夫肯定了其在工业经济方面的创造性,但同时否定了它在农业和道德领域的作用。从人道主义出发,切尔诺夫主张以劳动为原则,在合作社与辛迪加的基础上,建立民主共和国(解国良,2010:64)。主要哲学著作有《哲学和社会学论文集》(1907);在国外期间发表了回忆录《社会主义革命家的回忆》(1922)、《在暴风雨面前》(1953)。




1. 是什么样的政权取代了沙皇政权呢?是古契柯夫—米留可夫政权,它在俄国开始了召集立宪会议的工作。这项工作对挣脱了千年枷锁的人民的真正好处是什么呢?好处就是,在古契柯夫及其他热心人的背后,召集了一帮追求帝国主义目的的资本家。而克伦斯基、切尔诺夫一伙上台以后,这个摇摇欲坠、失去依托的政府又只想着同他们关系密切的资产阶级的切身利益。政权实际上转到了富农手里,劳动群众没有得到它任何好处。其他国家也是如此。——《列宁全集(第三十五卷)》,1985:84

1. What government replaced the tsar? The Guchkov-Milyukov government, which set about convening a Constituent Assembly in Russia. What was behind these activities supposed to be in favour of the people liberated from their millennial oppression? It was that Guchkov and other champions were backed by a gang of capitalists pursuing their own imperialist ends. And when Kerensky, Chernov and Co. were in the saddle, this government, tottering and without any foundation, was only concerned with the vested interests of their friends, the bourgeoisie. Power in fact passed into the hands of the kulaks, and the working people got nothing. We find the same thing in other countries. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 90.

2. 世界革命并不是那样一帆风顺的,不会在所有地方、所有国家以同一种方式进行,要是那样的话,我们早就胜利了。每个国家必须经过一定的政治阶段。到处都可以看到,妥协派分子在作同样的努力,同样的尝试,想和资产阶级一道“把人民从资产阶级那里拯救出来”,我国的策列铁里和切尔诺夫当初是这样,德国的谢德曼之流现在也是这样;而法国又有它自己的做法。——《列宁全集(第三十五卷)》,1985:123

2. World revolution is not so smooth as to proceed in the same way everywhere, in all countries. If it were, we should have been victorious long ago. Every country has to go through definite political stages. Everywhere we find the compromisers making the same efforts, the same attempts “to save the people from the bourgeoisie”—in conjunction with the bourgeoisie. Tsereteli and Chernov did it here, and the Scheidemannites are doing it in Germany; in France they are doing it in their own way. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1974: 123.

3. 正是在资产阶级被推翻以后,阶级斗争才具有最尖锐的形式。所以那些用资产阶级既被推翻就万事大吉的说法来自欺欺人的民 主派和社会党人是毫无用处的。事情只是开始,而不是完结,因为 资产阶级直到今天还不相信它己被推翻,而且在十月革命前夜,它和蔼可亲地嘲笑过我们;米留可夫嘲笑过,切尔诺夫嘲笑过,新生活派也嘲笑过。他们嘲笑说,“好吧,布尔什维克先生们,请你们组阁吧,你们亲自掌握一两个星期政权看看,你们会帮我们一个大忙的!”要知道,社会革命党人切尔诺夫这样写过,米留可夫在 《言语报》M上这样写过,半孟什维克的《新生活报》也这样写过。——《列宁全集(第三十六卷)》,1985:338

3. It is precisely after the bourgeoisie is overthrown that the class struggle assumes its acutest forms. And we have no use for those democrats and socialists who deceive themselves and deceive others by saying: “The bourgeoisie have been overthrown, the struggle is all over.” The struggle is not over, it has only just started, because, to this day, the bourgeoisie have not reconciled themselves to the idea that they have been overthrown. On the eve of the October Revolution they were very nice and polite, and Milyukov, Chernov and the Novaya Zhizn people said jestingly: “Now, please, Bolshevik gentlemen, form a Cabinet, take power yourselves for a few weeks, that would be a great help to us!” This is exactly what Chernov wrote on behalf of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, what Milyukov wrote in Rech, and what the semi-Menshevik Novaya Zhizn wrote. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1974: 356.


例句 1:
Chernov was a theorist of Russian Social Revolutionary Party. In his thought,people should be orientated,and the economy,political,law,affection and religions were a series of factors that could influence human development. He affirmed the creativeness of capitalism in the field of industry economy and denied its effect in the agriculture and morality field. From humanitarian angle,Chernov advocated building a democratic republic by the principle of working and in the cooperative and syndicate base. Because he ignored the difference between moral ethics and religions ethics behind the relationship between traditional patriarchal society and capitalist society,he substituted moral ethics for religious ethics,causing fights between societies that followed the different principles. Accordingly,Social Revolutionary Party became the victim of the tangled fight.

例句 2:
Chernoff bounded by





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