

字词 执政党


the ruling party


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 163.


执政党是一个国家政府中获得政权的政党,一般是国家元首、政府首脑或地方行政长官所属的政党,或者是其他形式而掌握执政权的政党。民主国家的执政党拥有组织政府和制定政策的优势,但也要负起施政责任,以维护执政权,否则会在下次选举被在野党击败,成为在野党。(执政党.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v787968.htm?fromTitle=%E6%89%A7%E6%94%BF%E5%85%9A)当今世界大致有两种类型的执政党: (1) 资产阶级执政党,亦称在朝党。指两党制或多党制的资本主义国家,经过议会选举或总统选举,并在选举中获胜而负责组织政府的政党或政党联盟。在实行内阁制的国家,如英国、日本,在议会选举中获胜的政党成为执政党,负责组织政府。在实行总统制的国家,如美国,竞选总统获胜的政党成为执政党。在实行两党制的国家,执政党通常由一个政党构成。在实行多党制的国家,执政党可以由多个政党联合构成。(2) 无产阶级执政党。指在社会主义国家,由代表无产阶级和广大人民群众利益的无产阶级政党负责组织和领导国家政权,而成为执政党。全世界第一个无产阶级执政党是列宁领导的俄国社会民主工党(布尔什维克),于1917年10月俄国社会主义革命胜利后成为执政党。在中国,中国共产党领导中国人民推翻帝国主义、封建主义的反动统治,建立了社会主义国家政权。中国共产党成为社会主义中国的执政党。(执政党.via: http://cpc.people.com.cn/GB/134999/135000/8109960.html)


[1] 执政党.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v787968.htm?fromTitle=%E6%89%A7%E6%94%BF%E5%85%9A
[2] 执政党.via: http://cpc.people.com.cn/GB/134999/135000/8109960.html


1. 我们党是执政党,坚持依法执政,对全面推进依法治国具有重大作用。要坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一,把党的领导贯彻到依法治国全过程。各级党组织必须坚持在宪法和法律范围内活动。各级领导干部要带头依法办事,带头遵守法律。各级组织部门要把能不能依法办事、遵守法律作为考察识别干部的重要条件。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:146

1. The CPC is the ruling party in China. The Party's law-based governance is of great significance for ensuring the rule of law. We must ensure the unity of the Party's leadership,the position of the people as masters of the country and law-based governance, and follow the Party’s leadership in the entire process of ruling the country by law. Party organizations at all levels should act within the scope prescribed by the Constitution and the law. Officials at all levels should perform their duties in accordance with the law and take the lead in abiding by the law. Organization departments of the Party at all levels should make the performance of officials in accordance with the law an important criterion for their assessment. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 163.

2. 发展理论,关于科学技术是第一生产力理论,关于社会主义科学发展理论,关于社会主义和谐社会理论,关于社会主义民主政治建设理论,关于社会主义精神文明建设理论,关于社会主义生态文明建设理论,关于社会主义和平发展理论,关于 “一国两制”和祖国和平统一理论,关于国防和军队建设理论,关于马克思主义执政党建设理论,等等。这些新的重要理论的提出,是对马克思主义理论和 科学社会主义的重大贡献。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2015:24

2. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has developed and enriched Marxism with a series of new and creative theories. They encompass the following aspects: the primary stage of socialism; socialist reform and opening up; socialist market economy; the essence of socialism; public ownership as the mainstay whereas multiple forms of ownership as the supplementary; science and technology as the primary productive force; scientific development of socialism; socialist harmonious society; socialist democracy; socialist spiritual civilization; socialist ecological civilization; socialist peaceful development; one nation, two systems and peaceful reunification; national force and military development; and Marxist theories on the ruling party. All those new theories are great contributions to Marxism and scientific socialism. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China—On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 13.


例句 1:
The theory and practice about the ruling Party of Mao Zedong is that he accurately grasped the historical position, had insight into the times characteristic and set base on national conditions and the Party’s situation; in the great practice of leading our Party to have Chinese revolution and socialist revolution and construction, he inherited and developed the Party’s construction theory in the revolutionary period, and formed the ruling Marxist Party’s construction theoretical system, the main content of which is ideology, organization, system, style, anti-corruption and advanced construction, and has Chinese characteristic.

例句 2:
Therefore, how to continuously strengthen the ruling party’s style construction and keep the party’s purity in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics becomes the important topic for us to explore and research.

例句 3:





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