

字词 执行委员会


Executive Committee; Executive Council


[1] Mao Tse-tung: Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 126.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1980: 452.


中央执行委员会是许多政党最高权力机构的执行机构。中国共产党的最高权力机关“中国共产党全国代表大会”的常务执行机构在历史上曾叫中央执行委员会,后来改为“中央委员会”。国民党历史上也曾设立中央执行委员会。①中国共产党中央执行委员会。1921年,中共一大通过了《中国共产党第一个纲领》。这个文件,明确规定了党的中央领导机构的名称为“中央执行委员会”。中共中央的领导机关并不是从一开始就称为中央委员会。中共一大选举产生了临时中央机构中央局,二大选举产生了中央执行委员会,直到五大才开始将中央执行委员会改为中央委员会。②中国国民党中央执行委员会。国民党党章规定,党的最高权力机关为全国代表大会,大会闭会期间为中央执行委员会。1928年2月3日至2月7日,中国国民党二届四中全会在南京召开,会议通过了“改组国民政府”等议案。规定国民政府接受中国国民党中央执行委员会指导、监督,掌理全国政务。1928年7月,南京国民政府宣告“军政时期”结束。在“训政时期”,由国民党全国代表大会“代表国民大会领导国民行使政权”,大会闭会期间将政权“付托中国国民党中央执行委员会执行之”。(中央执行委员会的职能和作用.via: https://zhidao.baidu.com/question/108077838.html)




1. 现在中国境内党派甚多,单单国民党就有两个。其中有一个叫汪记国民党的,立在南京以及各地,打的也是青天白日旗,也有一个什么中央执行委员会,也有一批特务大队。此外,还有日本法西斯党遍于沦陷区。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:861

1. There are now many political parties in China—there are even two Kuomintangs. One is the Wang Ching-wei brand of Kuomintang, set up in Nanking and elsewhere, which also has a flag with a white sun against a blue sky and a so-called Central Executive Committee, as well as a collection of secret police detachments. In addition, everywhere in the occupied areas there are the fascist parties created by the Japanese. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 126.

2. 二月革命的最后一点正式的残余物——执行委员会——已象幻影一样在严重事变的面前消散了;拉马丁的烟火变成了卡芬雅克的密集的炮火。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1959: 153

2. The Executive Committee, that last official vestige of the February revolution, vanished like a ghost in the face of these grave events. Lamartine's fireworks have turned into the incendiary rockets of Cavaignac. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 144.

3. 第十四条 联邦行政由执行委员会执行,执行委员会由中央联邦会议任免;第十五条 联邦行政的范围:国际关系和商务关系,保证度量衡和币制的统一,邮政,武装力量;第十六条 中央联邦会议由各省选出9名代表组成,代表由普选产生,并受选民的指示的约束;——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十卷)》,1961: 517

3. Art. 14. It will be intrusted to an Executive Council appointed and revocable by the Central Federal Congress. Art. 15. The international and commercial relations, the uniformity of measures, weights and coins, the Post-Office, and the armed force are the domain of the Federal Administration. Art. 16. The Central Federal Congress will be composed of nine Deputies for every province, elected by universal suffrage and bound by their instructions. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1980: 452.


例句 1:
With the subordination of supervision power within the CPC as a lead, this paper gives a brief yet systematic account of the four stages in the historical evolution of supervision within the CPC in the period of democratic revolution: First, the power of supervision within the Party was exercised directly by executive committees at various levels; Second, a special supervision organ exercised the power relatively independently; Third, the transitional period when the supervision power returned to the Party committees at various levels; Fourth, the formal establishment of the mechanism whereby the Party committees at various levels exercised the power of supervision within the Party through special supervision organs.

例句 2:
The Guomindang National Party Congress and its Central Executive Committee experienced a divorce between legal status and actual role.

例句 3:
It is suggested tha





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