字词 | 执法责任制 |
释义 | 执法责任制【英】accountability system for law enforcement译文来源Communiqué of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, via: http://www.china.org.cn/china/fourth_plenary_session/2014-12/02/content_34208801.htm 定义执法责任制是指在人大常委会组织、监督下,把国家行政、审判、检察机关负责实施的法律、法规和行政法规,通过制定和实施一系列制度,按其性质、内容,确定执法主体,使各项执法责任落实到位,使执法活动走向规范化、制度化的轨道。执法责任是一种新的监督方式,它有利于法律、法规的系统贯彻执行,有利于调动、发挥执法人员的积极性,提高执法的实际效果,便于人大及其常委会对一府两院及其工作人员的工作考察和监督。(百度百科) 定义来源[1] 张传辉.浅论行政执法责任制[J].行政论坛,2005(3). 例句1. 深化行政执法体制改革,健全行政执法和刑事司法衔接机制。坚持严格规范公正文明执法,依法惩处各类违法行为,加大关系群众切身利益的重点领域执法力度,建立健全行政裁量权基准制度,全面落实行政执法责任制。强化对行政权力的制约和监督,完善纠错问责机制。——《中国共产党十八届四中全会公报》,2014 1. We must deepen structural reform in law enforcement by administrative agencies and improve the mechanism for coordinating administrative enforcement of law with the administration of criminal justice. We must ensure that law is administered in a strict, standardized, impartial, and civil manner; punish all types of illegal behavior in accordance with the law; intensify law enforcement in key areas involving people’s immediate interests; establish a sound system of administrative discretion standards; and fully implement the accountability system for law enforcement by administrative agencies. We must strengthen limits on administrative powers and increase oversight of the exercise of these powers, and improve remedial and accountability mechanisms. -Quoted from Communiqué of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, 2014. 2. 依法治国,首先是依宪治国;依法执政,关键是依宪执政。新形势下,我们党要履行好执政兴国的重大职责,必须依据党章从严治党、依据宪法治国理政。党领导人民制定宪法和法律,党领导人民执行宪法和法律,党自身必须在宪法和法律范围内活动,真正做到党领导立法、保证执法、带头守法。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:141-142 2. In essence, the rule of law is rule by the Constitution; the key to law-based governance is Constitution-based governance. In the new circumstances, to perform its duty properly in state governance and national rejuvenation,our Party should exercise strict discipline, and govern the country in accordance with the Constitution. As it leads the people in formulating and implementing the Constitution and laws, the Party must act; within the limits prescribed by the Constitution and laws, and ensure that it exercises leadership in legislation, guarantees law enforcement and takes the lead in observing the law. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 157. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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