

字词 客观精神


objective spirit


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:756.
[2] Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 161.


客观精神是指离开个别主体的头脑,外在于个别主体而存在的精神现象。客观精神是主观精神的外化和客观化的结果。任何精神都产生于个人的头脑,在这个意义上说,任何精神在产生之初都是主观的。但是,精神在产生之后,总是不安于被局限在主观之内,总是要外化、客观化,在人的头脑之外寻找其客观存在形态,转化为客观精神。客观精神大体包括下面两类现象:其一是通过思维的符号系统而存在着的各种思想体系。它除了必须依赖于社会的、客观的、具有普遍意义的符号系统之外,还往往需要一定的自然物质材料为其载体,如它们通过书籍、报刊、图表、计算机软件、胶卷等自然物质材料而 获得客观的存在形式。其二,作为各种社会文化现象而存在着的客观精神。各种文化现象是人类创造力对象化的结果,是人的精神(通过实践)在客观世界中的沉积。它虽然必须通过一定的自然物质结构表现出来,但是,它与天然的自然物是不同的,其不同点之一就在于它们之中打着人的精神的烙印(刘福森,张静,1991:2)。




1. 一开始,观念本质是通过对象化为物质存在而得以实现的,虽然精神“沉沦”于自然物质,但它从自身异化出去也就是过渡性地肯定自己,因此异化等于对象化。而在表征绝对观念运动的第三阶段上,人的现实“激情”成了造物主的工具,因而异化的后继过程是客观精神对象化和外化为社会活动之结果,以及人的精神对象化为自己劳动的产品。在费尔巴哈对黑格尔的批判中,他直接否定了黑格尔的总体对象化和异化,因为这是一种自然与观念、主语与谓语的唯心主义颠倒。于是,物质存在是第一性的,它不是观念目的论的工具。费尔巴哈进而抓住了黑格尔第二个层面上的人的感性对象化活动。在他看来,对象化不是异化,而是真实的现实生活,反之唯心主义和宗教神学倒成为一种类本质之异化。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:216

1. In the beginning, the essence of the Idea realizes itself through objectification into material existence, and although the Spirit “falls,” becoming natural material, this is only a transitory stage of self-affirmation. Thus alienation is equal to objectification. In the third stage of the expression of the Absolute Idea, the “passions” of man in reality become tools in the hands of the Creator. Therefore, the resulting process of alienation is the objectification and externalization of the Objective Spirit as the result of social activity, and man’s spirit is objectified as the product of labor. In Feuerbach’s criticism of Hegel, he directly rejects Hegel’s general idea of objectification and alienation, because this is an idealist inversion of nature and the Idea as well as the subject and predicate. Therefore, material existence comes first, and is not a tool of idealist teleology. Feuerbach goes on to understand the sensuous objectification activity at Hegel’s second level. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 161-162.

2. 作为最高存在的上帝,实际上内化为最抽象的客观精神。黑格尔在自己批判性的哲学逻辑发生学中,指认出个体意识所面对的变动不居的感性存在(“多”)背后潜藏着一个本真的彼岸世界,不过这一次创世主(绝对的“一”)被叫做大写的绝对观念(从《精神现象学》到《逻辑学》)。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:84

2. In Hegel’s philosophy, God, that most supreme being, is internalized into a most abstract, objective spirit. In the philosophical logic of Hegel’s critical phylogeny, he identifies an inherently true “other world,” hidden behind the mutable, perceptual existence (“Many”) faced by the individual consciousness. However, as opposed to Christian theology, Hegel refers to the Creator (the absolute “One”) as the Absolute Idea (From the Phenomenology of Spirit to the Science of Logic). -Quoted from Back to Marx:Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 35.

3. 按照马克思这里的要求,“这种历史还不是作为既定的主体的人的现实的历史,故黑格尔有了“两大罪状”:其一,分明是人的本质异化,但在此却变成客观精神的异化;其二,人的异化之扬弃本应该“要求把对象世界还给人”,可在此却被复归于观念。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:314

3. According to Marx’s views, “this is not yet the real history of man as a given subject.” Hence Hegel commits “two great sins:” first, he changes what should have been the estrangement of man’s essence into the estrangement of objective spirit; second, where man’s transcendence of estrangement should have “demanded that the return of the objective world to man,” for Hegel it is returned to the idea. -Quoted from Back to Marx:Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 240.


例句 1:
But the theme of War and Peace was notformed in shorttime. It cost a very long time during which the author understood his materials about Russian history and people’s life with objectivity again and again.

例句 2:
By facing the “keep objective” demand that the speciality of literature editing brings along, this paper explains in this field how significant an objective mind and the quantification thinking are, discusses possibility and ways of literature editors applying objective methods, and mentions what attainments editors might need to approach objectivity and to what extent objective methods can be used in their real work.

例句 3:
The key thesis of Wu’s work is that Jin Sheng-tan’s Novel Review is the second consciousness in the history of Chinese literature, which the objective spirit arises.





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