

字词 权利和义务


rights and duties; rights and obligations


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 156, 278.


两个重要的法律和道德范畴。在伦理学中,权利是指作为道德主体的个人在社会中应具有的尊严以及应该享有的权力和利益。义务是指作为道德主体的个人应当自觉承担的对社会和对他人的道德职责或道德任务。在社会生活中,法律上的权利和义务是相互对应的,正如马克思所说:“没有无义务的权利,也没有无权利的义务” (马克思等,1972:137)。而道德上的权利和义务则不是简单的对应关系,道德主体履行道德义务不以获取某种道德权利为前提条件,权利不是履行道德义务的诱因。在社会主义社会,社会规定个人的义务,个人为社会尽义务,这是社会的客观道德要求,体现了社会主义集体主义的精神。在人类历史上,权利和义务的范畴一直存在并不断发展,原始社会的人不去区别权利和义务。在阶级社会,权利和义务相分离,“如果说在野蛮人中间,象我们已经看到的那样,不大能够区分权利和义务,那末文明时代却使这两者之间的区别和对立连最愚蠢的人都能看出来,因为它几乎把一切权利赋予一个阶级,另方面却几乎把一切义务推给另一个阶级”(马克思等,1972:174)。在社会主义社会,权利和义务相统一,二者是直接同一的,道德权利实际上已超出了一般权利的范围,表现为一种道德奉献,道德义务也表现为道德权利的形式,只求尽义务而不求索取。为共产主义事业奋斗、为人类谋幸福既是人们的义务,也是人们的权利(李步云等,1986:33)。在权利和义务的关系问题上,我们应当正确认识权利意识增长的积极意义,同时也要认识到权利意识的增长,不是以牺牲人们履行义务的精神为前提的。因此要树立正确的道德义务观和道德权利观,克服一切旧的极端个人主义或利己主义的义务和权利观,为建立公正和理想的社会,尽道德义务(徐少锦等,1999:360)。




1. 第三,坚持人民主体地位,切实保障公民享有权利和履行义务。公民的基本权利和义务是宪法的核心内容,宪法是每个公民享有权利、履行义务的根本保证。宪法的根基在于人民发自内心的拥护,宪法的伟力在于人民出自真诚的信仰。只有保证公民在法律面前一律平等,尊重和保障人权,保证人民依法享有广泛的权利和自由,宪法才能深入人心,走入人民群众,宪法实施才能真正成为全体人民的自觉行动。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:140-141

1. Third, we must maintain the people’s dominant position in the country, and ensure that all citizens enjoy their rights and perform their duties. The fundamental rights and duties of citizens are the core of the Constitution,which in turn serves as the fundamental guarantee for every citizen to enjoy his rights and perform his duties. The underpinning of the Constitution is the peopled heartfelt support, and the power of the Constitution lies in the peopled sincere faith. Only by ensuring that all citizens are equal before the law, by respecting and protecting human fights and by ensuring that the people enjoy extensive rights and freedoms as prescribed by law, can the Constitution take root in the peopled minds, can it be well received by the people, and can all the people take the initiative in implementing the Constitution. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 156.

2. 第二,权利和义务并重,以尊重各国权益为基础推进国际核安全进程。没有规矩,不成方圆。各国要切实履行核安全国际法律文书规定的义务,全面执行联合国安理会有关决议,巩固和发展现有核安全法律框架,为国际核安全努力提供制度保障和普遍遵循的指导原则。中国呼吁更多国家积极考虑批准核材料实物保护公约及其修订案、制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:254

2. Second, we should place equal emphasis on rights and obligations, and push forward the internationa1 nuclear security process on the basis of respecting the rights and interests of all countries. Nothing can be accomplished without norms and standards. All countries should earnestly fulfill their obligations under international legal instruments relating to nuclear security, fully imp1ement the relevant UN Security Council reso1utions, consolidate and strengthen the existing legal framework governing nuclear security, and provide institutiona1 support and universally accepted guidelines for internationa1 efforts to enhance nuclear security. China hopes that more countries will consider ratifying the Convention on the Physica1 Protection of Nuclear Material and its amendment, and, the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 278-279.

3. 与此相适应,必然同时出现两种互为补充但同样错误的关于历史追程的观点:唯意志论地过高估计个人(领袖)的能动意义和宿命论地过低估计阶级(群众)的意义。党被划分为能动的部分和被动的部分,后者只是偶尔而且只是按照前者的命令起作用。所以,这种党的成员所拥有的“自由”,只不过是多少处于外围的而不是全身心参加的观察者对宿命论地展开的事件或个人的错误作出判断的由。这种组织永远不能占有其成员的全部身心,甚至不可能作出这种努力。这些组织象文明的所有社会形式一样,是建立在精确的、机械的分工、官僚比以及权利租义务的确切划分之上的。成员的只通过他们存在的抽象理解方面与组织发生联系,而这些抽象的联系则体现为相互分离的权利和义务。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:411-412

3. Corresponding to this is the necessary appearance simultaneously of two complementary but equally false views of the course of history: the voluntaristic overestimation of the active importance of the individual (the leader) and the fatalistic underestimation of the importance of the class (the masses). The party is divided into an active and a passive group in which the latter is only occasionally brought into play and then only at the behest of the former. The ‘freedom’ possessed by the members of such parties is therefore nothing more than the freedom of more or less peripheral and never fully engaged observers to pass judgement on the fatalistically accepted course of events or the errors of individuals. Such organisations never succeed in encompassing the total personality of their members, they cannot even attempt to do so. Like all the social forms of civilisation these organisations are based on the exact mechanised division of labour, on bureaucratisation, on the precise delineation and separation of rights and duties. The members are only connected with the organisations by virtue of abstractly grasped aspects of their existence and these abstract bonds are objectivised as rights and duties. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 318-319.


例句 1:
Rights and obligations is a pair of core areas of the law, the legal rights and obligations as a set of mechanism to adjust the relationship between people and the outside world. Rights and obligations are related to the meaning of each individual in the state of survival of the law society ,as well as university students. The rights and obligations related university students which covers the Chinese citizen common sense, and has incorporated into the rights and obligations of the legal management of university students themselves. Constitution first defined the rights and obligations of Chinese citizens, to pave the way of the principle for the content of rights and obligations from the legal point of view.

例句 2:
The relation of right and duty falls into four specific forms, namely, natural right and duty, customary right and duty, legal right and duty, and actual right and duty.

例句 3:





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