

字词 普鲁塔克




[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 76.
[2] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1107.
[3] Plutarch. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plutarch


罗马帝国时期希腊传记作者,柏拉图学园哲学家。出生于希腊玻俄提亚的喀罗尼亚。罗马皇帝尼禄(Nero Claudius Caesar,54—68年在位)统治时期,在雅典、罗马教授哲学。曾被任命为罗马治理希腊的总督,晚年回喀罗尼亚创设学校并任该地的执政官和阿波罗神庙的祭司。在哲学上综合亚里士多德和斯多亚主义,对柏拉图作神学的解释,被认为是当时柏拉图主义的最大代表,新柏拉图主义的先驱。反对斯多亚学派的一元主义,赞成柏拉图学派的两种宇宙本原说:(1)神是超时空、超运动的真存在,是最高本原,永恒不变是众善的主宰;(2)物质是恶的存在的条件。“一元”是提供形式的本原,“不定的二”是接受形式的本原,它们结合形成世界。理念是神和世界之间的居间者,是世界的原型,物质是创造世界的混沌的基质,神是创造的动因。人不能认识神的本质,神洞察一切,但人是看不到的。神是一和永不分化,神是“存在者”,但是没有起源。人只能认识神的劳作,在这种劳作中,物质不是恶而是中性的东西,是善和恶的共居之地。善和恶的世界灵魂是并存的,后者是世界上一切无秩序运动的原因,只有神才是善。精灵是人、神之间必须的中介者,有些精灵是善的,有些精灵是恶的。在人的灵魂中,既有善又有恶。他除了承认一个至上神外,还承认希腊人和非希腊人信仰的民间神灵。他在其大量著作中,提供了有关哲学、宗教神学、道德伦理、政治、历史等方面丰富资料,受到哲学史家的重视。主要著作有《希腊罗马人物对比传记》、《道德论集》(金炳华等,2001:1107)。




1. 照普卢塔克的看法,“变化”一词听起来比“完全不复存在”要舒服些。但是,按照普鲁塔克的看法,这个变化不应是质的变化,个别的“我”应该常住在他的个别的存在中;这样一来,这个名词仅仅是它所指的事物的感性表象,但它应当表示某种相反的东西。事情的实质不应改变,而只应使它模糊不清;把它移置到奇妙的远方,只会掩盖质的飞跃,而质的任何差异都是飞跃,没有这种飞跃就没有理想性。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十卷)》,1982:246

1. Plutarch believes that the word “change” has a more pleasing sound than “total cessation”. But the change is not supposed to be a qualitative one, the individual Ego in its individual being is supposed to persist, the word therefore is only the sensuous image of what the word stands for and has to stand for its opposite. The thing is not supposed to be changed, only placed in a dark spot. The qualitative leap — and every qualitative distinction is a leap, without such leaping no ideality—is then obscured by the interposition of a fantastic distance. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 76.

2. 美国的团体生活不是要求普鲁塔克(Plutarch)所激赏伟大的德行和自我牺牲,而是带来更多人做得来的“日常的小小自我牺牲行为”。——《历史的终结》,1998:366

2. While American associational life does not call forth the great acts of virtue and self-sacrifice celebrated by Plutarch, it results in “daily small acts of self-denial” which are accessible to much larger numbers of people. -Quoted from The End of History and the Last Man, 1992: 323.


例句 1:
Finally, on the basis of academic viewpoints and research findings of the scholars at home and abroad, combined with contemporary research methods of history, this paper reflects the characteristics, essence and features of historiography of Plutarch with independent thinking.

例句 2:
By the above discussion, the author believes that the research of Plutarch should start from the period in which he lived, and then carry it into the eras before and after the first century AD to view the whole picture in a longer period of time. Plutarch inherited and developed the humanistic attitude typical of an ancient Greek and the pragmatism of a roman character, in this respect Plutarch is an epitome of the time, thereby promoting the development of forms of biographical writing. In addition, the form of the text also reflects the author’s own cultural psychology. Greeks had accepted Roman’s





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