

字词 三个世界  

三个世界  【英】

the Three Worlds


[2]Three Worlds Theory. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Worlds_Theory






1. 国际形势也是好的。我们有可能争取多一点时间不打仗。因为我们有毛泽东同志的关于划分三个世界的战略和外交路线,可以搞好国际的反霸斗争。另一方面,苏联的全球战略部署还没有准备好。美国在东南亚失败后,全球战略目前是防守的,打世界大战也没有准备好。所以,可以争取延缓战争的爆发。——《邓小平文选(第二卷)》,1994:160

1. The international situation is also good. It is possible that we may gain some additional time free of war. Applying Comrade Mao Zedong's strategy of differentiating the three worlds and following his line in foreign affairs, we can contribute our share to the international struggle against hegemonism. Moreover, the Soviet Union has not yet finished its global strategic deployment. And the global strategy of the United States, after its defeat in Southeast Asia, has shifted to the defensive—the United States isn't ready to fight a world war yet either. Therefore, it is possible to win a delay in the outbreak of war. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 2), 1995: 85.

2. 现在可以看得更清楚,毛泽东同志在他晚年为我们制定的关于划分三个世界的战略,关于中国站在第三世界一边,加强同第三世界国家的团结,争取第二世界国家共同反霸,并且同美国、日本建立正常外交关系的决策,是多么英明,多么富有远见。这一国际战略原则,对于团结世界人民反对霸权主义,改变世界政治力量对比,对于打破苏联霸权主义企图在国际上孤立我们的狂妄计划,改善我们的国际环境,提高我国的国际威望,起了不可估量的作用。——《邓小平文选(第二卷)》,1995:160

2. It is now even clearer to everyone how brilliant and far-sighted was the strategy of differentiating the three worlds formulated by Comrade Mao Zedong in the evening of his life. It is also clearer how brilliant and far-sighted were his policy decisions on this issue, namely, that China should side with the third-world countries and strengthen its unity with them, try to win over the second-world countries for a concerted effort against hegemonism, and establish normal diplomatic relations with the United States and Japan. This strategic principle and these policies have been invaluable in rallying the world's people to oppose hegemonism, changing the world political balance, frustrating the Soviet hegemonists’ arrogant plan to isolate China internationally, improving China's international environment, and heightening its international prestige. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 2), 1994: 172.

3. 我们在前面说,毛泽东同志在他的晚年还提出了关于三个世界划分的战略思想,并且亲自开创了中美关系和中日关系的新阶段,从而为世界反霸斗争和世界政治前途创造了新的发展条件。我们能在今天的国际环境中着手进行四个现代化建设,不能不铭记毛泽东同志的功绩。——《邓小平文选(第二卷)》,1995:160

3. As I have already mentioned, in the evening of his life Comrade Mao Zedong formulated the strategy of differentiating the three worlds and personally ushered in a new stage in Sino-American and Sino-Japanese relations. By so doing he created new conditions for the development of the worldwide struggle against hegemonism and for the future of world politics. While conducting our modernization programme in the present international environment, we cannot help recalling Comrade Mao's contributions. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 2), 1994: 180.


例句 1:
From the Establishment of PRC to the Late 1970s China adopted successively the strategy of making a fresh start, leaning to one side, cleaning the room, making the guests come in ,anti-imperialist and anti-revisionist, one line, one great flat, the three worlds and established the national image of independence, peace-loving of a socialist country under the guideline of Mao Ze-Dong’s ideas about the strategy o national image.

例句 2:
Materialistic monism, dualism of spirit and matter, various theories of “three words” are not capable of explaining the internet world properly.

例句 3:
In recent years, theorists had different opinions regarding the Mao Zedong’s theory of the three worlds’ division, but how to treat the opposed evaluation?





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