

字词 硬骨头


tough bones; hard nuts; difficult problems


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 113, 384.


硬骨头,原意是骨头很硬,引申为坚强不屈的人或着艰巨的任务。硬骨头有两个方面的含义:一是比喻坚强不屈的意志或具有这种意志的人。二是比喻艰巨的任务。如毛泽东在《论持久战》说:“例如进攻某一运动中之敌,打早了,暴露了自己,给了敌人以预防条件;打迟了,敌已集中驻止,变为啃硬骨头。这就是时机问题。”(via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%A1%AC%E9%AA%A8%E5%A4%B4/1588907?fr=aladdin)2014年2月7日,习近平在接受俄罗斯电视台专访时提到:“在中国这样一个拥有13亿多人口的国家深化改革,绝非易事。中国改革经过30多年,已进入深水区,可以说,容易的、皆大欢喜的改革已经完成了,好吃的肉都吃掉了,剩下的都是难啃的硬骨头。这就要求我们胆子要大、步子要稳。胆子要大,就是改革再难也要向前推进,敢于担当,敢于啃硬骨头,敢于涉险滩。步子要稳,就是方向一定要准,行驶一定要稳,尤其是不能犯颠覆性错误。”(via: http://cpc.people.com.cn/xuexi/n/2015/0729/c385474-27377276.html)这既是针对我国改革进入攻坚期和深水区的现实向全党全国人民发出的动员令,也明确传递出进一步加快推进重要领域、关键环节改革的信息。


[1] via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E7%A1%AC%E9%AA%A8%E5%A4%B4/1588907?fr=aladdin
[2] via: http://cpc.people.com.cn/xuexi/n/2015/0729/c385474-27377276.html


1. 我们的立场是胆子要大、步子要稳,既要大胆探索、勇于开拓,也要稳妥审慎、三思而后行。我们要坚持改革开放正确方向,敢于啃硬骨头,敢于涉险滩,敢于向积存多年的顽瘴痼疾开刀,切实做到改革不停顿、开放不止步。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:348

1. Our position is that we must be both bold enough to explore and advance, and prudent in carefully planning our actions. We will stick to the right direction and press ahead with reform and opening up. We will have the courage to crack the “hard nuts,” navigate the uncharted waters and take on the deep-rooted problems that have piled up over the years. We must not stop our pursuit of reform and opening up—not for one moment. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 384.

2. 科技体制改革要紧紧扭住“硬骨头”攻坚克难,加快把党的十八届三中全会确定的科技体制改革各项任务落到实处。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:125-126

2. While carrying out the reform of the scientific and technological system we should prepare ourselves to solve difficult problems, and implement the relevant decisions made at the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 138.

3. 在中国这样一个拥有13亿多人口的国家深化改革,绝非易事。中国改革经过30 多年,已进入深水区,可以说,容易的、皆大欢喜的改革已经完成了,好吃的肉都吃掉了,剩下的都是难啃的硬骨头。这就要求我们胆子要大、步子要稳。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:101

3. It is no easy job to advance reform in China, which has a population of over 1.3 billion. Having been pushed ahead for more than 30 years, China’s reform has entered a deep-water zone. It can be said that the easy part job has been done to the satisfaction of all. What is left are tough bones that are hard to chew. This requires us to act boldly and progress steadily. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 113.


例句 1:
Marxist land rent theory reveals the capitalist private ownership of land production relations, summarizes the general regulation of capitalism, rent, but contains part of the content and ideas to solve the problem of the present land use is still has a positive and far-reaching significance. In the primary stage of socialism of our country is going through the throes of social transformation and critical period of social reform, growing urban and rural land issues could become the further development of reform must face and solve the "hard stuff", not only its complexity and difficulty of cognitive tests our theory, more appeal to solve the problem and the theory basis of policy making. Marx's land rent theory both in theory and practice, to reality in our country land provide guidance and enlightenment on the solution of the problem.

例句 2:
Therefore, in the deep water area of reform in the mome





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