

字词 人民陪审员制度


the system of people’s assessors


Communiqué of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, 2014. via: http://www.china.org.cn/china/fourth_plenary_session/2014-12/02/content_34208801.htm






1. 保障人民群众参与司法,在司法调解、司法听证、涉诉信访等司法活动中保障人民群众参与,完善人民陪审员制度,构建开放、动态、透明、便民的阳光司法机制。加强人权司法保障。加强对司法活动的监督,完善检察机关行使监督权的法律制度,加强对刑事诉讼、民事诉讼、行政诉讼的法律监督,完善人民监督员制度,绝不允许法外开恩,绝不允许办关系案、人情案、金钱案。——《中国共产党十八届四中全会公报》,2014

1. We must guarantee the people’s participation in the administration of justice, particularly in judicial mediation, judicial hearings, and complaints about litigation-related issues filed through letters and visits; improve the system of people’s assessors; and create a mechanism that keeps the judiciary “in the sunshine,” making it open, dynamic, transparent, and convenient for the public to access. We must provide stronger judicial protection of human rights. We must tighten oversight of judicial activities; improve the legislation regarding the exercise of supervisory power by procuratorates; increase legal oversight of criminal, civil, and administrative litigation; improve the system of people’s supervisors; and make it absolutely impermissible to show leniency beyond the law, or handle any case which is in any way influenced by guanxi, personal favors, or money. -Quoted from Communiqué of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, 2014.


例句 1:
2014 年 10 月,党的十八届四中全会审议通过了《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》,该项决定明确指出要完善人民陪审员制度,保障公民陪审权利。——“对美国陪审团制度的思考和借鉴”,载于《丽水学院学报》2015年第4期
In October 2014, at the 4th Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of CCP, the committee deliberated and passed the Decision on Several Major Issues in Regard to Overall Boosting the Rule by Law. In the decision, it had been made clear that the system of people's assessors would be perfected to guarantee the civil right to serve as assessors.

例句 2:
We should get the ethic value demand in the semantic refraction of the “accompanying” of our “people’s assessor system” in order to dismiss the problems in reform and misunderstanding, and coordinate the “three value expectations” of public opinion supervision, political democracy and justice on a consensus basis to ensure the substantive participation of the people’s assessors in cases.

例句 3:
In China more and mor importance is laid on the people’s assessor system. However, it has mostly developed in terms of quantity;





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