

字词 土地改革


the land reform; the agrarian reform


[1] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 4) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1961: 116.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1977: 351.


广义的土地改革泛指一切农业土地占有制度的变革。狭义的土地改革特指为了实现传统社会向现代社会的转折而对封建的土地制度进行改革,最终变土地的封建地主所有为直接耕种者所有。土地改革的方式可以分为两种类型:①温和的土地改革。保持所有权相对稳定,采取 调整土地的使用权,收益权等温和的手段。如通 过租佃合同的改革,稳定佃农的土地长期使用权,限制地主驱逐佃农的权利,从而以牺牲一定 的地主财产权,强化佃农的财产权,促进佃农生 活稳定和福利水平提高;再如,通过减租来实现 对土地收益权在地主和佃农之间的重新分配,扩大佃农的剩余产品,减少收入分配的不均等。②激进的土地改革。通过强制或半强制的手段 来重新分配土地所有权。例如,采取半强制手段,以限制性的价格或其他条件,迫使地主有偿转让给耕种者土地;有的甚至采取强制性手段,没收土地重新分配。总之,不管哪一种土地改革 方式,都需以国家强制力来实现,在通常情况下,通过颁布相应法律来加以贯彻,如日本的“农地法”、美国的“宅地法”,等等(胡代光等,2000:1039)。在我国土地改革简称“土改”。中国共产党领导的消灭封建、半封建的土地所有制,实行农民土地所有制的土地革命。内容包括没收地主阶级的土地、多余的房屋和其他生产资料,无偿地按人口平均分配给无地、少地的农民。土地改革开始于第二次国内革命战争时期的革命根据地,抗日战争时期改为实行减租减息。抗日战争胜利以后,中国共产党为满足广大农民的土地要求,于1946年5月发布了《关于清算减租及土地问题的指示》,即著名的“五四指示”,由此解放区开始进行土地改革。到1948年初,解放区土地改革基本完成;与此同时,中共中央根据形势发展,决定新解放地区暂不进行土地改革。1950年6月,中央人民政府颁发了《中华人民共和国土地改革法》,新解放区的土地改革开始进行。在土地改革中,各地均组织农会,并执行保护富农的政策,建立广泛的反封建统一战线,保证了土改的顺利进行。到1952年末,除新疆、西藏、台湾外,全国土地改革基本完成。土地改革的完成,彻底消灭了封建、半封建的土地所有制,使全国三亿多无地、少地的农民分到约七亿亩土地,解放了农村生产力,为国家工业化及农业合作化打下了基础(中国社会科学院经济研究所,2005:1009)。


[1] 胡代光,高鸿业.西方经济学大辞典[Z].经济科学出版社,2000.
[2] 中国社会科学院经济研究所.现代经济辞典[M].凤凰出版社,2005.


1. (十四)三个月经验证明:凡坚决和迅速地执行了中央五月四日的指示,深入和彻底地解决了土地问题的地方,农民即和我党我军站在一道反对蒋军进攻。凡对《五四指示》执行得不够坚决,或布置的太晚,或机械地分为几个阶段,或借口战争忙而忽视土地改革的地方,农民即站在观望地位。各地必须在今后几个月内,不论战争如何忙,坚决地领导农民群众解决土地问题,并在土地改革基础上布置明年的大规模生产工作。——《毛泽东选集(第四卷)》,1991:1104

1. 14. The experience of these three months has proved that the peasants stood with our Party and our army against the attacks of Chiang Kai-shek’s troops wherever the Central Committee’s directive of May 4 was carried out firmly and speedily and the land problem was solved radically and thoroughly. The peasants took a wait-and-see attitude wherever the “May 4th Directive” was not carried out firmly or the arrangements were made too late, or wherever this work was mechanically divided into stages or land reform was neglected on the excuse of preoccupation with the war. In the coming few months all areas, no matter how busy they are with the war, must resolutely lead the peasant masses to solve the land problem and, on the basis of the land reform, make arrangements for large-scale production work next year. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 4), 1961: 116.

2. 第一次瓜分波兰的结果,波兰其他各阶级,即小贵族、城市市民和一部分农民结成了联盟,这是十分自然的;这个同盟既反对波兰的压迫者,也反对本国的大贵族,1791年的宪法证明,波兰人在那时就已经清楚地了解到,他们的独立是和推翻大贵族阶级,和国内的土地改革根本分不开的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第五卷)》,1958:390

2. Already the first partition led quite naturally to an alliance of the other classes, i.e. the nobles, the townspeople and to some extent the peasants, both against the oppressors of Poland and against the big Polish aristocracy. The Constitution of 1791 shows that already then the Poles clearly understood that their independence in foreign affairs was inseparable from the overthrow of the aristocracy and from the agrarian reform within the country. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 7), 1977: 351.

3. 就整个来说,没有一个独立、自由、民主和统一的中国,不可能发展工业。消灭日本侵略者,这是谋独立。废止国民党一党专政,成立民主的统一的联合政府,使全国军队成为人民的武力,实现土地改革,解放农民,这是谋自由、民主和统一。没有独立、自由、民主和统一,不可能建设真正大规模的工业。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:981

3. By and large, it will be impossible to develop industry unless China is independent, free, democratic and united. To wipe out the Japanese aggressors is to seek independence. To abolish the Kuomintang’s one-party dictatorship, establish a democratic and united coalition government, transform all China’s troops into a people’s armed force, carry out land reform and emancipate the peasants is to seek freedom, democracy and unity. Without independence, freedom, democracy and unity it is impossible to build industry on a really large scale. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 302.


例句 1:
研究目的:比较分析两岸土地改革的历程和经验,增进对土地改革的理解和启示。——“两岸土地改革 60 年回顾、比较及启示”,载于《中国土地科学》2010年第4期
The purposes of this paper are to compare and analyze the progresses and experiences of land reforms in Chinese Mainland and Taiwan, and to enhance the understanding and implications of land reforms.

例句 2:
“Fostering peasant proprietors” (自耕农 zi geng nong) was one of the important land reform policies adopted by the Nationalist government during and after the War against Japanese Aggression.

例句 3:
The issue of overseas Chinese is a special problem in land reform in the newly liberated areas in the early of new China.





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