

字词 农民增收机制


mechanism for stimulating the growth of rural income






[2]惠碧仙.完善增收机制 确保农民增收[J]统计与决策,2005(14).


1. 第一,千方百计提高居民消费能力。着力增加中低收入者收入。落实有利于科技成果转移转化的分配政策。健全促进农民增收机制,探索完善土地增值收益在国家和集体之间的分配机制。——《关于2015年国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与2016年国民经济和社会发展计划草案的报告》,2016

1. First, we will use all possible measures to enhance people’s ability to consume. We will work to increase the incomes of low- and middle-income groups. We will implement an income distribution policy that is conducive to the commoditization and application of scientific and technological advances. We will improve the mechanism for stimulating the growth of rural income, and explore ways to improve the mechanism for distributing revenues from the appreciation in land values between collectives and the state. -Quoted from Report on the Implementation of the 2015 Plan for National Economic and Social Development and on the 2016 Draft Plan for National Economic and Social Development, 2016


例句 1:
The article argues that the realization of basic public services equalization in rural communities should adhere to the basic principles of people-oriented, overall urban-rural development, democracy and the rule of law, step by step, and clear division of power and responsibility. Then it puts forward the corresponding countermeasures. First, accelerate the reform of the household registration system to establish the equal urban and rural residents' identity. Second, establish and improve the policies and regulations system to guarantee basic public services equalization from the legal perspective. Third, improve the supply decision-making mechanism of basic public services in rural communities to highlight farmers' demands orientation; Four, improve the public finance system and increase the funding of basic public services in rural communities; Five, guide the orderly rural land conversion, promote and improve the mechanism of increasing farmers' income; Six, improve basic public services in





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