

字词 净化说


theory of catharsis; theory of purification


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001: 682.
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 17) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 80.
[3] Catharsis. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catharsis




[1] 胡经之.西方文艺理论名著教程[M].北京大学出版社,2003.
[2] 朱光潜.西方美学史[M].人民文学出版社,1979.
[3] 雒海宁.亚里士多德的悲剧“净化说”[J].青海师范大学民族师范学院学报,2012(01).


1. 布莱希特想用间离效果在观众和演出之间建立一种新关系:批判的和能动的关系。传统的戏剧形式要求群众把注意力集中在“主角”的命运上,并把自己的感情力量倾注到戏剧的“净化”中去。布莱希特却要同这种使观众和剧本达到共鸣的戏剧形式相决裂。他使观众同演出保持一定的距离,但又不是远离剧情或单纯欣赏。——《保卫马克思》,1984:122

1. By means of this effect Brecht hoped to create a new relation between the audience and the play performed: a critical and active relation. He wanted to break with the classical forms of identification, where the audience hangs on the destiny of the 'hero' and all its emotional energy is concentrated on theatrical catharsis. He wanted to set the spectator at a distance from the performance, but in such a situation that he would be incapable of flight or simple enjoyment. -Quoted from For Marx, 1969: 146.

2. 难道伏尔泰不是在他的《终于得到解释的圣经》一书的正文中宣扬不信教,而在注解里却又宣扬信教吗?有谁相信过这些注解具有净化的效力呢?我们可敬的邻居最后说:“然而,即使我们有这种意图,难道就可以把我们发表这封本来就已为大家所知道的信的做法同最早公布这封信的行动相提并论吗?”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)》,2002: 413

2. Did not even Voltaire in his book La Bible enfin expliquée preach unbelief in the text and belief in the notes, and did anyone believe in the purifying power of these notes? But, our worthy lady neighbour concludes, “if we had this intention, could our acceptance for publication of an already well-known document be put on a par with the original publication?” -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 323.

3. 马克思主义教导我们说,只要资本主义存在,小资产阶级群众就必然受到反民主的特权的迫害(这种特权从理论上讲,在纯粹的资本主义条件下“不是必不可少的”,但是资本主义的净化则要持续到它灭亡的时候),受到经济压迫。因此,只要资本主义存在,“领导者”的任务就永远是:说明这种特权和这种压迫产生的原因,指出这种现象的阶级根源,作出反对这种现象的斗争范例,揭露自由派斗争方法的虚伪,等等,等等。——《列宁全集(第二十卷)》,1989:134

3. Marxism teaches us that so long as capitalism exists the petty-bourgeois masses must inevitably suffer from undemocratic privileges (theoretically, such privileges are “not indispensable” under pure capitalism, but the purification of capitalism will continue until its death), that they must suffer from economic oppression. Therefore, so long as capitalism exists it will always be the duty of the “leader” to explain the source of these privileges and this oppression, to expose their class roots, to provide an example of struggle against them, expose the falsity of the liberal methods of struggle, etc., etc. -Quoted from Lenin Collect Works (Vol. 17), 1977: 80.


例句 1:
As a literary theorist edified by the “Chicago Critics”, Booth’s theory had its ineluctable print; Aristotle’s poetics tradition, such as the purifying theory, imitation of life, moralization and the like, all produced potential effect to Booth’s theory; Synchronously, the New Criticism, Formalism and Structuralism also have a profound impact on Booth’s rhetorical theory of narrative.

例句 2:
Plato's doctrine of katharmous poleōs is mainly consisted in three aspects: one is intended to purify the polis as city-state of her music-poetry in order to ensure the praxis of moral education; the other is to purge the polis of her political arena and public opinion in order to facilitate the power game of a tyrannical kind; the third is to purify the polis of her citizens in order to distinguish between the selected and the unselected for the scheme of the second best city-state. Moreover,the employment of katharmous poleōs as a metap





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