

字词 农民工


rural migrant worker; migrant worker


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 50-51, 90-91.


农民工是从农民阶级中分化出的一个阶层,其常年或大部分时间在国营和集体等企事业单位里,从事第二、第三产业劳动,但户籍在农村,家中还有承包田,不吃国家供应的平价粮,不享受城镇居民的各种补贴和种种劳保待遇。这一阶层大体分为两类:一类是离土离乡的农民工;他们不但补充了一些地区城乡劳动力的短缺,而且给边疆落后地区的经济发展带来新的活力和生机。在城市,他们承担了绝大部分脏累活以及有毒和危险的工种;在务工过程中,技术素质不断提高,已能承担一些技术要求较高的工程、项目。另一类是离土不离乡的农民工;他们在本乡本村的集体企业里劳动,吃住在家,多数还承包、兼营土地(陆学艺等,1990:16)。农民工的产生有其特定的历史背景:十一届三中全会后,家庭联产承包制的确立和人民公社管理体制的解体,促进了农村产业结构的多元化和农民身迁。特别是伴随着乡镇企业的异军突起和城乡交融格局的初步生成,越来越多的农民由单一的农业劳动者逐步变成了商品生产者及经营者。当前,农民工群体已经发生了诸多变化,其中该群体的职业构成变化和代际更替及其影响尤其值得关注。在农民工现象出现不久的 20世纪 90年代,他们绝大多数是在劳动力密集型行业里从事体力劳动工作,而现在其职业事实上已涵盖了从低技能的普通工人和服务员、企业的技术人员和管理精英再到私营企业主的各种类型(王超恩等,2013:90)。与此同时,与城镇职工的工资相比,相对于较大的初始工资差距,农民工的工资同化速度实际十分缓慢,有相当一部分农民工将无法在生命周期时长内达到与城镇职工同等的收人水平。这反映了农民工在初到城镇劳动力市场上便遭遇相对恶劣的待遇,且这一劣势将会持续在其后很长时间都造成影响。因此,亟需对新进城的农民工进行政策帮助(陈珣等,2014:87)。习近平在讲话中指出,党和国家要实施积极的就业政策,创造更多就业岗位,改善就业环境,提高就业质量,不断增加劳动者特别是一线劳动者劳动报酬。要建立健全党和政府主导的维护群众权益机制,抓住劳动就业、技能培训、收入分配、社会保障、安全卫生等问题,关注一线职工、农民工、困难职工等群体,完善制度,排除阻碍劳动者参与发展、分享发展成果的障碍,努力让劳动者实现体面劳动、全面发展(习近平“五一”讲话说了啥:尊重劳动 提高劳动者报酬.via:http://cpc.people.com.cn/xuexi/n/2015/0429/c385474-26926617.html)。农民工作为社会中的一个特有阶层,越来越得到党和国家的重视,并且其生活条件、政治参与状况等也在党和国家的政策关照下不断改善。


[4]习近平“五一”讲话说了啥:尊重劳动 提高劳动者报酬.via:http://cpc.people.com.cn/xuexi/n/2015/0429/c385474-26926617.html


1. 要把竭城为职工群众服务作为工会一切工作的出发点和落脚点,全心全意为广大职工群众服务,认真倾听职工群众呼声,维护好广大职工群众包括农民工合法权益,扎扎实实为职工群众做好事、办实事、解难事,不断促进社会主义和谐劳动关系。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:47

1. We should, adapting to the times and social changes, develop good and effective working methods to make workers feel that the trade unions are their “homes” and trade union officials are their “family members” whom they can turn to for help. We should make providing dedicated services to people as the starting point and goal of all the work of the trade unions, work for them heart and soul, heed their views, uphold the legitimate rights and interests of workers, including rural migrant workers, provide them with voluntary services, help solve problems they face in a down-to-earth manner, and promote harmonious socialist work relations. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 50-51.

2. 主要是保障农民工同工同酬,保障农民公平分享土地增值收益;完善农业保险制度;鼓励社会资本投向农村建设,允许企业和社会组织在农村兴办各类事业;统筹城乡义务教育资源均衡配置,整合城乡居民基本养老保险制度、基本医疗保险制度,推进城乡最低生活保障制度统筹发展,稳步推进城镇基本公共服务常住人口全覆盖,把进城落户农民完全纳入城镇住房和社会保障体系。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:81-82

2. We will ensure migrant workers receive equal pay for equal work, and ensure farmers equally share the gains from added value of land; improve the agricultural insurance system; encourage investment in rural development, and permit enterprises and social organizations to start all kinds of undertakings in rural areas; make a balanced allocation of compulsory education resources between urban and rural areas, integrate the basic old-age insurance and health-care insurance systems of urban and rural residents, and improve the balanced development of the minimum living allowance system in both urban and rural areas; and steadily make basic urban public services available to all permanent residents in cities, and incorporate farmers who have settled down in urban areas into the urban housing and social security network. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 90-91.


例句 1:
Numerous migrant workers have caused a lot of social problems; some prominent problems have conditioned China’s development.

例句 2:
All along the edges of migrant workers living in cities to become second-class citizens of the city, not only in the employment and life wide discrimination and on social rights is also missing, the most important is the lack of the right to social security. Employed in the town for the city's prosperity and economic development for their hard work, added city jobs vacant and become indispensable to urban construction and development of labor force, however, with the urban workers enjoy the same social security, this is not only a manifestation of social injustice, this way will impede the development of the economy, even threatening social stability. Thus the farmer worker social security is a matter of should and must be heeded.

例句 3:





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