

字词 《论历史唯物主义》


On Historical Materialsim


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 58.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 50) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2004: 163.


德国梅林著。发表于1893年。论述了唯物史观产生的历史必然性,指出:“唯物主义历史观也服从于它自己所制定的那个历史运动规律。它是历史发展的产物;在较早的时代,它是不会被任何天才的头脑凭空想出来的。只有达到一定高度时,人类历史才能揭开它自己的秘密。”驳斥了资产阶级思想家巴尔特(Ernst Emile Paul Barth,1858—1922)对历史唯物主义的歪曲。巴尔特认为历史唯物主义是“空洞的公式”,指责唯物史观否认伟大人物的历史作用,否认道德和精神力量在历史上的作用,否认气候、种族等因素对历史的影响。梅林强调:“历史唯物主义并不是一个封闭的,以最后真理为其终点的体系;它只是研究人类发展过程的科学的方法。”著作在坚持社会存在决定社会意识原理的同时,指出:“人类不是一个死的机构的没有意志的玩具,相反的,他的进步发展在于人的精神对自然的死的机构的越来越大的支配权。”历史唯物主义并不取消道德和各种精神力量、伟大人物,以及地理环境等因素在历史上的作用,相反只有唯物史观才能给予科学的说明。恩格斯在一封给梅林的信中对本书有很高的评价,认为“在这里主要的事实您都论述得很出色,对每一个没有成见的人都是有说服力的”(《马克思恩格斯选集》第4卷第725页)。列宁也称赞它是历史唯物主义方面的优秀著作。(金炳华,2003:943)




1. 在这方面非常值得注意的,是弗里德里希·恩格斯在他的一篇思想十分深刻而丰富的文章《论历史唯物主义》(《社会主义从空想到科学的发展》的英文版导言,恩格斯本人把这篇导言译成德文,载于《新时代》杂志第11年卷(1892-1893)第1册)所写的一段话。恩格斯写道:“很有意思的是:在所有三次资产阶级大革命(16世纪的德国宗教改革和农民战争,17世纪的英国革命和18世纪的法国革命)中,都是农民提供了战斗部队,而在胜利后由于这一胜利的经济结果而必然破产的阶级又恰恰是农民。克伦威尔之后100年,英国的自耕农(yeomanry)差不多完全绝技了。无论如何,正是由于这种自耕农和城市平民的参与,斗争才进行到底,查理一世才上了断头台。”——《列宁全集(第十七卷)》,1988:37-38

1. In this respect the greatest attention should be paid to what Fredrick Engels wrote in his remarkably profound and thought-stimulating article “On Historical Materialism” (the English introduction to Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, translated into German by Engels himself in Neue Zeit, 1892-93, 11th year, Vol. 1). “Curiously enough,” says Engels, “in all the three great bourgeois risings [the Reformation in Germany and the Peasant War in the sixteenth century; the English revolution in the seventeenth century; the French revolution in the eighteenth century] the peasantry furnishes the army that has to do the fighting; and the peasantry is just the class that, the victory once gained, is most surely ruined by the economic consequences of that victory. A hundred years after Cromwell, the yeomantry of England had almost disappeared. Anyhow, had it not been for that yeomantry and for the plebeian element in the towns, the bourgeoisie alone would never have fought the matter out to the bitter end, and would never have brought Charles I to the scaffold”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 15) 1977: 58.

2. 马克思在这里谈到资产阶级革命的时候,显示是拿勾结反动势力的反革命资产阶级同工人阶级和农民为主的民主派资产阶级加以对比。不能认为,马克思提出这种观点是由于他的社会主义世界观在当时还没有形成。1892年,也就是过了44年后,恩格斯在《论历史唯物主义》一文(《新时代》杂志第11年卷第1册:俄译文载于《历史唯物主义》论文集中)中写道:“……在所有三次资产阶级大革命<16世纪的德国宗教改革和农民战争,17世纪的英国革命和18世纪的法国革命>中,都是农民提供了战斗部队,……正是由于农民<在英国革命中是自耕农>和城市平民的参与,斗争才进行到底,查理一世才上了断头台。” ——《列宁全集(第十七卷)》,1988:362

2. Here in relation to a bourgeois revolution Marx is clearly contraposing the counter-revolutionary bourgeoisie allied with reaction to the working class allied with the democratic bourgeoisie, i.e., primarily the peasantry. And this view can hardly be put down to the fact that Marx’s socialist world-outlook had not fully crystallised at that time. Forty-your years later, in 1892, in his article, “Historical Materialism” (Neue Zeit, XI, Vol. I, published in Russian in the symposium Historical Materialism) Engels wrote the following: “…In all the three great bourgeois risings [the Reformation and the Peasant War in the sixteenth century in Germany, the English Revolution of the seventeenth century and the French in the eighteenth century] the peasantry furnishes the army that has to do the fighting…Had it not been for that yeomantry [in the English Revolution]and for the plebeian element in the towns, the bourgeoisie alone would never have fought the matter out to the bitter end, and would never have brought Charles I to the scaffold.” -Quoted from Collected Works of Lenin (Vol. 15) 1977: 377-378.


例句 1:
因此,在新MEGA所提供的相关背景资料的基础上,进一步探讨《论历史唯物主义》的缘起与传播,将有助于我们利用新材料,深化对恩格斯晚年关于历史唯物主义的新创建及其对以后的马克思主义思想体系发展的意义。—— “新MEGA之后的恩格斯与历史唯物主义体系之争——以1892年恩格斯的《论历史唯物主义》(MEGA②I/32)为例”,载于《教学与研究》,2012年第6期
Therefore, further discussion of the origin and spread of “On Historical Materialism” based on the relevant background information new MEGA provides will help us deepen our understanding of the significance of Engels’ new contribution to historical materialism in his late years and its influence on development of Marxist theoretical system.

例句 2:
Face to all kinds of misunderstandings of Marxism and the historical mission given from the time to Marxist, Mehring attached great importance to the exposition of historical materialism, and published a comprehensive expression named “On historical materialism” appendix in “Lessing legend” in 1893.

例句 3:
In his life he had written a lot of works, for instance, Eros and Civilization (1955), One-Dimensional Man (1964), An Essay On Liberatio





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