

字词 《社会体系》


The Social System


[1] Paul-Henri Thiry (Baron) d'Holbachv. via: https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/holbach/
[2] Baron d'Holbach. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baron_d%27Holbach#Notes


《社会体系》副标题为《道德学和政治学的自然原则》。法国霍尔巴赫著。1773年匿名在伦敦出版。主要阐述社会、政治、伦理等方面的理论。该书发挥爱尔维修功利主义伦理原则,反对禁欲主义。认为道德学应建立于人性的基础上,人的本性既不善也不恶,但时时刻刻都在寻求幸福,一切能力都用在取得快乐和规避痛苦上面。德行在于把个人利益和公共利益结合起来。主张社会契约论,但反对卢梭的自然状态论。认为人不能独自使自己幸福,社会对于人的幸福是有益的和必要的。(冯契等,2000:438)他说当人们汇聚在一起而谋求社会生活时,或公开或默契地制订一个公约。按照这个公约,他们规定彼此服务,互不侵害。为了限定人遵守自己的义务,因而制订法律。法律是社会意志的总和。在法律面前,所有社会成员一律平等。在政治方面,霍尔巴赫主张开明政治。他认为不管君主、领袖,还是立法者,都应该是社会意志的传达者和执行者。政府从社会借得权力,必须为社会成员的福利服务。君主应该服从法律,而不是法律服从君主。霍尔巴赫用了大量篇幅批判封建专制制度。但他寄希望于一个开明的君主或一个好的政府,强调英雄人物在历史上的作用,表现了历史唯心主义倾向。(《社会体系》.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E3%80%8A%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A%E7%9A%84%E4%BD%93%E7%B3%BB%E3%80%8B)


[1] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000.
[2] 《社会体系》.via: http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E3%80%8A%E7%A4%BE%E4%BC%9A%E7%9A%84%E4%BD%93%E7%B3%BB%E3%80%8B


1. 批判No. 2大喊大叫,说什么现在已经谈不到政治,哲学已经完蛋;它决心要用“幻想的”、“乌托邦的”之类的言辞来清除社会体系和社会运动,——难道所有这一切不正是上面已经说过的范畴“走远些”、“走得还不够远”等等的批判的修正版吗?而它的“标准”,如“历史”、“批判”、“对象的综合”、“新的和旧的”、“批判和群众”、“观点的研究”,总之,它的一切口号,难道不是从范畴中,而且是从抽象范畴即标准中产生出来的吗!?——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:203

1. The exclamations of Criticism No. 2 that it is no longer a question of politics, that philosophy is done away with, and its dismissal of social systems and developments by means of words like “fantastic”, “utopian”, etc. —what is all that if not a Critically revised version of “proceeding” and “not going far enough”? And are not its “measures”, such as “History”, “Criticism”, “summing up of objects”, “the old and the new”, “Criticism and Mass”, “investigation of standpoints” —in a word, are not all its catchwords categorical measures and abstractly categorical ones at that!? -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 159.


例句 1:
Chinese civil society system is the new phenomenon in social domain with sole possession and obviously Chinese characteristic; Chinese civil society system stratification is the unique phenomenon in the civil society historical development, is the most important change and the most tremendous progress Since reform and open policy in the Chinese society domain.

例句 2:
I hypothesis that China is merging contemporary international society after the Cold War, China, as a regional power should be responsible for regional interests, by doing so, we could accumulate national strength for the ready to be a big power in the world.

例句 3:
This thesis aims to analyze Jack London’s identity construction from the New Historicist perspective which argues that one’s identity construction should be subject to the influence of the social network. It probes into London's life experience, literary creation, his masterpiece The Call of the Wild an





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