

字词 第一次工业革命


the Industrial Revolution


Industrial Revolution. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Industrial_Revolution


第一次工业革命是指18世纪从英国发起的技术革命,时间约为18世纪60年代至19世纪70年代,持续了一个多世纪,它是世界技术发展史上的一次伟大革命,它开创了一个以机器代替手工劳动的新时代。这不仅是一次技术改革,更是一场深刻的社会变革。第一次工业革命是以工作机的诞生而开始的,以蒸汽机作为动力机被广泛使用为标志的,蒸汽机、纺织机、轮船、蒸汽机车等相继被发明,并迅速投入使用,人类进入了蒸汽时代。这一次技术革命和与之相关的社会关系的变革,被称为第一次工业革命或者产业革命。第一次工业革命发生后,不久便扩展到欧洲其它国家和地区。1789年,法国爆发了大革命,为资本主义工业化扫除了障碍,创造了条件。此后,德国、美国、俄国、日本等国也纷纷加入工业革命的行列,至19世纪末,这些国家先后都完成了工业革命。英国由于率先完成了工业革命,成为当时最富有和强大的国家,有“世界工厂”之称。第一次工业革命中,工厂制代替了手工工场,机器生产代替了手工劳动。它是深远而巨大的,从社会关系来说,工业革命使依附于落后生产方式的自耕农阶级消失了,工业资产阶级和工业无产阶级形成和壮大起来(via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5402951-5640637.html)。它大大加强了世界各地之间的联系,改变了世界的面貌,最终确立了资产阶级对世界的统治地位。


via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5402951-5640637.html


1. 从历史的角度看,卢卡奇对400多年来阶级意识的发展和局限性作了精辟的阐述。他认为,阶级意识本身只能随着工业革命出现,因为只有那时,阶级才变成民族的实体,阶级意识才由于资产阶级和无产阶级的两极分化而变得“更纯”——尽管发达资本主义社会日益家具的变动性和复杂性明显地给最终的阶级概念的界定造成一些困难。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:167

1. Historically, Lukács gave an excellent account of the development and limitations of class consciousness over the previous four centuries and claimed that class consciousness proper only emerged with the Industrial Revolution because only then did classes become national entities and consciousness become ‘purer’ with the polarisation of the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, although the growing mobility and complexity of developed capitalist society would obvious create difficulties for this last conception. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx An Introduction, 1998: 175.

2. 前几天,我看了一份材料,说“机器人革命”有望成为“第三次工业革命”的一个切入点和重要增长点,将影响全球制造业格局,而且我国将成为全球最大的机器人市场。国际机器人联合会预测,“机器人革命”将创造数万亿美元的市场。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:120

2. A few days ago, I read an article which argued that the Third Industrial Revolution would be a Robot Revolution. It asserted that robots would change the pattern of the global manufacturing industry, and China would become the world’s largest robot market. The International Federation of Robotics predicted that the Robot Revolution would create a market value of trillions of US dollars. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 133.


例句 1:
At that time the social experience of enlightenment movement and utopian socialism, especially German criticism philosophy had a greater impact on Marx, great changes had taken place in society after the first industrial revolution, times call for revolutionary theory, the theory of revolution inevitable also conceived in the call of their theory of the times.

例句 2:
Scientific Societies played key role in English scientific life in the first Industrial Revolution. 

例句 3:
The handicraft industry, the first industrial revolution, the second industrial revolution and the third industrial revolution led to four global supply-side structural adjustments in succession, and then brought about the rise and fall of hegemony in Holland, the United Kingdom and the United States, which were the leading states of the industrial revolutions.





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