

字词 科学的经验主义


the scientific empiricism


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001: 724.
[2] Charles W. Morris bibliography. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_W._Morris_bibliography


科学的经验主义是莫里斯对自己哲学的命名。他认为逻辑实证主义和实用主义这两种哲学思潮都继承了英国的经验主义传统(金炳华,冯契,2001:724),实用主义者重视对生物的和社会的规范的研究,逻辑实证主义者强调对语言的逻辑分析,二者从本质上相互补充。莫里斯创立的“科学的经验主义”是把逻辑实证主义、实用主义和传统的经验主义三者取长补短地结合起来的成果,它包括两个主要内容:指号学和价值学(余源培,2009:183)。指号学分为语形学、语义学和语用学,“语用学”是莫里斯从“实用主义”(pragmatism)一词中造出来的(涂纪亮,2007:141)。科学的经验主义是美国逻辑学家和实用主义代表莫里斯的论文,在《逻辑实证主义、实用主义和科学的经验主义》一书中首次提出,1938年出版,后被收入《统一科学国际百科全书》(International Encyclopedia of Unified Science)第1卷第1-5号。文中认为,实验科学方法的发展是西方文明的最重要的理智贡献。实验科学使理性主义和经验主义成为互相补充的组成部分。莫里斯宣称科学经验主义愿意并且能够在它考虑的范围内容纳科学事业本身所包含的一切,并且容纳科学事业对于人类其他兴趣的意义。它是根据科学方法和结果而定义的,而不依赖于关于经验的“精神”性质的心理学理论。元科学(meta science)是把科学经验主义应用于科学的结果(夏基松,1987:343)。


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 余源培.哲学辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2009.
[3] 涂纪亮.美国哲学史(第二卷)[M].社会科学文献出版社,2007.
[4] 夏基松.现代西方哲学辞典[Z].安徽人民出版社,1987.


1. 施蒂纳批判费尔巴哈的“类”本质是对的,但他的根本错误不仅仅在于他指认了利己主义的个人,马克思恩格斯新世界观的基础当然也不是恩格斯在1844年11月19日致马克思的信里所说的,只要“从经验主义和唯物主义出发”,“从个别物中引伸出普遍物”就行了,而在于真正摆脱后来马克思恩格斯所讲的“非历史主义的抽象”,从而客观地进入历史的现实的具体的社会情境。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009: 328

1. Stirner’s critique of Feuerbach’s “species” essence is correct. However, his fundamental error was not only in his discussion of egotistical individuals; of course, the basis of the new worldview of Marx and Engels was not, as Engels wrote to Marx on November 19, 1844, merely“ starting from empiricism and materialism,” “deducing generalities from particularities,” but rather in breaking out of what Marx and Engels called “ahistorical abstraction,” thus objectively entering the real, concrete circumstances of society. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 233.

2. 所以,我们党内的主观主义有两种:一种是教条主义,一种是经验主义。他们都是只看到片面,没有看到全面。如果不注意,如果不知道这种片面性的缺点,并且力求改正,那就容易走上错误的道路。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:777

2. Thus, there are two kinds of incomplete knowledge, one is readymade knowledge found in books and the other is knowledge that is mostly perceptual and partial; both are one-sided. Only an integration of the two can yield knowledge that is sound and relatively complete. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 41.


例句 1:
This paper, inquiring three questions concerning the philosophical origin of pragmatics from Morris, holds that the concept “pragmatics” put forward by Morris is but a by-product of his philosophical pursuit of scientific experientialism, and that the founding of pragmatics as an independent linguistic sub-discipline cannot have been advanced ahead of 1970-80s as a result of Morris’ initiative in this respect, both due to the philosophical meaning-theory nature of Morris’ “semiotic” and the actual development of western philosophy and western linguistics at that time.

例句 2:
First of all, philosophically speaking, Morris' semiotics and its components have deep roots in his scientific empiricism. Secondly, the three consisting branches of Morris' semiotics, syntactics, semantics and pragmatics, respectively and wholly benefit from Carnap’s logical syntax, Ogden and Richard's empiricist semantics, and Peircean pragmatic sem





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