

字词 信息不对称


asymmetric information; information asymmetry


[1] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994:436.
[2] Asymmetric Information.via:http://www.investopedia.com/terms/a/asymmetricinformation.asp
[3] Information asymmetry.via:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Information_asymmetry


http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/default_result.aspx) 。




1. 投资一现金流敏感性研究是当前投资理论研究的主流方向之一。当前针对这一问题的研究还存在着诸多争议,其中公司融资约束程度的度量问题是争论的焦点。本文借鉴市场微观结构理论中的信息不对称指标PIN值作为融资约束的代理指标,研究发现:信息不对称水平越高,则公司的投资支出越低。进一步的检验发现,信息不对称水平较高的公司,其投资一现金流敏感性也较高,并且信息不对称导致的融资约束与投资一现金流敏感性的关系并不是线性的。本文的研究不仅体现了新的研究视角、方法和思路,丰富了投资一现金流敏感性领域的相关文献,而且可以为我国资本市场的完善和企业的投融资决策提供参考。——《信息不对称、融资约束与投资—现金流敏感性——基于市场微观结构理论的实证研究》,2011:105

1. Investment-cash flow sensitivity is one of the main topics in investment theory research. Currently, the hottest debates are how to measure the financial constraint and what the relationship between financial constraint and cash-flow sensitivity is. We use PIN, which is a direct measurement for information asymmetry, as the measurement of financial constraint. This measurement is based on microstructure theory and calculated by using high-frequency data from capital market. Our analyses prove that the higher the information asymmetry is, the lower firm investment will be. Further we also find the higher the information asymmetry is, the higher investment-cash flow sensitivity will be, namely higher financial constraint would bring higher investment-cash flow sensitivity. We also exam the monotonicity between investment-cash flow sensitivity and financial constraint, which shows that there is an unmonotonicity relationship between financial constraint and investment-cash flow sensitivity. -Quoted from Information Asymmetry and Investment-Cash Flow Sensitivity: An Empirical Research Based on Market Microstructure Theory, 2011: 117.


例句 1:
在将信息不对称划分为内部人和外部人之间以及知情交易者和非知情交易者之间的基础上, 借鉴金融市场微观结构和财务学的相关理论成果测度这两类信息不对称,使用中国上市公司的数据,考察了这两类信息不对称与企业资本结构的关系"结果表明,两类信息不对称程度越高,杠杆水平越低;前者对杠杆的影响程度在小公司中更强,而后者对杠杆的作用效果在大公司中更强"此外,股权分置改革在某种程度上降低了前者的影响程度,而提升了后者的作用效果"这表明,我国资本市场的主要问题可能已由原先的内部人和外部人之间的利益冲突,转变为知情投资者和非知情投资者之间的利益冲突"。——“ 信息不对称、异质性交易与企业资本结构的决定”, 载于《山西财经大学学报》, 2012年02期
This paper divides the information asymnwtry into two categories, i.e. the information asymmetry between insider and outsider and the information asymmetry between informed investor and uninformed investor. On the basis of China s listed companies, the paper explores the relationship between these two kinds of informatiyn asymmetry and capital structure by employing the research results of market microstructure theories and corporate finance theories. The results show that, the higher these two kinds Of informa— lion asymmetry, the higher the financial leverage. The effect of the former is stronger in small companies and the effect of the latter is stronger in large companies. Furthermore, the non—tradable shares reform lower the effect of the former and enhance the effect of the latter. This means the main problem of Chinese capital market has transferred fmrn the conflict between insider and outsider to the conflict between informed investor and uninformed i





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