

字词 信访制度


the system for handling complains in the form of letters and visits from the public


[1] 范愉.申诉机制的救济功能与信访制度改革[J].中国法学,2014(4):199.
[2] 冯仕政.国家政权建设与新中国信访制度的形成及演变[J].社会学研究,2012(4):242.
[3] 吴超.新中国六十年信访制度的历史考察[J].中共党史研究,2009(11):46.
[4] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 482.






1. 信访制度是中国特有的社会主义政治制度之一,创建于新中国成立伊始,1957年正式形成。此后,随着国家政治经济的发展,经历了信访情势的变化与制度调整、 信访制度的破坏与以特殊方式的开展、 信访制度恢复重建以及信访制度的功能转换和制度完善四个阶段。当前,信访制度发展进入一个新阶段,信访工作是构建社会主义和谐社会的基础性工作,是党的群众工作的重要组成部分,是以改善民生为重点的社会建设的重要内容。——“新中国六十年信访制度的历史考察”,载于《中共党史研究》2009年第11期46页

1. The system for handling complaints in the form of letters and visits from the public is a socialist system characteristic of China beginning on the founding of New China and taking shape in 1957. Then it underwent four stages changes in the situation and institutional adjustments destruction of the system and its continuation in a special way, its restoration and reconstruction, and functional change and institutional improvement. The work handling complaints from the public is an aspect of groundwork for building a socialist harmonious society, an important component part of the Party’s mass work and a vital content of social development focusing on the improvement people’s livelihood. -Quoted from A Historical Investigation of Sixty Years of the System for Handling Complaints in the Form of Letters and Visits from the Public in New China, 2009: 46.


例句 1:
The complaint appeal system has been emphasized by various countries in the world, and has been developed into a new type of ADR and expanded to different industries. As a new social governance model, it develops and surpasses traditional system, ideal, process and technical. As same complaint appeal system, China’s petition system is facing many crises.

例句 2:
本文旨在从国家政权建设的角度讨论新中国信访制度形成及演变的历史过程和规律。研究发现,信访制度是中国共产党根据群众路线而创立的。根据群众路线, 信访工作有社会动员和冲突化解两个基本内容,并应做到二者的有机统一。但在信访实践中, 国家在不同历史时期总是偏重其中一个方面,并相应形成社会动员和冲突化解这样两种信访工作取向。1978年以前,在社会动员取向主导下,信访制度建设趋于革命化,结果造成国家社会动员与民众利益诉求之间的严重对立。——“国家政权建设与新中国信访制度的形成及演变”,载于《社会学研究》2012年第4期
Looking from the angle of state building, this paper aims to explain the installation and evolution, as well as the logic of institutional change of China’s xinfang system since 1949 as an outcome of the state- building process. It argues that born from the state’s political ideology of “mass line”, the xinfang system was conceived to be able to achieve two fundamental purposes, that is, to mobilize the society for political ends, and to resolve societal grievances. Though xinfang work is required to integrate and





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