

字词 信息化


informationization; application of information technology; information technology application


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 125, 134, 218.




[1] 朱帅军等.从三个层次深刻把握信息化的内涵——关于“信息化”概念的新探讨[J].中国教育信息化,2008(11).
[2] 刘树成.现代经济词典[Z].江苏人民出版社,2005.


1. 中国发展形势总的是好的。中国在今后相当长时期仍处于发展上升期,工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化带来巨大国内市场空间,社会生产力基础雄厚,生产要素综合优势明显,体制机制不断完善。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:113

1. China has maintained sound overall economic development. Its growth will continue in the foreseeable future as industrialization, informationization, urbanization and agricultural modernization greatly expand the domestic market. The basics of our social productive forces remain solid, our advantages in productive factors are obvious, and our management and control systems and mechanisms continue to improve. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 125.

2. 经过多年努力,我国科技整体水平大幅提升,一些重要领域跻身世界先进行列,某些领域正由“跟跑者”向“并行者”、“领跑者”转变。我国进入了新型工业化、信息化、城镇化、农业现代化同步发展、并联发展、叠加发展的关键时期,给自主创新带来了广阔发展空间、提供了前所未有的强劲动力。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:121

2. Years of painstaking efforts have resulted in great progress for China in science and technology, and China has entered the advanced ranks in the world in some important fields. In certain fields, it has become a “forerunner” or “parallel runner” instead of a “follower.” China has entered a vital period, when new industrialization, application of information technology, urbanization and agricultural modernization are forging ahead simultaneously, in parallel or interactively. This has created ample space and an unprecedentedly strong momentum for independent innovation. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 134.

3. 网络安全和信息化是事关国家安全和国家发展、事关广大人民群众工作生活的重大战略问题,要从国际国内大势出发,总体布局,统筹各方,创新发展,努力把我国建设成为网络强国。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:197

3. Cyber security and information technology application are major strategic issues concerning the security and development of the country, and the work and life of the people. We should, based on both the international and domestic situations, make overall plans, coordinate all related parties, promote innovative development, and work hard to build China into a cyberpower. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 218.


例句 1:
It is an important part in the information construction of our country that sharing the information resources of the E-government together.

例句 2:
Marxism is a scientific world outlook and methodology,it is also used as a powerful ideological weapon to transform the world. In today's information technology, globalization, social and historical era, it still has a very extensive and profound influence, and the exertion of this influence depends on the masses' understanding of the extent and level of the Marxist theory. So the popularization of Marxism came into being, the process of Marxism becoming concrete, popular, easy-to-accept by the masses is the process of the popularization of Marxism. In the information age, the speed and the way of information dissemination have





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