

字词 信任危机


the crisis of confidence


[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1688.
[2] Presidency of Jimmy Carter. via:






1. 在该书中,列宁毫无新的建树,而只是力图重申1894年以前那个时期普列汉诺夫的正统学说,以反对新近的发展趋势;该书丝毫未透露不再信任群众的情绪,而仅仅旨在弥补“领导者落后于群众自发高潮”的流弊。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:87

1. So far from being innovatory, Lenin was out to reassert the Plekhanov orthodoxy of the pre-1894 period against later development; and so far from revealing a break of confidence in the masses, the book was designed to remedy ‘the lag of the leaders behind the spontaneous upsurge of the masses’. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 94.

2. 比方说,在武汉,军队就积极主动地镇压了一个造反派组织,该组织还获得了威震全国的中央文革委员会的支持。这种混乱局面原本只有靠周恩来的亲自干预才可平息。然而,总的说来,林彪领导下的人民解放军享有毛泽东的信任。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:251

2. In Wuhan, for example, the army actively suppressed the group that enjoyed the support of the influential Central Committee of the Cultural Revolution – a state of affairs that was only resolved by the personal intervention of Chou En-lai. Nevertheless, under Lin Piao, the PLA generally enjoyed Mao’s confidence. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 253.

3. 我们向一切不愿撤离河防进攻边区和不愿要求解散共产党的真正的爱国的居民党人呼吁:请你们行动起来,制止这个内战危机。我们愿意和你们合作到底,共同挽救民族于危亡。——《毛泽东选集(第三卷)》,1991:864

3. We hereby appeal to all true patriots among the Kuomintang members who do not approve of the withdrawal of the river defence forces for the purpose of attacking the Border Region and do not approve of the demand for the dissolution of the Communist Party: please act now to avert the crisis of civil war. We are willing to co-operate with you to the very end to save the nation. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 3), 1965: 129.


例句 1:
Enlightenment crisis of political trust of CPSU in Gorbachev era learned of the ruling party construction include: the scientific development in order to win political trust of the people, rely on the construction of the socialist system to resolve the political crisis of trust , a firm socialist belief.

例句 2:
Based on the ideological and political education to solve practical problems as the main line, the paper made the doctor-patient relationship of trust crisis as the research object, the ideological and political education to alleviate doctor-patient trust crisis the role as the research content and ways. In research on the basis of predecessors' achievements, the integrated use of the theory of sociology, ethics, psychology and other disciplines related content, the ideological and political education under the trust crisis to ease the doctor-patient relationship of the function and way of in-depth, depth of research.

例句 3:





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