

字词 倍倍尔


August Bebel


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engel. Marx & Engels Collected Works (Vol. 50) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2004: 25.
[2] August Bebel. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/August_Bebel


倍倍尔是德国社会民主党和第二国际领袖和创始人之一,国际共产主义运动杰出的活动家,主要著作有:《德国农民战争》、《妇女与社会主义》、《我的一生》、《基督教与社会主义》等。倍倍尔1840年出于普鲁士;1865年在李卜克内西的帮助下成为社会主义者;1866年创建萨克森人民党并加入第一国际;1867年当选为德国工人协会联合会主席,并当选北德意志联邦议会议员,在北德意志联邦议会期间,倍倍尔坚决反对俾斯麦的主张,希望通过自下而上的革命统一德意志而不是“铁血政策”;1869年8月创建德国社会民主工党;1870至1871年倍倍尔宣传和支持巴黎公社,极力反对俾斯麦的“铁血政策”;1870年12月被捕入狱;1871年进入全德国会;1872 年3月被普鲁士执政当局以“侮辱皇帝罪”判两年九个月的监禁;1875年4月获释;1879年倍倍尔在瑞士苏黎世创办党的机关报《社会民主党人报》;1884至1889年间,倍倍尔三次当选为帝国国会议员,并在国会中捍卫工人阶级的利益;1897年,倍倍尔当选为党的执行委员会主席;倍倍尔曾激烈反对侵略中国的非法战争并严厉谴责德帝国主义参与八国联军侵略中国的罪行;1913年8月13日,倍倍尔卒于瑞士格尔桑斯(倍倍尔. http://book.duxiu.com/peopleDetail.jsp?dxid=061000641585&d=0BC23AFEE771C5D92A167B4B115F23B2)。


倍倍尔. http://book.duxiu.com/peopleDetail.jsp?dxid=061000641585&d=0BC23AFEE771C5D92A167B4B115F23B2


1. 可见,格莱斯顿在这里是说,如果事实如此,他将感到悲痛,而事实确实是:实力和财富这样令人陶醉的增长完全限于有产阶级;至于准官方的《汉萨德》,马克思接着说道:“格莱斯顿先生非常明智地从事后经过炮制的他的这篇演说中删掉了无疑会使他这位英国财政大臣声誉扫地的一句话;不过,这是英国常见的议会传统,而决不是小拉斯克尔反对倍倍尔的新发明。”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:40-41

1. Thus Gladstone says here that he would be sorry if it were so, but it is so: this intoxicating augmentation of power and wealth is entirely confined to classes of property. And as to the semi-official Hansard, Marx goes on to say: “In the version which he afterwards manipulated, Mr. Gladstone was bright enough to obliterate the passage that would be certainly compromising on the lips of an English Chancellor of the Exchequer. This is, incidentally, traditional English parliamentary practice, and by no means the invention of little Lasker versus Bebel.” -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 23), 1988: 166-167.

2. 鉴于杜林、毕希纳、福格特 (Vogt)和海克尔(Haeckel)这类思想家提出的朴素唯物主义进化论观念在社会主义者中日益流行[杜林的著作在出版时曾受到伯恩施坦和倍倍尔(Bebel)的热烈欢迎],恩格斯“为了不在……党内造成派别分裂和混乱局面的新的可能”,很想技高一筹,驳倒这种进化论,于是就只好提出了一种“更高级”形式的唯物主义一元论。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:8

2. Given the increasing popularity in socialist circles of the naively materialist evolutionary concepts propounded by such thinkers as Dühring, Büchner, Vogt and Haeckel (Dühring’s work had been greeted enthusiastically on publication by Bernstein and Bebel), Engel was tempted to outbid them ‘in order to prevent a new occasion for sectarian divisions and confusion from developing within the Party’, and thus merely offer a ‘superior’ form of materialist monism. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 10-11.


例句 1:
August·Bebel was a great proletarian politician and activist, he was the first to use the Marxist views on women to discuss women’s emancipation.

例句 2:
The second part discusses the theory of Marxism in Germany, the development of women, mainly as the application of Marxist theory of women who Bebel, Zetkin women’s liberation.

例句 3:
Bebel’s study showed that women in the early human society had high status which is closely related to their knowledge and predictive power.





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