

字词 信访


to seek help from governmental authorities by presenting complaints / petitions in the form of letters and visits


[1] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 482.
[2] 国务院信访条例. via: http://www.gjxfj.gov.cn/2006-03/07/content_6399309.htm






1. 司法改革是这次全面深化改革的重点之一。全会决定提出了一系列相互关联的新举措,包括改革司法管理体制,推动省以下地方法院、检察院人财物统一管理,探索建立与行政区划适当分离的司法管辖制度;健全司法权力运行机制,完善主审法官、合议庭办案责任制,让审判者裁判、由裁判者负责;严格规范减刑、假释、保外就医程序;健全错案防止、纠正、责任追究机制,严格实行非法证据排除规则;建立涉法涉诉信访依法终结制度;废止劳动教养制度,完善对违法犯罪行为的惩治和矫正法律,等等。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:83

1. Judicial reform is one of the key points in continuing the reform comprehensively. The Decision puts forward a series of new and related measures in the following aspects: reform of the judicial management system, unification of the management of staff, funds and properties of courts and procuratorates at and below the provincial level and exploration of ways to establish a judicial jurisdiction system that is appropriately separated from the administrative divisions; improvement of the mechanism for the use of judicial power; improvement of the responsibility system for handling cases by the presiding judge and the collegiate bench, by which the judges hand down verdicts and the collegiate bench is responsible for carrying them out; strict regulation of the procedures of sentence commutation, release on parole and medical parole; improvement of the mechanism for preventing and correcting wrong cases and the accountability system, and strict implementation of the rule banning illegal evidence; establishment of a system for settling complaints involving law violations and lawsuits made in the form of letters and visits in accordance with the law; and abolition of the re-education through labor system, and improvement of laws for the punishment and correction of unlawful and criminal acts. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 92.

2. 到福州后,他建立了领导干部下访接待群众制度,走遍福州五区八县。他曾经带领福州市区领导,两天接待逾700位来访群众,当场拍板、限期解决近200件问题。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:431

2. When working as Party secretary of Fuzhou, capital of Fujian Province, he took the lead in the country in establishing a system for officials to meet petitioners face to face. He introduced the same system in other places where he served later. At one point he and other senior officials in Fuzhou met with more than 700 petitioners in two days, and solved many of their problems on the spot or set a time limit to find solutions. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 482.

3. 而在现实生活中,法治权威不够、有法不依、执法不严、违法不究、司法不公、徇私枉法以及信访不信法等现象依然存在。可以说,现在比以往任何时候都更加需要发挥法治在国家治理和社会管理中的重要作用,比以往任何时候都更加需要国家机关、社会组织、全体人民在推进依法治国进程中共同参与、共同建设、共同享有。——《学习习近平总书记重要讲话》,2013:52

3. But in reality, our laws are still lacking in authority, and people sometimes would not abide by the laws. The law enforcement has yet to be perfected. Bending the laws for the benefit of relatives or friends can still be seen in our society. And many people still prefer seeking help from the central authorities instead of the laws. It could be said that we need law to play an important role in the governing of our country and society more than ever. -Quoted from The Ideological Banner for the Development of Contemporary China – On General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Significant Instruction on the “Chinese Dream”, 2015: 41.


例句 1:
In this paper, sources and courses of Letters and Visits are traced, being regarded as the perspective and basis ,interpretation of ancient Chinese law culture according to ancient Letters and Visits and the interpretation of modern Chinese law culture according to the modern Letters and Visits are undertaken respectively so as to deepened the understanding of Chinese law culture.

例句 2:
Letter-and-call is an important task of the Party and the government, and it plays an irreplaceable particular role in keeping abreast of public feeling, maintaining close relations between the masses and the Party and the government, widely heading the opinion of the masses, promoting socialist democratic construction, implementing public supervision, pushing building an honest and clean party and government forward, etc.

例句 3:
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