

字词 德里达


Jacques Derrida


[1] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z]. 上海辞书出版社,2003:1061.
[2] Jacque Derrida. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacques_Derrida


雅克·德里达(1930年7月15日—2004年10月8日),法国哲学家,是20世纪下半期最重要的法国思想家之一,西方解构主义的代表人物,法国著名的哲学家。1930年,德里达出生在法属殖民地阿尔及利亚郊区的一个犹太人家庭。大约20岁时,他考入“法国哲学家的摇篮”——巴黎高等师范学院,并留在这里进行教学和研究。他受教于梅洛-庞蒂、阿尔都塞和福柯等人,也深入研究过胡塞尔、海德格尔的现象学,受索绪尔影响的法国结构主义、马克思主义、弗洛伊德和拉康的精神分析学说,以及萨特、巴塔耶、布朗肖的文学等等。后来,这些人大多成为他的解构对象。1983年起,德里达任巴黎高等社会科学研究院研究主任,还是国际哲学学院创始人和第一任院长,法兰西公学名誉教授。德里达的思想在上世纪60年代以后掀起了巨大波澜,成为欧美知识界最有争议性的人物。他的理论动摇了整个传统人文科学的基础,也是整个后现代思潮最重要的理论源泉之一。主要代表作有《论文字学》(1967年)、《声音与现象》(1967年)、《书写与差异》(1967年)、《散播》(1972年)、《哲学的边缘》、《立场》(1972年)、《丧钟》(1974)、《人的目的》(1980年)、《胡塞尔现象学中的起源问题》(1990)、《马克思的幽灵》(1993)、《与勒维纳斯永别》(1997)、《文学行动》等(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=g3AgxWQRNA60QumMCqY_0Ho6M_8AOqWseyufSKs1dBgucvIFwLG8VMCtIcGwHumP_dfkA12V3_yoM-VlG8dG0hxwDKu09i4FjjJKhF1_v6bC7u0wI-Up6R2oFkbh0Qd_Ifz8eVUGTmLUi1GnxPKbjw1vemiSW_dCwxx2QZz3-Qm)。


via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=g3AgxWQRNA60QumMCqY_0Ho6M_8AOqWseyufSKs1dBgucvIFwLG8VMCtIcGwHumP_dfkA12V3_yoM-VlG8dG0hxwDKu09i4FjjJKhF1_v6bC7u0wI-Up6R2oFkbh0Qd_Ifz8eVUGTmLUi1GnxPKbjw1vemiSW_dCwxx2QZz3-Qm


1. 我们将从拉克劳和墨菲的长期学术轨迹来分析关于《霸权与社会主义战略》的争论的背景,追溯他们对卢森堡、葛兰西、阿尔都塞和德里达等理论家所欠下的思想债务——他们在这木极为重要的著作发表前后的一系列著作已经表明了这一债务。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:20

1. The debate over Hegemony and Socialist Strategy will be contextualised within the longer-term career trajectories of Laclau and Mouffe, tracing their debt to such thinkers as Luxemburg, Gramsci, Althusser and Derrida, as expressed in a series of works both before and after that crucially significant volume. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 12.

2. 由于预先想到了德里达关于马克思是“复数的”(《马克思的幽灵》)的主张,我们这里提出了一个假设,即马克思主义的持续相关性取决于它不存在那种统一性,取决于它激发出多种解释的能力。对一个解构主义者而言,这不过是说出显而易见的事实:就语言符号的断裂性质而言,文本除了带来多重的解释还能够做什么呢?然而,对一个经典的马克思主义者来说,这就是追求异端邪说。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:20

2. Prefiguring Derrida’s insistence on Marx as ‘plural’ (Specters of Marx), we have here the hypothesis that Marxism’s continuing relevance depends on its very lack of unity, its capacity to inspire multiple interpretations. To a deconstructionist this is no more than stating the obvious: given the fractured nature of the linguistic sign, what else can texts do but invite multiple interpretation? To a classical Marxist, however, this is to court heresy. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 13.

3. 并不是每个人都这么疏远多元主义的理想。数年之后,德里达在《马克思的幽灵》中呼吁一种多元论的马克思主义时赞许地引用了拉克劳和墨菲所树立的榜样。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:59

3. Not that everyone was so alienated by the idea of pluralism. Some years after the event Derrida approvingly cited the example set by Laclau and Mouffe in his plea for a pluralist Marxism in Specters of Marx. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 38.


例句 1:
Derrida is the represent of the leading philosophy, his ideas after 1960s produced a huge impact, and it made him the most controversial figures in intellectuals.

例句 2:
As a representative of Deconstruction, Jacques Derrida published a number of works, such as his three representatives, Of Grammatology, Sound and phenomena and Writing and Difference. All his albums and Collections had a significant influence on theories.

例句 3:
Deconstruction has involved itself in constant disputes since its occurrence in the latter half of 20th century. However, its influence has also been extended in both the disputes between deconstructionists and those against it and even disputes within deconstructionists.





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